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The TavernAll topics and conversation without a proper category welcome13150
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Support ForumNeed help with the site? Want to help others with problems? Post here.13390
News and FeedbackNews and discussions on existing and future site features.1854
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GamesDicussion about any and all types of games.21928
QuestsDiscuss earning Quests on the site.328
Forum GamesPlay forum games with other Armor Games users!7919
Game WalkthroughsGaming master? Write up a game tutorial and teach others your secrets.2907
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WEPRWorld Events, Politics, and Religion. Only topics related to world events, politics and religion (things going on in the real world) are welcome here. Forum rules still apply -- keep debates friendly and clean!5040
Popular MediaMovies, Music, and Art. Share your opinions on popular media here!5832
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Programming ForumDiscuss anything related to programming.1916
Art, Music, and WritingPost your original Art, Music, and Writing here. No obscene material allowed.3308