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There are thousands if not 10s of thousands of comments on games. The small administration can not read through every page of comments to find all of the good ones. Some users who have posted great comments may never be rewarded if they are not found. So go ahead and help out by pointing out good comments!

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Here's one I found:
Goblins Heart
Left by Secret Secretary
Pretty good. I liked the upgrading system after every level, that's what kept me going. The fighting system was awkward. I think the biggest problem is that when you get hurt, the hurting animation lasts way too long before you recover. It also got very hard after a while. My feelings were a mixture of frustration and fun, and sometimes a bit of boredom.

  • 16 Replies
376 posts

Well the main point of moderators isn`t to give merits so the site doesn`t really need more now.

Showing 16-16 of 16