ForumsGamesFallout New Vegas

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8 posts

I know this game has been out for quite a while, but I have noticed that people write negatively about it. I don't see why. The game is magnificent with a great number of quests. This Western RPG makes for a great game. Let me hear what you think about it.

  • 18 Replies
1,255 posts

I LUV new vegas :P it rocks ! i mean havnt played the 3rd and 2nd and 1st but from the vids i have seen ( the 3rd is the best !! I MEAN OPERATION AN..... (how do we spell that ??) is a great dlc and oh librety prime was just awesome !!!!!) anyways ! i love the game ! i have finished it about 8 times and i am now playing it with mods it is really fun oh i love the NCR they are the best and i love the quest you help the bright followers and i love the Tesla weapon thingy i think it was Tesla Beacon ! and oh i love the NCR vet Rangers ! they rule ! and oh i love bone he is cool and awesome ! his red barret is rocking

1,810 posts

help the bright followers

Do you help them? I sabotage the rockets, change the location, and convert the human helper. Lolz I don't think they made it.
69 posts

Oh, oh god. I hope they're a troll, because if they're not, I just lost all hope in humanity, or at least the gaming community.

But back to Fallout.
Personally, I had never touched Tactics before a couple months ago. I had played 3 and NV on the 360, maxing both of them out and pumping somewhere around 200 hours into each including DLC's, and 1 and 2 on the computer, never quite finishing them but enjoying them immensely nonetheless. Then I broke my monitor (it was an accident, I promise!), and didn't feel like buying a new one. So I started to look for old-school games to play on my backup netbook. First ones that came to mind were FO1 and 2. I found a package deal on PirateBay for both of those as well as Tactics, so I said what the hell, and got it. I have now played through it once, and can firmly say that I thought it was a great concept, and it should have been revisited. But it was a pretty crappy game, and the storyline wasn't even canon. So I can understand your frustration with it.

Back to NV.
The thing that got me most excited about NV was hardcore mode. I mean, what kind of post-apocalypse game are you makin' if it ain't got survival elements? My playthrough that I maxed it on was hardcore mode with very hard difficulty. Probably broke eight controllers doin' it. But I pulled it off. And Lonesome Road was my favorite DLC. It actually gave the courier a life story, and the way you start to realize that people have been giving you hints towards the conclusion of the courier's story is awesome. Oh, yeah. And all dat Ranger Armor. So much. Ranger Armor. Kitted out every companion in it. Felt like a boss. An NCR Desert Ranger boss.

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