Right now we have a viking in the office and frog acrobat trainer.
Can you tell us who they are?
I don't do anything for Halloween. There aren't any parties I am going to this year and I haven't gone trick or treating since 4th grade. The best costume I have seen is Captain Hammer.
Well, at purim i made a group costume of pacman, a cardinal {i got to walk on school with dress! [cardinal put peoples to death for doing so right?]}, a kkk {as one of the groups they hate, i think im allowed to}.
A tip - something from a movie/tv or something mainstream is never a good way to get the best one and the one you will like to wear. Make something creative.
Sandy for say {the spongebob one} can be nice with the news refference.
another thing i say on the interntz is dress in a formal suit. BUT! wear gloves, and stick on of the gloves to one of your sleeves, so it will became a fake hand.
with your real hiding hand grab a alien/heart and etc., so you can make it pup out of your belly. if you goona welcome some trick or threat kids, using Ketchup as blood can be used, with more preparation. they wont take any candies!
oh oh and another thing - dress as drug user lance armstrong. wear a yellow shirt, a bike helmet, a tiny bikes, and - you know these cheap Syringes which used with chocklate fondu and stuffs like that? made of cheap plastic? put in them diffrunte kind of drinks, dont even fil them - that will make you an attraction! fell some with lemons, some with beer, some with salt water, things like that. so they will be colorfull. you will sting lance and also get a good costum with cheap price!
my halloween costume: picture a guy with a medium shredded Jason's mask (the guy from Firday the 13th) with a pair of red plastic demon hands a large plastic axe a white shirt with blood (actually ketchup) on it with some dusty worn boots.