ForumsGamesWhat is the Video Game you despise most?

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74 posts

Which Video game do you despise most? Any game, for any system. I personally would have to say Mario. Nothing pisses me off more than having to play the same recycled crap over an over and over. I hated Secret Agent Clank, of Ratchet and Clank fame, equally, because it had terrible minigames and was worse than Size Matters.

  • 82 Replies
83 posts

Yeah because their is no recoil in CoD right? No attachments, or difference in stats. There is at least 15 attachments for each gun in BO2 and are all new guns. Now MW2 into MW3 is the exception...that was a terrible sequel.

New additions like attachments and guns in a shooter, especially CoD, should already be in a sequel. No questions asked.

What about something that's already new, that's actually innovative for it's series? And no, zombies and the weapons don't count.
2,739 posts

Killersup was once forced to play a game called &quotrincess kingdom" for the game boy...Killersup shutters just trying to remember it. Although it was extremely stupid plot, it was actually really difficult.... :P

5,956 posts

What about something that's already new, that's actually innovative for it's series? And no, zombies and the weapons don't count.

*sigh* There shall always be CoD haters who say its the same thing, even though they added a butt load of new stuff in BO2 and the fact that it takes place in 2025.
I always question why people spend there time commenting on CoD videos saying it sucks and things like that....

Another game I despise? The new pokemons. Even though I havent played them (havent bought them, dont know where my ds is) I despise them. Some of the new ones are plain stupid.... Its weird with the "3D" stuff too.
83 posts

There shall always be CoD haters who say its the same thing, even though they added a butt load of new stuff in BO2 and the fact that it takes place in 2025.
I always question why people spend there time commenting on CoD videos saying it sucks and things like that....

I hate CoD, yeah. The thing is, I actually have valid reasons.

Please name the "butt load" of new stuff in the game that isn't already expected in a new sequel in a series?

The game takes place in the future? Try Deus Ex, or Mass Effect, or maybe even Fallout. The time and a setting may be a change, but that should already be expected in a series like CoD.

Here's one example:
In Assassin's Creed III, they really upgraded the engine, and re-worked the combat system and climbing mechanics. Let alone the Naval Warfare feature.

The new setting and timeframe is expected.
212 posts

we've explained why we hate CoD. what is your valid reason for liking it? What features do you like about it? How is it better than other games? If you name features I can probably point you towards other games with them. I have high expectations for AC3, I've heard alot about it and it has alot to live upto because of it's predescors. I also have to say I was theroughly dissapointed with dragon's dogma, it just wasn't how I hoped it would turn out, it was fun the first few hours but it failed to hold my attention.

9,808 posts

I think it's kinda sad these sports games, why play it on a console when you can live it with your friends outside? Unless you are permanent injured like my dad then why play them.

Don't know why I didn't get to this before...

I play sports games...actually I just play baseball ones (MLB The Show)..and not because I have an injury. I play it because it is fun to delve into that experience of Major League play...I love baseball and would love to be able to play it professionally (even if just in the minors), but me making it to the majors is a long stretch. So games like this allow me to simulate that experience..even if it isn't exactly like it

It is like playing any other game...why play CoD when you can go into the actual army? Why play AC3 when you and your friends can just go outside and pretend to be assassins (or go outside and actually be assassins)? Why play Mario when you can go and actually become a plumber? you play them because you want that simulated experience

Now to defend pick...I'm not a fan of CoD..actually, let me rephrase that: I am not a fan of CoD's campaigns (now...I haven't played Black Ops 2 I can't make a fair judgement on it..heard they made some good changes with the campaign, though), but I love their multiplayer. The multiplayer is a great way to just game out...go into a battlefield with a group of players and go at each other..whether you want to rush in and go crazy, or sneak around and try to be tactful. Not sure if AC3 has multiplayer...but if it does I doubt it has a multiplayer experience as enjoyable as CoD (also...annoying kids does not count as a decent counter-argument..they have nothing to do with the gameplay offered by the gam)
28 posts

The only thing you can add to a sequel ect would be new features. I mean CoD is a FPS game so what else can they add? Except maybe new animations( To be honest I loved the minor things they did in battlefield like how you jump over obsticals and you actually see your legs fly out in front of you) changing much else will make it a new game. Graphics are fine, guns are fine, equipment fine, killstreaks fine. All of these main things they change or add new things to them to improve them. If they made it run on a new physics engine that would take for ever to complete. CoD has it's own unique playstyle and that's why you can tell the difference between what game your playing.
If your going to argue it doesn't add new features why don't you come up with some that are original and not used by other games.

28 posts

Oh and yes Pangtongshu AC3 does have multiplayer and your right it's not as great as CoD's. At least in my opinion. Don't get me wrong I love assassins creed. Probably more than CoD but I just don't like the multiplayer

83 posts

If your going to argue it doesn't add new features why don't you come up with some that are original and not used by other games.

That's not the point.

The point is that CoD doesn't do anything innovative for it's genre. Who expected there to be Naval Warfare in AC3? Or a Weapon's Upgrade system for SR3?
14,988 posts
Grand Duke

PES haha. I'm a FIFA player.

I also dislike Eggbert, but that was years ago. Horrible graphics even for its time, wonky controls, and an awful ''lot''.

42 posts

why the hell are you all dissing Cod obviously you all bought the **** game because its the bestselling game of all time every **** time it comes out and its really good you just cant comprehend how much work goes into making a shooting game so good, maybe it does get old but its still the best FPS available so if you really hate it stop buying it.

100 posts

honestly everyone dissing on COD must really suck at it, because if youre good then the game is really fun. the only reason to really hate the game is if youre constantly getting ****ted on by better players. which in that case return the game and get something more suited to you. leave us men to play COD

787 posts

MW3 is probably my most despised game in the planet. It recycled almost everything, corner cutting was everywhere. The Dragunov was recycled from MW2, most of the guns that you have seen from previous CoD's have almost always been copied from previous ones, graphics and animation wise; ACR aside. Also, did anyone notice anything in Bakaara? Maybe deja-vu? That's because it was Crash or whatever it was called from CoD 4 with one extra building.

The custom Gamemode maker seemed hashed together with a fire poker on a blank canvas and then painted green.

787 posts

My rant got cut off.

The campaign was piecemeal at best, the part where it turns out that Yuri is Makarov's partner from before is complete unfounded crap. It was little more than a half-assed attempt at a plot twist that they didn't even plan for before that exact moment when they remembered something similar that they saw on EVERY OTHER PLOT LINE ON THE PLANET. If you went back in MW2 instead of running around you would find no elevator with a dying Russian in it.

To make a character's death actually tragic and moving for they player, you have to make them care about the character in the first place, and that's exactly what the game didn't do. I had no feelings for any character at all by the time they started killing. Also, taunting us with and AKS-74U and not allowing us to use one outside of the campaign is a complete piss off.

Special Ops became a shadow of what it once was. The MW2 version was very good and actually made good mini-games alongside the rest of it, but in MW3 it just felt like you were re-playing the campaign with little or no variation. Survival wasn't very much better either, it brought little more than a way for people to grind away at enemies until they could only be killed by a nuclear warhead. There was no innovation on the maps, just some cheap spawn loops thrown in to entertain the idiot masses until they realized it was terrible.

The multiplayer had everything I didn't like about it. It was too easy to kill someone, the maps were way too close range, shotguns could kill you from twenty feet away, and there was no real way to enjoy yourself unless you are killing the much less fortunate. Even when you are killing there is little or no gun balance and all you do is feel bad because you have a cannon and they have a peashooter.

14,988 posts
Grand Duke

why the hell are you all dissing Cod obviously you all bought the **** game because its the bestselling game of all time every **** time it comes out and its really good you just cant comprehend how much work goes into making a shooting game so good, maybe it does get old but its still the best FPS available so if you really hate it stop buying it.

Best selling of all time is not CoD. And the best FPS of all time is not CoD, it's Doom, grandaddy of the FPS genre and a true legend.

honestly everyone dissing on COD must really suck at it, because if youre good then the game is really fun. the only reason to really hate the game is if youre constantly getting ****ted on by better players. which in that case return the game and get something more suited to you. leave us men to play COD

That made me laugh. No, running around with guns and acting all tough across the screen does not make you ''men''. It just makes you faux-machos who pose and can't hold a candle to real soldiers.

Apart from that, there are plenty of other reasons not to like CoD. The plot was unoriginal and thin at best for instance.
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