ForumsGamesWhat's Next?

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88 posts

There are lot of MMOs that are getting released yearly and it's quite disappointing to find out that most newly released MMOS are generic.

So, do you think games this year will have something special added to it?
What kind of games do you think will come out this year? or what are your predictions or wishes this 2013?

Mine is just simple. I just wish Rose Online finishes all the seven planets. Going back to it bring a lotta Nostalgia so...

i also want southpark for ps3 but that's not an mmo so nvm

  • 5 Replies
2 posts

Most of the major developers are afraid of developing mmos that are "different" because they're huge financial investments. Most MMOs that have come out recently have been flops... warhammer, rift, Aion, age of conan (rofl), LOTR... many of these games went free to play because they can't get subscribers. Thus the developers that are around play it safe and toss out generic mmos like GW2, that feels like WoW with a new skin. I despise them anyways, they generally have terrible gameplay that is based on a feeling of accomplishment that you shouldn't get getting from those types of video games. Instead of getting rewards for being skilled, they dumbed it down so all the bads and casuals can get all the rewards. The problem here is that nothing is rewarding, and everything is too easy. Everything in MMOs is handed to you on a silver platter. The only investment required is time.

I also loathe mass pvp. 200vs200 battles? That sounds absolutely terrible. I really don't understand the appeal of battles so large that you play absolutely no part in the outcome. I love small, team based pvp, because you actually matter, as opposed to being just a tiny figure that gets damage / healing channeled into them and dies in .5 seconds. What is the appeal in playing a form of pvp, that no matter what you do, has absolutely no importance? If you leave the game your team might go from a 50% chance to win to 49.8%. Yet for some reason, people keep clamoring to these obscene mob based "battles", where you can literally afk and soak in rewards. What happened to playing games, to, you know, actually play games? What's wrong with playing with 2-3 friends on an arena team where you focus on getting your rating up? Scrubs is what's wrong.

That said, I loved arena in WoW back when it was good, but it's a shadow of its former self because Blizzard has turned into a terrible company that produces mediocre games like Diablo 3.

88 posts

i would quote your whole post but it's majorly too long. XD

but it's business right? business is about taking risks. If you won't risk it, then you'll never see a result. Why are they doing business if they are soo afraid to fail?

anyway, if they don't want to make something new, the should at least listen to player suggestions and actually implement it to the game.

40 posts

I also loathe mass pvp. 200vs200 battles? That sounds absolutely terrible. I really don't understand the appeal of battles so large that you play absolutely no part in the outcome. I love small, team based pvp, because you actually matter, as opposed to being just a tiny figure that gets damage / healing channeled into them and dies in .5 seconds. What is the appeal in playing a form of pvp, that no matter what you do, has absolutely no importance? If you leave the game your team might go from a 50% chance to win to 49.8%. Yet for some reason, people keep clamoring to these obscene mob based "battles", where you can literally afk and soak in rewards. What happened to playing games, to, you know, actually play games? What's wrong with playing with 2-3 friends on an arena team where you focus on getting your rating up? Scrubs is what's wrong.

massive battles portrays the grandeur of war. participating in such huge combat and being one of the players left on the field is somehow fulfilling. some bragging rights here and there. besides, since many MMO players liked the LOTR films, this is the closest thing they could get to a real medieval style war.
88 posts

massive battles portrays the grandeur of war. participating in such huge combat and being one of the players left on the field is somehow fulfilling. some bragging rights here and there. besides, since many MMO players liked the LOTR films, this is the closest thing they could get to a real medieval style war.

true dat. but sadly, everybody has different likes and wants. there's no one game that can please everyone.
91 posts

true dat. but sadly, everybody has different likes and wants. there's no one game that can please everyone.

If there was one game that can please everyone, then not all people would be able to afford playing it. so other companies will try to make a cheaper version of this game and the cycle goes on and on and on.
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