ForumsGamesThe Last Stand: Union City, lag fixes, exploits, glitches, tricks, mini walkthrough...

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I just started playing this game a month or so ago (way late, I know), and played it for a few days. So, I finally got around to writing this guide a week or two later, because I had to, I LOVE this game. Very well made. So I decided to put together some of the best tricks I made over the last few days.

:::: Best Tips and Exploits ::::

INFINITE MONEY = AMMO / HEALTH : On the Map Screen, at the top (Red tab), you can go to the Facebook and Twitter pages to get 1000 money total, but not have to Like / Follow. (do it anyway) Just click the 2 links. Then press ESC and use âSave and Quitâ. Then Continue your file. Then do the Facebook / Twitter again. INFINITE MONEY! (warning, this activates the money achievements, donât use this at too early a level, as it can be a waste of a lot of bonus exp! because EXP doesnât overflow. But using this right, you can get good exp early too) Infinite money means, infinite ammo at the PWN shop. And Infinite Health kits.

FIXING SLOW-MO, DOES YOUR GAME SOMETIMES GET SLOW / LAGGY / HARD TO CONTROL? FIXES : This game has a bit of lag when things get too crazy. (5 zombie hoarde ambush and the bloody low health warning)

GAME OPTIONS TO FIX LAG : Set these options to help fix lag. Press ESC to enter options. Set Violence + Quality + Effects + Flashlight to LOW, Decals + Body fade to HIGH, Film Grain to OFF, Brightness to 5, and Toggle Crouch to ON. This makes it there is the least lag possible. (toggle crouch reduces game lag due to lower continued keyboard interaction with the game)

BEHAVIOR FIXES FOR LAG : how to expect lag. Donât get into LOW HP. The BLOODY SCREEN makes the game lag. Donât fight in 1 area very long. This builds up lag items on the screen from dead zombies. Fix by exiting and entering the room / street. Finally, When a bunch of zombies start falling in, when you are a high level, things will get laggy because thereâs too much going on with too many bodies on screen.

BROWSER FIXES FOR LAG : Set your browser and Plugins to HIGH priority in Task Manager (google âflash priorityâ) Also make your game window SMALL by using CONTROL and the â" key. This makes everything smaller but this also means less lag. Final option is when in an emergency, to press X, then TAB, and then use the keys: ALT + TAB to another window (have a maximized folder open) that COVERS the flash game. (you will hear the sound effects speed up) This can help fix a laggy Zombie Ambush with a bloody screen and get quick control back. The âX, TAB, ALT+TABâ acts as a pause on the game, because the game lags to open those, and then the alt+tab speeds the game up.

COMPUTER FIXES FOR LAG : Donât have videos, or youtube open, or music programs, playing or open at the same time as the game. Actually turn off all other programs when playing, but, mostly make sure you donât have video or music programs playing. Do all these tricks to help beat slow motion lag.

CHALLENGE MODE: If you need a challenge in this game, try starting a character with 1 in every stat, and 0 skills. Good tip for people who want to play this game on super hard mode and have done everything else.

MELEE IS BETTER : Melee is infinite, never misses!!, no ammo, silent (means zombies will rarely run to you as you kill its friends), blunt can knockback well, and is powerful.

STRONGEST MELEE ATTACKS : Sharpened Katata 52, Sharpened Fire Axe 46, Battle Axe 45, Katana 40, Heavy Sledge 39 (and 50% knockback!!), Chainsaw 10 (but you can attack with it very quick)

LUCK IS BEST : Luck is a great stat that makes zombies drop lots of goodies. Increases crit rate, helps break open locks, and I think helps searching in containers too! Iâve played files with low luck and with high luck, and high luck games are much more potent. I always get powerful gears early in the game! Always make your character with at least 10 luck. You will also need 10-13 strength to carry all the cool stuff you get.

ACHIEVEMENTS = LEVEL UPS : A good player will use his achievements to level up quickly. Achievements and tasks sometimes give so much EXP though that it overloads your level up and you waste a lot of EXP. (letâs say you need 300 exp to level up, and you get a 1000 exp achievement or task. You just wasted 700 exp) Also, doing achievements early means Battle Axe!

SHOVING TO KILL : Shoving is a great melee attack, it knocks back almost 100% of the time, and hits every enemy in range. This is PERFECT if you have a companion with a good killing gun. You can use this to shove, and then have them kill. Or you can shove, melee, then shove again in a loop.

INFINITE STORAGE : Rarely, enemies will drop an item called âundefinedâ. This item is invisible, and when you take it, it will allow you to carry infinite everything. I mostly find this item at the Docks, and if I have high luck stats. But maybe you can find it earlier?? But since it is an invisible drop you might miss it. So when you see a zombie backpack on the floor, move your cursor around a lot to maybe find it.

:::: Good bugs (exploits) ::::

CANCEL ZOMBIE HORDE : Press ESC, and use SAVE AND QUIT. Then reload the game. No more zombie horde.

SAVE COMPANION : If your companion dies, and then you die, DO NOT CHOOSE either option, you will lose your companion. Choose QUIT. Or a better option⦠You can press the X key, and this will load the Achievements menu behind the Game Over menu. This forces a behind the scenes AUTO SAVE, then, choose either of the 3 options. (here, outside, or quit)

NO LOSS EXP DEATH = QUIT! : If you die, you can chose QUIT, then load your Save, and it is almost like âRestart Hereâ, BUT no loss of EXP! But no full heal. You usually come back as you were when you entered the room. (or if you opened your backpack) This is very often a good option.

SAVE TIME, WARP, AND HEAL! = RESTART OUTSIDE : If you die, you can choose âRestart Outsideâ and NOT LOSE EXP (it says you do, but you donât!!), AND Full heal, AND save travel time You can use this to quickly escape long areas, like the Hospital, or the Sewers. This option is usually no big deal as it doesnât take long to get back where you were if you were searching rooms, or if you died on the streets.

RESTART HERE + LOW EXP = RAMBO SPEED MODE : The âRestart Hereâ game over option takes half your current EXP away. But it also wipes out random enemies and full heals and leaves you where you were! Best use is to level up first to have 0 exp (or close to it) then use this to quickly beat long areas like the Hospital or HERC, with little cost. This is good if you just wanna run through and not explore too much.

CLOTHING IS ARMOR? : Clothes are nearly 100% useless and only cosmetic. You can throw them all out and never pick them up to save weight. The only exceptions are the Riot Helmets, and Kevlar Vests which ~ supposedly ~ block some damage or just bullets. (Bio Hazard suit is useless too, and very very heavy) And blocking bullets is useless as there are almost no shooting enemies. You can run through the game naked and it doesnât matter.

WEAPON ATTACHEMENTS : Spec Ops guns are the best of the gun types. They are like a combo of Military, Suppressed, and Scoped. (Spec Ops damage of Military + Suppressed cancel each other out. As for Military by itself, it hits harder, but misses more than Spec Ops. This can make Military better when fighting groups of enemies with non penetrating guns because even a missing Military bullet will hit some zombie in the group (you can think of it as 100% accuracy). But⦠LONG GUNS penetrate and hit all enemies in a row, so Spec Ops is always best for long guns, making each sniper bullet hit many zombies)

SAFE SPOTS?? : If you stand on the sandbags in the exact right spot, no enemies can get you. These raised areas need to be wide enough on both sides for this to work. If you stand in just the right spot, enemies will try to come up and get you, but due to a bug, they will stall or fall when they get up to you! Totally safe!

BEST COMPANION WEAPON : Best weapons for companions are in this order: FAL, AK47, MP5, Uzi. (mil or spec ops beat next level plain) The AI has great handling of these guns IMO and the magazine sizes are high, which is the worst thing for an AI that is very terrible about not being smart about reloading.

COMPANION AMMO : Companions have infinte Ammo. This can be useful for RPGs or Grenades / Launcher. (I donât like them usually, they have huge reloads and Companion AI is terrible about reloading)

SHOVING ACHIEVEMENT EASY : In the first town, behind Ed, thereâs a guy protecting Ed. You can shove him forever and you can get this trophy easily.

NO MORE RELOADS : I found a way to never have to reload again with my shotgun 1 time, but I donât know how I did it. Somehow I was able to continually reload my gun and the magazine counter was full. Turns out I was overloading it and could fire for long periods without having to reload during a fight! I canât seem to figure out how I did it though. So I will leave this note for anyone else who might know, or if I can figure it out, Iâll post it later.

ARMORED ENEMIES : Some later high level zombies have armor and riot shields. In order to beat these guys you got to aim the cursor at their feet, or crouch and use melee attacks. Sometimes you can head shots on them if they donât have a helmet. Sometimes it still hits even if they have a helmet. Not sure why. In general, donât use guns on Riot Shield enemies, hit their legs with melee.

PILLS / 50 CAL AMMO : To get more Pills, fight zombies when you are almost dead. To get more .50 calibre ammo fight zombies with your .50 calibre weapon on your back. The game tries to give you stuff that matches what you use or need.
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