ForumsForum GamesEAO: Uprising (Kickstarter)

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268 posts

Current Thread:

Welcome to EAO: Uprising. My own try at the superpower RPG front.
Get cozy, Because alot is about to be covered.

Years into the future, as a response to any global threats the government decides that a good choice of action might be to follow all the ideas set out; Superheros. Shortly after a kind of mutation chamber is invented, Multiple test subjects are selected at random. More specifically, You. You are brought in and tested on in this regard. While not many have survived, You are about to discover that your fate will be different.
First off- Each character has a different aim or goal. Also, expect to see other players lots. Because I'll do that.
And as followed.. Something has arrived to this planet.
The Klaaz are a odd race of alienlike beings that have invaded the planet.
With all of this set in motion...

First off- This is a fairly open game (or atleast trying to be)
The overworld is mainly a large city that you have been tested on.
I'll try to include lots to do.
Now, one thing ill need to explain-
Good and evil.
Both can access areas that the other can't. Both also will have different goals.
Battles basically work as followed-
Facing off against a mutant-
Mutant Health 100/100

Player Health 100/100
Like an RPG, but with no specific moves. You can do anything within your ability.
Also, superpowers. The only races that start with them are-
Robots can gain powers by upgrading software-
Mutants can gain powers through various ways-
Same with humans-
Klaaz gain powers from draining their victims power.


Human: Dull, Ordinary. No powers at all. Can gain them later.
Mutant: A human with powers. No, just because the name is mutant, does not mean your mutated. It just refers to those with superpowers. You however, can be mutated if you want.
Klaaz: Aliens that with to expand their territory. By killing off earth. The klaaz start with no powers but absorb them from victims.
Robot: You may still have a superpower, make it reasonable.

Character Sheet
Name: (Obvious?)
Alter-Ego: (Your move.)
Side: (Good, evil, or neutral. (if you are a klaaz, then your side is Alien))
Race: (You can find these above.)
Bio: (If you are intrested)
Powers: (Start with 1 if you are mutant or robot. 0 for Klaaz or human.)
HP: 100/100 (Health points.)
SP: 100/100 (Stamina points. If you lose these all, your character must rest.)
PP: 100/100 (Power points. These are used for your power. Don't worry, they won't drain fast. However, if they do you must rest to regain them.)
Level: 1 (Obvious again.)
EXP: 0/100 (Experience)
Upgrades: (Do not fill this in. I'll do it for you.)
Inventory: (Anything you hold)
Money: (Start with 0)
Weapon: (If you need a weapon other than your superpower, put it here.)

So. Any suggestions? I'd like for this to be as good as it could be.

  • 10 Replies
268 posts

Well, the Klaaz is a bit of a risky move. I'd suggest Time Travel, or maybe the Klaaz are the risen, mutated bodies of the failed experiments though to be dead, now wanting to seek revenge on those who bestowed them with this horrible curse.

Okay, while this kind of may be dumb, I don't understand what you mean how their risky.
I understand the fact dropping an alien race is a risky move- But their a blue thin alien that resembles a blue xenomorph with glowing green eyes.

Robots, again, risky. I'd recommend Androids, or maybe even evil androids/cyborgs that can impersonate humans and convert humans into cyborgs through an incredible painful process. These androids do not feel, as if they did, they would die and suffer when they acknowledge what they've become.

Yeah, I was wondering what to do with these.
Good idea, I'll fix that with everything else.

You should have the humans have different scenarios for gaining their powers. Also, I'd recommend making people actually WANT to really kill these people. Maybe give some people amnesia. Maybe let mutants say how they got their powers.

I was kind of stretched with this idea.
But I guess yeah, multiple ways would be better.
I'll expand the story more and generally try to branch it out in a way each player has their own unique story, like persona infinity.

I'd recommend giving the player access to the entire world, more fun that way.

Yeah, Probably. Gives access to more scenarios and a greater area.

Thanks, heres my next idea on the game-

Current Thread:

Welcome to EAO: Uprising. My own try at the superpower RPG front.
Get cozy, Because alot is about to be covered.

Years into the future, as a response to any global threats the government decides that a good choice of action might be to follow all the ideas set out; Superheros. Shortly after a kind of superpower chamber is invented, Multiple test subjects are selected at random.
First off- Each character has a different aim or goal. Also, expect to see other players lots. Because I'll do that.
And as followed.. Something has arrived to this planet.
The Klaaz are a odd race of alienlike beings that have invaded the planet.
With all of this set in motion...
You are here, with your own story. Defend the planet, destroy it, claim it, the world is your sandbox.


For each race, choose one of the following-
They are how your game starts off.

A: You are a guard in a top secret lab used for a prototype of the chamber. However, With a massive break in, the majority of those in the lab are killed off and you are a loose survivor. You remember who broke in though.
John Titus. You vow to take him down, but as he has taken the technology for the superpower chamber, He has become very powerful.
(Put john titus in the enemies section if you pick this)

B: You are one of the people selected for the test. However, Right as you reach the streets, a massive explosion from a nearby blasts you and the people around you away. Suddenly, You see some sort of human with multiple superpowers crashing around. Right now, Your in that crisis.

C: You are one of the people who has gained superpowers-
And head to engage somebody destroying the main street of new york.
However, He managed to overpower you and knock you out.
You wake up in a hospital, With no memory. You can't even remember your power. (And you won't for awhile) You make up a name, And set out to figure out who this shadowy figure who knocked you out was.
(Put Shadowy Figure in enemies if you pick this.)

Test Subject:

A: You are a test subject for the super chamber. You find yourself exiting the chamber just as the lab explodes. An unknown presence knocks you over, shortly before revealing himself. John Titus. Leader of a massive company known as Titus corp. His invasion manages to overpower you as he escapes with knowledge of the superchamber. You can barely remember what happened, you set out to figure out what happened that day.
(Put John Titus as an enemy for A)

B: Your test goes horribly wrong, and the energy circuits malfunction causing a meltdown in the area your in. The machine malfunctions but still works. The entire structure is devastated. You wake up in a hospital, With no memory of your past. What will you do? Go out to figure out what happened, Start a new life, its all up to you.

C: You are a test subject heading to New York after hearing of an unknown man rampage through with unreal powers. Since the government decides to test your superpowered abilitys out, you engage him. Now, its you vs this enemy, John Titus. Destroying new york.


A: You are from a rich and famous family. However, one day a Rogue Organization by the name of XR-Corp. They chased you into the sewer to the point where you fell into the water. Assuming you were dead, they left.
Mutated, you seek revenge on XR-Corp and what they have done to you.
(Put XR-Corp down as enemies)

B: In the streets of new york city, You notice a massive explosion coming from one of the buildings above that was research for the super chamber project. The chemicals and rays within fall down with the building almost crushing you... You wake up, In the sewer. You have slight memory loss, but you notice you have powers as well.

C: Make up your own! How DID you get your superpowers? And what IS your goal as a mutant? Up to you.


A: You are a normal alien hunter, wishing to expand the hive. However, in a touchdown on the planet that results in your capture, You awake in a lab. The pathetic humans, wishing to study you. This WILL not go. As they release you for test, they will realize this was a mistake.

B: You are a rogue alien tired of the queens reign wishing to end it off.
You and a small group of aliens with you have developed a small hive within earth. Your enemy- The queen. You wish to take down the hive and start your own rule.
(Put down enemy- The queen)

C: You are a alien that has headed to the planet in a small drop pod.. Shortly before being shot down.
You have no memory of the queen, what you are, or who you are.
Your goal- Figure it out. However.. First things first.. You appear to be being studied.


A: You are an android, manufactured as a super machine in the event that any superheroes go rogue... Not before you realize this is... Not what you want. You slaughter those in the lab and use the deceased remaining humans for your android army. Your goal- Eliminate the pathetic humans. And anything in your path.
(Enemies: The humans)

B: You are a combat android dispatched to deal with the new york incident. However, John Titus scraps you. You are a broken mess, in a mass of rubble that was once a skyscraper. Your goal- Get revenge for this. And discover your own story.
(Put John Titus as an enemy)

C: You are an android that was slowely transformed from a human into what you are now by an outbreak in the facility.. You can either follow your new leader, Or take revenge for what he has done to you.

First off- This is a fairly open game (or atleast trying to be)
The overworld is.. Planet earth. You can go anywhere.
I'll try to include lots to do.
Now, one thing ill need to explain-
Good and evil.
Both can access areas that the other can't. Both also will have different goals.
Battles basically work as followed-
Facing off against a mutant-
Mutant Health 100/100

Player Health 100/100
Like an RPG, but with no specific moves. You can do anything within your ability.
Also, superpowers. The only races that start with them are-
Robots can gain powers by upgrading software-
Mutants can gain powers through various ways-
Same with humans-
Klaaz gain powers from draining their victims power.


Human: Dull, Ordinary. No powers at all. Can gain them later.

Test Subject: One who has had the superpower test done on them.

Mutant: A human whom has been mutated to gain powers by an unusual method.

Klaaz: Aliens that wish to expand their territory. They are cruel, and menacing.

Android: You may still have a superpower, make it reasonable to a machine.
Androids are cruel, and wish to murder humans to create more of them.

Character Sheet
Name: (Obvious?)
Alter-Ego: (Your move.)
Side: (Good, evil, or neutral. (if you are a klaaz, then your side is Alien))
Race: (You can find these above.)
Bio: (If you are intrested)
Powers: (Start with 1 if you are mutant or robot. 0 for Klaaz or human.)
Personality: (insert personality here)
Enemies: (None at the start, unless you put one in the bio.)
Allies: (Same as above.)
HP: 100/100 (Health points.)
SP: 100/100 (Stamina points. If you lose these all, your character must rest.)
PP: 100/100 (Power points. These are used for your power. Don't worry, they won't drain fast. However, if they do you must rest to regain them.)
Level: 1 (Obvious again.)
EXP: 0/100 (Experience)
Upgrades: (Do not fill this in. I'll do it for you.)
Inventory: (Anything you hold)
Money: (Start with 0)
Weapon: (If you need a weapon other than your superpower, put it here.)
Story Event: (read above in story, choose A B or C depending on race)

Anyways, any other ideas?
268 posts

I was thinking more along the lines of letting characters choose a custom scenario.


[/quote]Also, I believe that there should at least be one race that is basically the, failed experiments that were thought to be dead, that seek revenge on those who made them this way. Of course, that could be an enemy in the game.

Adding that race known as the Whisperers.

[quote]Also, could you explain to me what you mean by "Upgrades"? Another idea I had was characters gaining more powers as the story progresses, whether they or you choose them is up to you.

Yeah, as the player levels up, they will not only gain new powers through story events, but will also gain upgrades to current power. For example, those with ice manipulation could shoot a small icicle that explodes into a massive blast for a new upgrade attack.

Another enemy could be the humans that fear the ones with powers. You know the stereotype, they try to kill the person with the powers, as they live in fear of them, basically like the pitchfork and torch clad people from Frankenstein in personality. You know what I'm getting at, right?

Exactly. The reason I put john titus is for him to be the multiple superpower god type enemy of everyone that serves as a villian but also has his reasons which you will understand. He has multiple powers and plays as a powerful foe. He also makes people WITH superpowers cower in fear.
Also, I'm planning on making bosses in this have superpowers, and all of that. So don't worry.. I have that front done.

Lastly, It would be interesting to have the choices other players make affect all the other players, at least the big changes.

Exactly why I added player to player interaction. I feel that with one person devastating.. Oh, I don't know... Las Vegas in an epic showdown, everyone else would notice the destroyed city. But yeah. Thanks.

I'd imagine that there should be a way the non-powered people should be able to track the powered people, through a chip or something. At least the test subjects should have the Chip.

Gamma ray emitter much?
Yeahhh, I have an idea.

Thanks for the ideas. Heres the next varation of the game-

Welcome to EAO: Uprising. My own try at the superpower RPG front.
Get cozy, Because alot is about to be covered.

Years into the future, as a response to any global threats the government decides that a good choice of action might be to follow all the ideas set out; Superheros. Shortly after a kind of superpower chamber is invented, Multiple test subjects are selected at random.
First off- Each character has a different aim or goal. Also, expect to see other players lots. Because I'll do that.
And as followed.. Something has arrived to this planet.
The Klaaz are a odd race of alienlike beings that have invaded the planet.
With all of this set in motion...
You are here, with your own story. Defend the planet, destroy it, claim it, the world is your sandbox.


For each race, choose one of the following-
They are how your game starts off.

A: You are a guard in a top secret lab used for a prototype of the chamber. However, With a massive break in, the majority of those in the lab are killed off and you are a loose survivor. You remember who broke in though.
John Titus. You vow to take him down, but as he has taken the technology for the superpower chamber, He has become very powerful.
(Put john titus in the enemies section if you pick this)

B: You are one of the people selected for the test. However, Right as you reach the streets, a massive explosion from a nearby blasts you and the people around you away. Suddenly, You see some sort of human with multiple superpowers crashing around. Right now, Your in that crisis.

C: You are one of the people who has gained superpowers-
And head to engage somebody destroying the main street of new york.
However, He managed to overpower you and knock you out.
You wake up in a hospital, With no memory. You can't even remember your power. (And you won't for awhile) You make up a name, And set out to figure out who this shadowy figure who knocked you out was.
(Put Shadowy Figure in enemies if you pick this.)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.

Test Subject:

A: You are a test subject for the super chamber. You find yourself exiting the chamber just as the lab explodes. An unknown presence knocks you over, shortly before revealing himself. John Titus. Leader of a massive company known as Titus corp. His invasion manages to overpower you as he escapes with knowledge of the superchamber. You can barely remember what happened, you set out to figure out what happened that day.
(Put John Titus as an enemy for A)

B: Your test goes horribly wrong, and the energy circuits malfunction causing a meltdown in the area your in. The machine malfunctions but still works. The entire structure is devastated. You wake up in a hospital, With no memory of your past. What will you do? Go out to figure out what happened, Start a new life, its all up to you.

C: You are a test subject heading to New York after hearing of an unknown man rampage through with unreal powers. Since the government decides to test your superpowered abilitys out, you engage him. Now, its you vs this enemy, John Titus. Destroying new york.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are from a rich and famous family. However, one day a Rogue Organization by the name of XR-Corp. They chased you into the sewer to the point where you fell into the water. Assuming you were dead, they left.
Mutated, you seek revenge on XR-Corp and what they have done to you.
(Put XR-Corp down as enemies)

B: In the streets of new york city, You notice a massive explosion coming from one of the buildings above that was research for the super chamber project. The chemicals and rays within fall down with the building almost crushing you... You wake up, In the sewer. You have slight memory loss, but you notice you have powers as well.

C: Make up your own! How DID you get your superpowers? And what IS your goal as a mutant? Up to you.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a normal alien hunter, wishing to expand the hive. However, in a touchdown on the planet that results in your capture, You awake in a lab. The pathetic humans, wishing to study you. This WILL not go. As they release you for test, they will realize this was a mistake.

B: You are a rogue alien tired of the queens reign wishing to end it off.
You and a small group of aliens with you have developed a small hive within earth. Your enemy- The queen. You wish to take down the hive and start your own rule.
(Put down enemy- The queen)

C: You are a alien that has headed to the planet in a small drop pod.. Shortly before being shot down.
You have no memory of the queen, what you are, or who you are.
Your goal- Figure it out. However.. First things first.. You appear to be being studied.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are an android, manufactured as a super machine in the event that any superheroes go rogue... Not before you realize this is... Not what you want. You slaughter those in the lab and use the deceased remaining humans for your android army. Your goal- Eliminate the pathetic humans. And anything in your path.
(Enemies: The humans)

B: You are a combat android dispatched to deal with the new york incident. However, John Titus scraps you. You are a broken mess, in a mass of rubble that was once a skyscraper. Your goal- Get revenge for this. And discover your own story.
(Put John Titus as an enemy)

C: You are an android that was slowely transformed from a human into what you are now by an outbreak in the facility.. You can either follow your new leader, Or take revenge for what he has done to you.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a whisperer. You wish for revenge on the scientists who have twisted and horrified you into the monstrosity. You will destroy anything in your path.
(Put down The Government as an enemy for this)

(B and C would be the same.)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.

First off- This is a fairly open game (or atleast trying to be)
The overworld is.. Planet earth. You can go anywhere.
I'll try to include lots to do.
Now, one thing ill need to explain-
Good and evil.
Both can access areas that the other can't. Both also will have different goals.
Battles basically work as followed-
Facing off against a mutant-
Mutant Health 100/100

Player Health 100/100
Like an RPG, but with no specific moves. You can do anything within your ability.
Also, superpowers. The only races that start with them are-
Robots can gain powers by upgrading software-
Mutants can gain powers through various ways-
Same with humans-
Klaaz gain powers from draining their victims power.


Human: Dull, Ordinary. No powers at all. Can gain them later.

Test Subject: One who has had the superpower test done on them.

Mutant: A human whom has been mutated to gain powers by an unusual method.

Klaaz: Aliens that wish to expand their territory. They are cruel, and menacing.

Android: You may still have a superpower, make it reasonable to a machine.
Androids are cruel, and wish to murder humans to create more of them.

Whisperers: Ghostly failed test subjects that want revenge for those who have put them in the current state. They start with a power.

Character Sheet
Name: (Obvious?)
Alter-Ego: (Your move.)
Side: (Good, evil, or neutral. (if you are a klaaz, then your side is Alien))
Race: (You can find these above.)
Bio: (If you are intrested)
Powers: (Start with 1 if you are mutant or robot. 0 for Klaaz or human.)
Personality: (insert personality here)
Enemies: (None at the start, unless you put one in the bio.)
Allies: (Same as above.)
HP: 100/100 (Health points.)
SP: 100/100 (Stamina points. If you lose these all, your character must rest.)
PP: 100/100 (Power points. These are used for your power. Don't worry, they won't drain fast. However, if they do you must rest to regain them.)
Level: 1 (Obvious again.)
EXP: 0/100 (Experience)
Upgrades: (Do not fill this in. I'll do it for you.)
Inventory: (Anything you hold)
Money: (Start with 0)
Weapon: (If you need a weapon other than your superpower, put it here.)
Story Event: (read above in story, choose A B C or D depending on race)
268 posts

-_- Well, that quote annoyed me.


Welcome to EAO: Uprising. My own try at the superpower RPG front.
Get cozy, Because alot is about to be covered.

Years into the future, as a response to any global threats the government decides that a good choice of action might be to follow all the ideas set out; Superheros. Shortly after a kind of superpower chamber is invented, Multiple test subjects are selected at random.
First off- Each character has a different aim or goal. Also, expect to see other players lots. Because I'll do that.
And as followed.. Something has arrived to this planet.
The Klaaz are a odd race of alienlike beings that have invaded the planet.
With all of this set in motion...
You are here, with your own story. Defend the planet, destroy it, claim it, the world is your sandbox.


For each race, choose one of the following-
They are how your game starts off.

A: You are a guard in a top secret lab used for a prototype of the chamber. However, With a massive break in, the majority of those in the lab are killed off and you are a loose survivor. You remember who broke in though.
John Titus. You vow to take him down, but as he has taken the technology for the superpower chamber, He has become very powerful.
(Put john titus in the enemies section if you pick this)

B: You are one of the people selected for the test. However, Right as you reach the streets, a massive explosion from a nearby blasts you and the people around you away. Suddenly, You see some sort of human with multiple superpowers crashing around. Right now, Your in that crisis.

C: You are one of the people who has gained superpowers-
And head to engage somebody destroying the main street of new york.
However, He managed to overpower you and knock you out.
You wake up in a hospital, With no memory. You can't even remember your power. (And you won't for awhile) You make up a name, And set out to figure out who this shadowy figure who knocked you out was.
(Put Shadowy Figure in enemies if you pick this.)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.

Test Subject:

A: You are a test subject for the super chamber. You find yourself exiting the chamber just as the lab explodes. An unknown presence knocks you over, shortly before revealing himself. John Titus. Leader of a massive company known as Titus corp. His invasion manages to overpower you as he escapes with knowledge of the superchamber. You can barely remember what happened, you set out to figure out what happened that day.
(Put John Titus as an enemy for A)

B: Your test goes horribly wrong, and the energy circuits malfunction causing a meltdown in the area your in. The machine malfunctions but still works. The entire structure is devastated. You wake up in a hospital, With no memory of your past. What will you do? Go out to figure out what happened, Start a new life, its all up to you.

C: You are a test subject heading to New York after hearing of an unknown man rampage through with unreal powers. Since the government decides to test your superpowered abilitys out, you engage him. Now, its you vs this enemy, John Titus. Destroying new york.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are from a rich and famous family. However, one day a Rogue Organization by the name of XR-Corp. They chased you into the sewer to the point where you fell into the water. Assuming you were dead, they left.
Mutated, you seek revenge on XR-Corp and what they have done to you.
(Put XR-Corp down as enemies)

B: In the streets of new york city, You notice a massive explosion coming from one of the buildings above that was research for the super chamber project. The chemicals and rays within fall down with the building almost crushing you... You wake up, In the sewer. You have slight memory loss, but you notice you have powers as well.

C: Make up your own! How DID you get your superpowers? And what IS your goal as a mutant? Up to you.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a normal alien hunter, wishing to expand the hive. However, in a touchdown on the planet that results in your capture, You awake in a lab. The pathetic humans, wishing to study you. This WILL not go. As they release you for test, they will realize this was a mistake.

B: You are a rogue alien tired of the queens reign wishing to end it off.
You and a small group of aliens with you have developed a small hive within earth. Your enemy- The queen. You wish to take down the hive and start your own rule.
(Put down enemy- The queen)

C: You are a alien that has headed to the planet in a small drop pod.. Shortly before being shot down.
You have no memory of the queen, what you are, or who you are.
Your goal- Figure it out. However.. First things first.. You appear to be being studied.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are an android, manufactured as a super machine in the event that any superheroes go rogue... Not before you realize this is... Not what you want. You slaughter those in the lab and use the deceased remaining humans for your android army. Your goal- Eliminate the pathetic humans. And anything in your path.
(Enemies: The humans)

B: You are a combat android dispatched to deal with the new york incident. However, John Titus scraps you. You are a broken mess, in a mass of rubble that was once a skyscraper. Your goal- Get revenge for this. And discover your own story.
(Put John Titus as an enemy)

C: You are an android that was slowely transformed from a human into what you are now by an outbreak in the facility.. You can either follow your new leader, Or take revenge for what he has done to you.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a whisperer. You wish for revenge on the scientists who have twisted and horrified you into the monstrosity. You will destroy anything in your path.
(Put down The Government as an enemy for this)

(B and C would be the same.)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.

First off- This is a fairly open game (or atleast trying to be)
The overworld is.. Planet earth. You can go anywhere.
I'll try to include lots to do.
Now, one thing ill need to explain-
Good and evil.
Both can access areas that the other can't. Both also will have different goals.
Battles basically work as followed-
Facing off against a mutant-
Mutant Health 100/100

Player Health 100/100
Like an RPG, but with no specific moves. You can do anything within your ability.
Also, superpowers. The only races that start with them are-
Robots can gain powers by upgrading software-
Mutants can gain powers through various ways-
Same with humans-
Klaaz gain powers from draining their victims power.


Human: Dull, Ordinary. No powers at all. Can gain them later.

Test Subject: One who has had the superpower test done on them.

Mutant: A human whom has been mutated to gain powers by an unusual method.

Klaaz: Aliens that wish to expand their territory. They are cruel, and menacing.

Android: You may still have a superpower, make it reasonable to a machine.
Androids are cruel, and wish to murder humans to create more of them.

Whisperers: Ghostly failed test subjects that want revenge for those who have put them in the current state. They start with a power.

Character Sheet
Name: (Obvious?)
Alter-Ego: (Your move.)
Side: (Good, evil, or neutral. (if you are a klaaz, then your side is Alien))
Race: (You can find these above.)
Bio: (If you are intrested)
Powers: (Start with 1 if you are mutant or robot. 0 for Klaaz or human.)
Personality: (insert personality here)
Enemies: (None at the start, unless you put one in the bio.)
Allies: (Same as above.)
HP: 100/100 (Health points.)
SP: 100/100 (Stamina points. If you lose these all, your character must rest.)
PP: 100/100 (Power points. These are used for your power. Don't worry, they won't drain fast. However, if they do you must rest to regain them.)
Level: 1 (Obvious again.)
EXP: 0/100 (Experience)
Upgrades: (Do not fill this in. I'll do it for you.)
Inventory: (Anything you hold)
Money: (Start with 0)
Weapon: (If you need a weapon other than your superpower, put it here.)
Story Event: (read above in story, choose A B C or D depending on race)

268 posts

(More fixed)

I was thinking more along the lines of letting characters choose a custom scenario.


Also, I believe that there should at least be one race that is basically the, failed experiments that were thought to be dead, that seek revenge on those who made them this way. Of course, that could be an enemy in the game.

Adding that race known as the Whisperers.

Also, could you explain to me what you mean by "Upgrades"? Another idea I had was characters gaining more powers as the story progresses, whether they or you choose them is up to you.

Yeah, as the player levels up, they will not only gain new powers through story events, but will also gain upgrades to current powers. For example, those with ice manipulation could shoot a small icicle that explodes into a massive blast for a new upgrade attack.

Another enemy could be the humans that fear the ones with powers. You know the stereotype, they try to kill the person with the powers, as they live in fear of them, basically like the pitchfork and torch clad people from Frankenstein in personality. You know what I'm getting at, right?

Exactly. The reason I put john titus is for him to be the multiple superpower god type enemy of everyone that serves as a villian but also has his reasons which you will understand. He has multiple powers and plays as a powerful foe. He also makes people WITH superpowers cower in fear.
Also, I'm planning on making bosses in this have superpowers, and all of that. So don't worry.. I have that front done.

Lastly, It would be interesting to have the choices other players make affect all the other players, at least the big changes.

Exactly why I added player to player interaction. I feel that with one person devastating.. Oh, I don't know... Las Vegas in an epic showdown, everyone else would notice the destroyed city. But yeah. Thanks.

I'd imagine that there should be a way the non-powered people should be able to track the powered people, through a chip or something. At least the test subjects should have the Chip.

Gamma ray emitter much?
Yeahhh, I have an idea.
268 posts

First off, I feel that there should be a lot of secrets about John Titus. I mean, he could be seeking revenge upon your family for some reason, or, he could be an android and you have no idea.

How do you know my plot ideas?

I think the NPC humans should be close minded and just try to destroy all of the mutants/superpowered people.

While some would be supporting some, I understand what you mean. Good idea.

There should be a squad or something, like H.U.N.T, or S.E.A.R.C.H, or even something like S.H.E.F.

I'll add that in.

Welcome to EAO: Uprising. My own try at the superpower RPG front.
Get cozy, Because alot is about to be covered.

Years into the future, as a response to any global threats the government decides that a good choice of action might be to follow all the ideas set out; Superheros. Shortly after a kind of superpower chamber is invented, Multiple test subjects are selected at random.
First off- Each character has a different aim or goal. Also, expect to see other players lots. Because I'll do that.
And as followed.. Something has arrived to this planet.
The Klaaz are a odd race of alienlike beings that have invaded the planet.
With all of this set in motion...
You are here, with your own story. Defend the planet, destroy it, claim it, the world is your sandbox.
However, Beware. W.A.T.C.H. is closing in on the supers..
And in new york, Commotion starts to rise.

And a sinister force comes to be.


For each race, choose one of the following-
They are how your game starts off.

A: You are a guard in a top secret lab used for a prototype of the chamber. However, With a massive break in, the majority of those in the lab are killed off and you are a loose survivor. You remember who broke in though.
John Titus. You vow to take him down, but as he has taken the technology for the superpower chamber, He has become very powerful.
(Put john titus in the enemies section if you pick this)

B: You are one of the people selected for the test. However, Right as you reach the streets, a massive explosion from a nearby blasts you and the people around you away. Suddenly, You see some sort of human with multiple superpowers crashing around. Right now, Your in that crisis.

C: You are one of the people who has gained superpowers-
And head to engage somebody destroying the main street of new york.
However, He managed to overpower you and knock you out.
You wake up in a hospital, With no memory. You can't even remember your power. (And you won't for awhile) You make up a name, And set out to figure out who this shadowy figure who knocked you out was.
(Put Shadowy Figure in enemies if you pick this.)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.

Test Subject:

A: You are a test subject for the super chamber. You find yourself exiting the chamber just as the lab explodes. An unknown presence knocks you over, shortly before revealing himself. John Titus. Leader of a massive company known as Titus corp. His invasion manages to overpower you as he escapes with knowledge of the superchamber. You can barely remember what happened, you set out to figure out what happened that day.
(Put John Titus as an enemy for A)

B: Your test goes horribly wrong, and the energy circuits malfunction causing a meltdown in the area your in. The machine malfunctions but still works. The entire structure is devastated. You wake up in a hospital, With no memory of your past. What will you do? Go out to figure out what happened, Start a new life, its all up to you.

C: You are a test subject heading to New York after hearing of an unknown man rampage through with unreal powers. Since the government decides to test your superpowered abilitys out, you engage him. Now, its you vs this enemy, John Titus. Destroying new york.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are from a rich and famous family. However, one day a Rogue Organization by the name of XR-Corp. They chased you into the sewer to the point where you fell into the water. Assuming you were dead, they left.
Mutated, you seek revenge on XR-Corp and what they have done to you.
(Put XR-Corp down as enemies)

B: In the streets of new york city, You notice a massive explosion coming from one of the buildings above that was research for the super chamber project. The chemicals and rays within fall down with the building almost crushing you... You wake up, In the sewer. You have slight memory loss, but you notice you have powers as well.

C: Make up your own! How DID you get your superpowers? And what IS your goal as a mutant? Up to you.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a normal alien hunter, wishing to expand the hive. However, in a touchdown on the planet that results in your capture, You awake in a lab. The pathetic humans, wishing to study you. This WILL not go. As they release you for test, they will realize this was a mistake.

B: You are a rogue alien tired of the queens reign wishing to end it off.
You and a small group of aliens with you have developed a small hive within earth. Your enemy- The queen. You wish to take down the hive and start your own rule.
(Put down enemy- The queen)

C: You are a alien that has headed to the planet in a small drop pod.. Shortly before being shot down.
You have no memory of the queen, what you are, or who you are.
Your goal- Figure it out. However.. First things first.. You appear to be being studied.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are an android, manufactured as a super machine in the event that any superheroes go rogue... Not before you realize this is... Not what you want. You slaughter those in the lab and use the deceased remaining humans for your android army. Your goal- Eliminate the pathetic humans. And anything in your path.
(Enemies: The humans)

B: You are a combat android dispatched to deal with the new york incident. However, John Titus scraps you. You are a broken mess, in a mass of rubble that was once a skyscraper. Your goal- Get revenge for this. And discover your own story.
(Put John Titus as an enemy)

C: You are an android that was slowely transformed from a human into what you are now by an outbreak in the facility.. You can either follow your new leader, Or take revenge for what he has done to you.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a whisperer. You wish for revenge on the scientists who have twisted and horrified you into the monstrosity. You will destroy anything in your path.
(Put down The Government as an enemy for this)

(B and C would be the same.)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a WATCH field soldier, dispatched with your team to deal with the new york incident. You and all of the others sent to deal with John Titus ultimately overpower him leading to him knocking over a skyscraper. In this time period, he manages to escape. You and your team (Put down 2 allies in the bio) set out to discover who he really is, why he did it, And shut him down. (Put down John Titus as an enemy)

B: You are an agent stopping the android breakout before it becomes too much for you. Instead of turning you, they plant a chip into your brain that grants access to your nervous system. You are now a merciless undercover killer under the androids control. Can you break free and get revenge? Or will you be a slave forever? Only time can tell.
(Put down Androids as an enemy)

C: You are in a special division of WATCH, known as E.T.S. (Extraterrestrial Termination Squadron) Your mission: Take down the alien menace. However, you soon realize in the background of this all, something sinister is rising.
(Put down aliens as an enemy)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.

First off- This is a fairly open game (or atleast trying to be)
The overworld is.. Planet earth. You can go anywhere.
I'll try to include lots to do.
Now, one thing ill need to explain-
Good and evil.
Both can access areas that the other can't. Both also will have different goals.
Battles basically work as followed-
Facing off against a mutant-
Mutant Health 100/100

Player Health 100/100
Like an RPG, but with no specific moves. You can do anything within your ability.
Also, superpowers. The only races that start with them are-
Robots can gain powers by upgrading software-
Mutants can gain powers through various ways-
Same with humans-
Klaaz gain powers from draining their victims power.


Human: Dull, Ordinary. No powers at all. Can gain them later.

Test Subject: One who has had the superpower test done on them.

Mutant: A human whom has been mutated to gain powers by an unusual method.

Klaaz: Aliens that wish to expand their territory. They are cruel, and menacing.

Android: You may still have a superpower, make it reasonable to a machine.
Androids are cruel, and wish to murder humans to create more of them.

Whisperers: Ghostly failed test subjects that want revenge for those who have put them in the current state. They start with a power.

W.A.T.C.H.: Elite soldiers dispatched to dispose of rebel supers and the Klaaz threat. They have no powers, but can gain them.

Character Sheet
Name: (Obvious?)
Alter-Ego: (Your move.)
Side: (Good, evil, or neutral. (if you are a klaaz, then your side is Alien))
Race: (You can find these above.)
Bio: (If you are intrested)
Powers: (Start with 1 if you are mutant or robot. 0 for Klaaz or human.)
Personality: (insert personality here)
Enemies: (None at the start, unless you put one in the bio.)
Allies: (Same as above.)
HP: 100/100 (Health points.)
SP: 100/100 (Stamina points. If you lose these all, your character must rest.)
PP: 100/100 (Power points. These are used for your power. Don't worry, they won't drain fast. However, if they do you must rest to regain them.)
Level: 1 (Obvious again.)
EXP: 0/100 (Experience)
Upgrades: (Do not fill this in. I'll do it for you.)
Inventory: (Anything you hold)
Money: (Start with 0)
Weapon: (If you need a weapon other than your superpower, put it here.)
Story Event: (read above in story, choose A B C or D depending on race)
268 posts

One last quick fix, I noticed that for mutants, C and D are the same. Maybe do one involving WATCH as the enemy.

I don't know what I was thinking but originally I was gonna make mutants the only race able to choose. Fixed.

By the way, the Whisperers should start out with a defective power, or maybe one deemed to powerful so you were disposed of.

Since the Whisperers are essentially twisted, demonic undead that want revenge, their powers will be... different.

By the way, for C, it says that you were an android slowly transformed into a human, though I think you mean it the other way around, a human that was slowly transformed into an android.

Me and my typos
But yeah, I intend to fix all of the logical and spelling errors before I actually start the game.

I'm cool like that.

Yeah, but his real motive might actually shock you.

I'd imagine that there would be other ideas, that you may or may not have come up with, like the President or someone else of power has been replaced with an android copy, while the real President is being slowly tortured for information by the other androids.

The thing is- theres a plothole. What information could the androids want? They simply want to hunt down all humans.

I'd imagine John Titus having a troubled past, or maybe he has amnesia, or maybe he's you from the future, trying to keep you (himself) from doing something horrible.

Like earlier, His true motive is shocking.

Oh, and some of the players that chose human are revealed to have been an android, and they didn't even know about it, or they were transformed without their realization.


By the way, there should be away to go back from android to human.

Yeah. It could lead to some interesting plot twists where for example, The super is captured by androids and converted. He has a different power that he doesn't know how to use well and ultimately he has to find a way out of it.


Welcome to EAO: Uprising. My own try at the superpower RPG front.
Get cozy, Because alot is about to be covered.

Years into the future, as a response to any global threats the government decides that a good choice of action might be to follow all the ideas set out; Superheros. Shortly after a kind of superpower chamber is invented, Multiple test subjects are selected at random.
First off- Each character has a different aim or goal. Also, expect to see other players lots. Because I'll do that.
And as followed.. Something has arrived to this planet.
The Klaaz are a odd race of alienlike beings that have invaded the planet.
With all of this set in motion...
You are here, with your own story. Defend the planet, destroy it, claim it, the world is your sandbox.
However, Beware. W.A.T.C.H. is closing in on the supers..
And in new york, Commotion starts to rise.

And a sinister force comes to be.


For each race, choose one of the following-
They are how your game starts off.

A: You are a guard in a top secret lab used for a prototype of the chamber. However, With a massive break in, the majority of those in the lab are killed off and you are a loose survivor. You remember who broke in though.
John Titus. You vow to take him down, but as he has taken the technology for the superpower chamber, He has become very powerful.
(Put john titus in the enemies section if you pick this)

B: You are one of the people selected for the test. However, Right as you reach the streets, a massive explosion from a nearby blasts you and the people around you away. Suddenly, You see some sort of human with multiple superpowers crashing around. Right now, Your in that crisis.

C: You are one of the people who has gained superpowers-
And head to engage somebody destroying the main street of new york.
However, He managed to overpower you and knock you out.
You wake up in a hospital, With no memory. You can't even remember your power. (And you won't for awhile) You make up a name, And set out to figure out who this shadowy figure who knocked you out was.
(Put Shadowy Figure in enemies if you pick this.)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.

Test Subject:

A: You are a test subject for the super chamber. You find yourself exiting the chamber just as the lab explodes. An unknown presence knocks you over, shortly before revealing himself. John Titus. Leader of a massive company known as Titus corp. His invasion manages to overpower you as he escapes with knowledge of the superchamber. You can barely remember what happened, you set out to figure out what happened that day.
(Put John Titus as an enemy for A)

B: Your test goes horribly wrong, and the energy circuits malfunction causing a meltdown in the area your in. The machine malfunctions but still works. The entire structure is devastated. You wake up in a hospital, With no memory of your past. What will you do? Go out to figure out what happened, Start a new life, its all up to you.

C: You are a test subject heading to New York after hearing of an unknown man rampage through with unreal powers. Since the government decides to test your superpowered abilitys out, you engage him. Now, its you vs this enemy, John Titus. Destroying new york.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are from a rich and famous family. However, one day a Rogue Organization by the name of XR-Corp. They chased you into the sewer to the point where you fell into the water. Assuming you were dead, they left.
Mutated, you seek revenge on XR-Corp and what they have done to you.
(Put XR-Corp down as enemies)

B: In the streets of new york city, You notice a massive explosion coming from one of the buildings above that was research for the super chamber project. The chemicals and rays within fall down with the building almost crushing you... You wake up, In the sewer. You have slight memory loss, but you notice you have powers as well.

C: You are on the run from W.A.T.C.H. squadrons trying to dispose of you. You have a personal level of hate due to the fact they murdered your family. Your goal- Survive, Take down WATCH, and discover why they are doing this.
(Enemy: W.A.T.C.H.)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a normal alien hunter, wishing to expand the hive. However, in a touchdown on the planet that results in your capture, You awake in a lab. The pathetic humans, wishing to study you. This WILL not go. As they release you for test, they will realize this was a mistake.

B: You are a rogue alien tired of the queens reign wishing to end it off.
You and a small group of aliens with you have developed a small hive within earth. Your enemy- The queen. You wish to take down the hive and start your own rule.
(Put down enemy- The queen)

C: You are a alien that has headed to the planet in a small drop pod.. Shortly before being shot down.
You have no memory of the queen, what you are, or who you are.
Your goal- Figure it out. However.. First things first.. You appear to be being studied.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are an android, manufactured as a super machine in the event that any superheroes go rogue... Not before you realize this is... Not what you want. You slaughter those in the lab and use the deceased remaining humans for your android army. Your goal- Eliminate the pathetic humans. And anything in your path.
(Enemies: The humans)

B: You are a combat android dispatched to deal with the new york incident. However, John Titus scraps you. You are a broken mess, in a mass of rubble that was once a skyscraper. Your goal- Get revenge for this. And discover your own story.
(Put John Titus as an enemy)

C: You are an human that was slowly transformed into an android by an outbreak in the facility.. You can either follow your new leader, Or take revenge for what he has done to you.

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a whisperer. You wish for revenge on the scientists who have twisted and horrified you into the monstrosity. You will destroy anything in your path.
(Put down The Government as an enemy for this)

(B and C would be the same.)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.


A: You are a WATCH field soldier, dispatched with your team to deal with the new york incident. You and all of the others sent to deal with John Titus ultimately overpower him leading to him knocking over a skyscraper. In this time period, he manages to escape. You and your team (Put down 2 allies in the bio) set out to discover who he really is, why he did it, And shut him down. (Put down John Titus as an enemy)

B: You are an agent stopping the android breakout before it becomes too much for you. Instead of turning you, they plant a chip into your brain that grants access to your nervous system. You are now a merciless undercover killer under the androids control. Can you break free and get revenge? Or will you be a slave forever? Only time can tell.
(Put down Androids as an enemy)

C: You are in a special division of WATCH, known as E.T.S. (Extraterrestrial Termination Squadron) Your mission: Take down the alien menace. However, you soon realize in the background of this all, something sinister is rising.
(Put down aliens as an enemy)

D: What exactly DID happen? Explain in your bio.

First off- This is a fairly open game (or atleast trying to be)
The overworld is.. Planet earth. You can go anywhere.
I'll try to include lots to do.
Now, one thing ill need to explain-
Good and evil.
Both can access areas that the other can't. Both also will have different goals.
Battles basically work as followed-
Facing off against a mutant-
Mutant Health 100/100

Player Health 100/100
Like an RPG, but with no specific moves. You can do anything within your ability.
Also, superpowers. The only races that start with them are-
Robots can gain powers by upgrading software-
Mutants can gain powers through various ways-
Same with humans-
Klaaz gain powers from draining their victims power.


Human: Dull, Ordinary. No powers at all. Can gain them later.

Test Subject: One who has had the superpower test done on them.

Mutant: A human whom has been mutated to gain powers by an unusual method.

Klaaz: Aliens that wish to expand their territory. They are cruel, and menacing.

Android: You may still have a superpower, make it reasonable to a machine.
Androids are cruel, and wish to murder humans to create more of them.

Whisperers: Ghostly failed test subjects that want revenge for those who have put them in the current state. They start with a power.

W.A.T.C.H.: Elite soldiers dispatched to dispose of rebel supers and the Klaaz threat. They have no powers, but can gain them.

Character Sheet
Name: (Obvious?)
Alter-Ego: (Your move.)
Side: (Good, evil, or neutral. (if you are a klaaz, then your side is Alien))
Race: (You can find these above.)
Bio: (If you are intrested)
Powers: (Start with 1 if you are mutant or robot. 0 for Klaaz or human.)
Personality: (insert personality here)
Enemies: (None at the start, unless you put one in the bio.)
Allies: (Same as above.)
HP: 100/100 (Health points.)
SP: 100/100 (Stamina points. If you lose these all, your character must rest.)
PP: 100/100 (Power points. These are used for your power. Don't worry, they won't drain fast. However, if they do you must rest to regain them.)
Level: 1 (Obvious again.)
EXP: 0/100 (Experience)
Upgrades: (Do not fill this in. I'll do it for you.)
Inventory: (Anything you hold)
Money: (Start with 0)
Weapon: (If you need a weapon other than your superpower, put it here.)
Story Event: (read above in story, choose A B C or D depending on race)
268 posts

Alright. That's good. The only thing I can think of is the Klaaz being able to conquer other planets after Earth, or maybe a sequel related to this.

The info you seek is in the title. I'll give it abit longer, see if anyone else has an opinion, then I'll start it up.
268 posts

Extraterrestrial Ability Organization.
That has more plot importance then you might think.

268 posts

Let me guess. Scientists found technology in the rubble of an alien crash site to give people powers, and that's the Klaaz real motive, for the tech was just stolen from then. John Titus isn't really a human, merely a Klaaz informant, doing their dirty work for them by eliminating the people with powers so Earth gets the message, and, essentially, stealing back their technology. Am I right, or am I right? Also, the EAO is the Organization the scientists were part of, and they were the ones that tested on people. Or... The EAO is actually composed of human puppets, controlled by the aliens, in an attempt to study humans, and see if they're compatible for powers, as well as finding their weaknesses.

You and your plot knowledge.
268 posts

I assume were done here? Any last thoughts?

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