ForumsSupport ForumJust an idea . . . .

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124 posts

I'm not sure whether this has been suggested before but how about getting AP for actually playing/being good at the games on AG? I mean, (no offense) but you could be the worlds worst games player, just post on the forums alot, rate all the games, make 5 word comments on all of them, and you are now the top guy with the most AP out of everybody! I mean, no offese but, thats not right! I myself am pretty hopeless at games, but 1 day I could be top, just for commenting and rating games and the like!

  • 17 Replies
1,058 posts

Yes, this has been suggested before (actually, a long time ago I proposed something of the sort) but the problem would be to find a way to give out points fairly, without people just spending time on a game, or people hacking to win the game, or any other sorts of things. Although I would *love!* to have a way to give out points here for playing games, I am unsure as to how we could do that without it becoming totally unfair.

80 posts

I think it would be a good idea but how could you do it. If somebody was just to hack and b good, then I guess it would be a bad thing.

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