We are thinking about adding some more unlockable features on the site. This is not a for sure thing, and it may not go through to production. However, if we get some really cool ideas on here, it might! So what do you guys think would be some cool Armor Point unlockable features? We already have unlockable armatars, what should be next?
Here are some ideas that have been brought up through the Support and Suggestions forums already, and some we came up with. Feel free to voice your opinions on them, and add more ideas!
*Exclusive Games *Things to add to profile pages *Swords and Special Armor *New awards based on certain activity (Commenting, Rating Games, or Forum Post) *Customizable armatars (ability to modify or add things to the current armatars) *Profile skins
Actually, I'm not sure Carlie. It was the first thing that popped up in my mind. I guess it is kind of useless rgiht now, but who knows? I'd love the swrod and special armor as well.
In additon to profile skins, you should be able to unlock site themes and change them instead of this box with blue around it.
Exclusived games: Hmm i would like this!. Swords and special armor: Thats ezactly what armorgames is missing! I also like the awards and stuff, it is what a lot of people want.
I think these ideas are great! I also think along with just armorpoints awards, mods/admins should be able to give certain members awards. This may balance out some people who want to spam for the points, many may also want to be helpful to maybe get some of those awards. For both parts with the awards though, I think these could show up as like a badge type icon below a users armatar!
Having awards, like the xbox live Achievements would be cool. Maybe having all new games implement this? Could work out so that you can get achievements from games you play and doing certain things and it gives you AP or something! But you'd have to have cooperation from the flash makers and also you'd have to have some good as2 / as3 coders for armorgames to make the code. This would be incredible amounts of work but I can garantuee it would increase popularity ten fold.
They already have a system like this implemented on Kongregate. Armorgames is trying to be original and it's own unique site. This has been suggested many times, and I'm sure even I would enjoy it, but it's highly unlikely for this site. Theres just too much else to do before this In my opinion!
I was thinking we could make a "game beta page" where people with a merit count (merit count because they provide the most info) can go and test games and say what they think.
I an fully against exclusive games though, people will leave AG to play a game they can't play here on another site.
Drognar, I am sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think you were the first one to suggest this. You were a big one in helping bring it more into an idea, but I had heard small ideas similar to this before you were even on this site. But you did help make it a more noticeable idea!