ForumsQuestsRoad of the Dead 2 Quests

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This thread is a place to discuss quests for Road of the Dead 2. Here is a list of the current quests available for this zombie-squishing action game...
Hydroficially Evolved
Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.
Hardness: Easy
Blunt Force Trauma
Kill 100 zombies with your vehicle.
Hardness: Easy
Death Race
Maintain max speed for 0.5 km.
Hardness: Medium
Mutant Sandwich
Survive 2 mutants side grappling both characters.
Hardness: Mediuim
Heaven Sent
Save 50 civilians in Rescue Op before failing.
Hardness: Medium
Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Complete story mode.
Hardness: Hard
Mutant Stomp
Reach 20 km in mutant meltdown.
Hardness: Hard

  • 144 Replies
7,042 posts
Grand Duke

So i was right^^
Nice game, got 1 quest yet...

366 posts

This game is just so addicting...good thing these quests actually take some skill lol. Death Race is giving me a headache...and Mutant Stomp is actually quite difficult, you think you're fine but then NOPE your car blows up!

366 posts

WOW finally got 20k for Mutant Stomp after getting trolled at 19.21k! I have to put that right up there with the hardest quests to obtain. I feel like there's luck involved with that one, if you don't get enough garages to repair your car, you'll never get 20k. Even if you get plenty though, only takes some horrible mine and obstacle placement and that ends your run.

650 posts

Ugh, this game is boring, poor game to put achievements on. You just repeat the same things over and over and over again.

The 'story mode' is WAY too long and repetitive with absolutely no actual story to break it up. Oh look guys, we're driving. Ok killing various zombies. Stopping at various stop points. Kill more zombies. Hit an arbitrary checkpoint. Ok, still driving, stopping at the same stop points. Ok, still killing zombies. (2 hours later) Ok, still killing zombies, stopping at the same freaking stop points. Ok, taking a break. WHAT, I'm only 35% done with the alleged 'story'????!???!!? WTF.

636 posts

I agree, Olinser. One of the more "grindy" games in terms of quests.

3,174 posts

Does anyone have tips for these quests:

Hydroficially Evolved (Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.)
Every time my car is on fire and I hit a fire hydrant nothing happens. Hit the hydrants at low and high speeds nothing happens. I put out the fire once with an already burst fire hydrant but apparently that doesn't count.

Death Race (Maintain max speed for 0.5 km.)
How do I know I'm going top speed?

What objects must I avoid to maintain top speed?
Can I hit zombies or will that cause me to lose speed?
Is this just 0.5 km in one run (start to death), but can be broken up into pieces or 0.5 km in continuous go (You must maintain top speed for a continuous 0.5 km)?
Do you need to have the best engine for this to work (to hit the "top" speed)?

Mutant Sandwich (Survive 2 mutants side grappling both characters.)
I've had two zombies on my car and knocked them off, doesn't seem to count.
Does this mean shoot off two zombies with gun?
Does this have to be a specific type of zombie?

3,174 posts

Hydroficially Evolved (Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.)
Okay, so the in game survival guide says you have to shoot the hydrants in order for the water effect to work. So you can't run over the hydrant to do this quest. I still need help with.

Death Race (Maintain max speed for 0.5 km.)
See my previous post.

Mutant Sandwich (Survive 2 mutants side grappling both characters.)
See my previous post.

Also, has anyone else noticed that Diane, the female character can't pronounce Cocheta's name consistently? Sometimes it's Co-chAY-tuh with a real English sounding pronunciation. Sometimes, Co-cheuh-tuh with a real Spanish sounding flare. Sometimes it's like half in between both.

636 posts

Reton -- I shot a fire hydrant and then ran over it when I was on fire. It registered for me.

I'm also curious about the max speed for 1/2 kilometer. Wish they had more gauges (health of engine, bumper, tires, people, etc.).

Mutant Sandwich -- I haven't done this yet, but I believe it has to be specifically mutants, not just random zombies, and they have to be grabbing the two people at the time. I've had only one at a time so far ....

3,174 posts

Mutant Sandwich -- I haven't done this yet, but I believe it has to be specifically mutants, not just random zombies, and they have to be grabbing the two people at the time. I've had only one at a time so far ..

Yeah looks like this one is going to be luck based haha
3,174 posts

How do you avoid those carpet bombs? I can't seem to dodge them no matter how far to one side of the road or the other I go to.

14,745 posts

This turns out to be a game that is much harder than it looks, well... for me apparently. It takes a lot of time to round up enough RP to upgrade stuff and get a better gameplay. =/

Everytime I start making a decent amount of RP, I either hit a civilian or the zombies snatch my guys when I'm reloading! I guess driving slower and more cautious is the trick in this game. Which counts for the mines as well.

As for the Quest that needs you to maintain the highest speed for a set distance, I think you need to have upgraded your hummer to the max in order to achieve this one. At least, that would make sense to me. =)

And I'm still waiting to experience what the "side grappling" beholds. Right now, all I've seen is zombies grappling my hood. I guess this only happens in a certain mode? We'll see... =)

366 posts

Both Death Race and Mutant Sandwich are probably easiest to do on Mutant Meltdown mode. For mutant sandwich this does mean that two mutants need to be grappling your characters at the same time (Where you spam mouse click for the driver and space for the gunner). There are lots of mutants in Mutant Meltdown, it will probably happen more than once.

Since there are less zombies in Mutant Meltdown to slow down your speed it is probably easiest to do it in this mode as well. Things that don't slow down your speed:
Fire Hydrants (Pretty sure at least...)
Water barrels on the highway
Yellow and Black Street Barriers
Those annoying pumpkins, tis the season XD.
Fires that remain when a car blows up (If you see a car engulfed in fire, this is NOT the same, these ones will slow you down)
Shopping carts

Not 100% sure on these ones:
Oil slips?
Those digital street signs?

Everything else pretty much slows you down, even hitting a zombie or pedestrian at top speed seems to slow you down slightly. A maxed car helps, and also helicopter support is very useful for clearing a path, same with the mounted rocket launcher (But be careful with the rocket launcher, it is easy to blow yourself up with it).

636 posts

I hate to be contrary, but I'm still finding these quests to be among the most grind-a-licious of all the quest games. Epic Fantasy Battle 4 is a good runner-up .... I've given up on a few very difficult quests for Strike Force Heroes and Treadmillasaurus just because I can't do them; for this game, I might give up just because I'm not interested in spending scads of time to complete them. At least with Epic Fantasy, there were changes in storyline to keep people mildly interested.

3,174 posts

First, thanks to all for the tips. I've come to a few conclusions myself on this game after playing awhile. Some of my information has already been stated. I'm just repeating it.

One, RP is hard to come by, upgrade Lower Costs (in the Perks section) to maximum as soon as you can.

Two, RP is hard to come by, in order to really get some RP park your car and blast at some zombies. It's one of the best ways to do it. You're not in danger of hitting civilians either if you do it this way. Don't have to worry about dieing either your just grinding RP. (It can help though to just play like normal and hit as many zombies as possible, both methods work better with upgrades).

Three, you may want to upgrade Faster Leveling (in the perks section) right after upgrading Lower Costs.

Four, select one person as your driver and one person as your gunner and don't ever switch them unless absolutely necessary. This way one of them will hit top driving quicker and the other will get better with the weapons quicker. There skills will obviously improve even faster after fully upgrading Faster Leveling. You can get both of their skills up, and then switch drives whenever you want (I think switching helps if the driver is low on health), but this will take longer.

Five, work on getting your pistol maxed out first (or at some point). This weapon has infinite ammo, so it makes sense to us it the most and spend less time (or none at all) gathering ammo. So upgrade it fully and max out your skills in it as soon as possible. But, you will still want to us your other weapons when the time is right.

Six, I found that it was often helpful to switch guns instead of reloading when I needed to kill a bunch of enemies that kept climbing on my hood. You'll get the feel for when to use this technique and when it's better to reload. Try to keep all your guns reloaded so that when you switch you aren't switching to an empty cartridge.

Seven, the game basically punishes you for driving quickly (aside from it giving you a higher chance to squish zombies and moving along quicker). I found it best to drive at a moderate pace on most levels. It helps you avoid civilians, mines and other obstacles. Also, I feel you take less damage when you hit something at lower speeds. The freeway levels seem to be the only few levels where driving faster works better.

Eight, when you see the green mines it is often helpful to stop, or slow down, and shoot them before going over them. Sometimes just stopping short of green mines will detonate them without them hurting you. Sometimes you can drive past them on one side or the other and the explosions will miss. Red mines can be handled the same way, but I found it best to drive quickly past red mines or swerve to avoid them.

Nine, carpet bombing can be avoided by going off road in between buildings and just wait for the bombing to stop (basically go as far right or left as possible and wait for the bombing to stop). A good time to pull over is after you see the plane initially fly by, or if you don't mind cutting it close, a few moments after you see the plane initially fly by. I felt that the first level in which carpet bombing is introduced is the only level were it seems impossible to avoid unless you go off road. Subsequent stages with carpet bombing can be handled differently. You will see what side of the road the bombs are dropping on and then just drive on the other side.

Ten, for the mission Mutant Sandwich (Survive 2 mutants side grappling both characters.) Side grappling is only done by the mutant zombies and alpha mutant zombies (they look like humans with no skin and all just muscle). Side grappling is when one of these two types of zombies grabs your character. If they grab the gunner you have to repeatedly click to get them off you. If they grab the driver you have to hit the space bar repeatedly to get them off or shoot them in the head. The best way to get the quest is probably by doing the challenge mode Mutant Meltdown

Eleven, to reduce lag, go to the options screen and set the quality to low and shut off zombie tints. Also, after playing for extended periods it may help to refresh the page. You can also try playing in different browsers to see if one or the other handles the game better.

Those are all the tips I can think of right now. lol

3,174 posts

The perk Lower Costs - reduces the RP cost of all upgrades.

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