ForumsThe TavernYouTube comments and Google+

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So how does everyone like the new system for commenting on YouTube videos? Well, that is assuming you have a Google+ account. Otherwise you might as well not comment.
But hey, they did it for a reason! To cut down on trolls by making people use the G+ account tied to their real name! Providing that they don't make a G+ account with a false name. Yet who would do that?
Now, you can see comments that are from people in your circles and celebrities! I know, I know. Right now the top comments are just spambots, links to screamers, porn, ASCII spam and viruses. Who doesn't love that?

Who thought this system was ever going to be a good idea? The comments on YouTube weren't perfect, yet they were nowhere near this bad. In the old system, the character limit on comments kept people from posting stupid long and pointless spam messages. In the old system, you couldn't post links because of spambots, links to screamers, porn, ASCII spam and viruses. In the old system, you weren't notified of someone else responding to a comment to replied to.
As it is, my eardrums have almost been shattered by links to screamers. I've also seen more than my fair share as ASCII genitalia and mega-scroll spam. My inbox is being flooded with messages about someone not even replying to me. I wish I could just turn comments off all together and save myself the pain.

What do you all think?

  • 34 Replies
6,737 posts

I hate the top comments tab. I wish it would just be the old top comments tab where the comments that got likes would be at the top not random spam people post -.-

3,675 posts

I hate the top comments tab. I wish it would just be the old top comments tab where the comments that got likes would be at the top not random spam people post -.-

Since I started this thread, they have changed how it works it seems. Of course, it's not any better than before. Now it's always my comments first (which is a stupid idea) and then a tonne of seemingly random 'top' comments. At least the top comments used to be the comments that got the most up-votes. Now it's some weird system of most recent but also popular. I've seen the 'top' comment be a newish single post with 2 up-votes, while waaaaay down the list is an older comment with twenty or more up-votes.

Also, just because YouTube:
Anyone notice how YT finally center-aligned the video and comment feed? Now there's not a giant no-mans land of whiteness off to the side. But then they fluffed it all up by moving the playlist box underneath the video at the bottom-right.
I swear, they are required to do one decent thing while doing at least one stoopid thing.
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