ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Comments Section

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5 posts

I type a comment under a game and enter it. It then says I have to wait 30 seconds before I can leave another comment, and that's fine. But waiting an hour or more and not being able to post another comment without having first backed out of the game is annoying. I know it's not my computer / connection. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

  • 6 Replies
1,315 posts

As far as I know, you will have to reload that page, yes.

I tend to focus on my game, then leave any comments for later

14,745 posts

If you are writing the comment during a gameplay, then you have nothing else to resort to but refreshing the page... but let me ask you this; why would you want to refresh the page? Are you intending to write a second comment right after the first one? Retorical question here... =)

5 posts


You seem to know a lot. Of course the reason I brought this up was because I intend(ed) on writing a second or in one case, 2 more comments shortly after the first one. My point being: It says to wait 30 seconds. It does not say reload the page. So excuse me for posting comments on games I enjoy playing, and sorry I get annoyed when the website (which I can not control) is making players reload/refresh the page to post multiple comments when it clearly says you must wait 30 seconds. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the entire point of forums is to discuss the website/game/team etc. they're linked to. In this case I brought up an annoying problem with the site, that shouldn't be a difficult fix. I'm putting the forums to use. Did you answer my question, or even attempt to solve it? Instead, did you use sarcasm? Are you a decent forum moderator? All, of course, "retorical" questions. The correct spelling is "rhetorical". You're welcome and good day.

1,315 posts

It says to wait 30 seconds.

Yes, but it's always seemed logical to me that this means you can only post something again after 30 seconds, on a fresh page. Nor then do I see how this would be easily fixed; that page has you down as having just posted, until you refresh/move to a different page.

So that's your answer.
5 posts

I don't want an answer. You answered nothing. It says "You must wait 30 seconds before you can post another comment." How, in any way, does that imply that you have to refresh the page? Does it say "oh yea, you also have to refresh the page."? Would you wait 30 seconds before or after refreshing? I can post, refresh and post again much faster than 30 seconds. You idiots aren't getting the point.

3,675 posts

There is no need to get huffy about it. Your question was answered.

You make a post, and it says "You must wait 30 seconds before you can post another comment." If you really feel the need to post another comment on the page you need to refresh the page. The wait isn't intended for posting on the same exact page simply because common sense dictates that not many, if any, people need to post on the same page in such quick succession.
That being said, you might want to reevaluate your commenting behaviour. If you find yourself posting multiple comments in a row on the same game, something is amiss. The game comments are not a chat box and only really require a comment once every so often. Same reasoning applies to the forums.

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