ForumsThe TavernWhat interesting things did you do today?

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Hello my honey moneys, this thread is a remake for a thread I made a year or 2 ago but was locked for some reason.

This thread is fairly simple, just talk about something interesting that happened to you today, nothing complicated, just that easy.

The interesting thing I did today was play Dapro in a game of Shell Shock Live 2, and played chess and backgammon with my dad.

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2,980 posts

I invented a game that's a cross between darts, bowling, and golf. I call it Darbolgof. All you need to start Darbolgof is a couple of plastic grocery bags, less than a pound of dirt, a couple zip ties, and some duct tape. If you would like to know more about this game, ask me on my profile.

2,980 posts

It finally happened! I had a dream about AG! I swear I did!

I dreamt that I was walking down a long hallway to go to get my broken hand reset (I don't remember how I rebroke it), but on my way there, I passed by the AG server room. There was a sign that read ← ArmorGames. Idk why AG's servers were in a medical building or why I didn't go in. If I had only gone in I might have met one of the admins. (Idk who maintains the servers).

It only took two years to finally have an AG related dream.

18,319 posts

So I have a crush and today I decided to write something cheesy about liking her in a letter that I decided to put in her band locker.

Unfortunately, I put it in the wrong locker so she missed it completely. Fortunately I moved it to the correct locker before anyone noticed. However, she won't get to read it until Thursday. ._.

The one time I even have the guts to do anything related to a crush and this happens. I hate life.

2,980 posts

So I have a crush and today I decided to write something cheesy about liking her in a letter that I decided to put in her band locker.

Unfortunately, I put it in the wrong locker so she missed it completely. Fortunately I moved it to the correct locker before anyone noticed. However, she won't get to read it until Thursday. ._.

The one time I even have the guts to do anything related to a crush and this happens. I hate life.

I thought you were married. Whatever the case, I wouldn't recommend leaving notes for her to find and wonder who is stalking her. Face to face conversation is always the most effective and direct way to meet someone.

Anywho, today I caught a glimpse of the ferrel dog that's been causing havoc in my yard. Since I have a cast on my hand, it took me to long to load my rifle, take the scope off, and mount the flashlight. I'll be ready next time. I hate wild dogs. It could attack someone's child at the worst or just keep chewing stuff up and knocking trash bins over at best. It's going a few feet under next time I get a clear bead on it.

18,319 posts

Whatever the case, I wouldn't recommend leaving notes for her to find and wonder who is stalking her.

All I wrote was a cheesy message on how she makes my heart melt and included a heart-shaped chocolate. I don't think that's stalker-ish, but I could be wrong. I think she'll know its me because I hung around with her last Saturday and talked about stuff.

As for the face-to-face thing... I never really had the courage to do something like walk up to a girl and tell her that I liked her. I always get nervous or chicken out. Even with this letter thing I was nervous that I'd get caught by her or one of her friends.

Anyway, today I and the whole sophomore class are going to be sitting in the auditorium doing some big test about grammar and punctuation stuff. Although I do hear today its just practice for the real thing.

2,825 posts

I listened to the new Weezer track. It's bad.

Face to face conversation is always the most effective and direct way to meet someone.

For once, I agree. Although this is in my, shall we say, limited experience.

491 posts

Finished Deus Ex: Human Revolution, favourite game now.

2,980 posts

As for the face-to-face thing... I never really had the courage to do something like walk up to a girl and tell her that I liked her. I always get nervous or chicken out. Even with this letter thing I was nervous that I'd get caught by her or one of her friends.

I feel you, bro. Honestly, I am not very self confident either. I just know that life is short and and I don't give a flying french fry what most people think about me anymore.

For once, I agree.

Holy cheesecake!!! You mean that this isn't going to turn into an argument about a difference in points of view?


Today when I was on the highway, a truck kicked up a stone about 1.5 cm in diameter that struck my windshield. It got deflected, but there's a huge crack right in front of the steering wheel. If it had been another cm in diameter, it probably would have gone through and screwed up my face. I hate gravel trucks!!!

18,319 posts

Alright so that note thing didn't really work like I wanted it to.

So today, I plan on becoming a man, I'm going to do ask her face-to-face. Since we have a marching band competition today, I'm going to ask her if she wants to sit with me on the bus. If we sit on the bus, I'll admit that I was the one who sent the note and apologize for it. Then I'll say something about liking her and ask the question.

If she doesn't want to sit with me on the bus I'll just do the apology and whatever else I'll do right there.

Even if she doesn't want to date me, I'll still be happy that I had the guts to ask.

13,055 posts

I finally improved my score on Bo
mboozled 2!
My new one is 504,090 on casual!
Ah, typing on a tablet is a pain!

18,319 posts

I'm going to do ask her face-to-face.

I indeed asked her. Unfortunately, we're just friends. Also, she apparently knew that I sent the note.

In other news, my marching band got first place at the contest today.

2,825 posts

Last night, me and my dad went down to the Brudenell Social Club in Leeds to see METZ and Protomartyr. Awesome gig. The crowd went mental when METZ started playing.

2,980 posts

Today I juiced a bunch of limes. I made lime juice, lime ice cubes, and lime pops. Tangy!

My lime tree is loaded with fruit. I picked about twenty pounds of limes off the tree, but there's a least three times more on the plant.

18,319 posts

Yesterday was the last marching band contest for the season, and the last contest for the seniors. There were lots of tears involved. We also went to Golden Corral, which was pretty great to hang out with friends.

2,980 posts

Last night, I had the living daylights scared out of me by a Lionel Richie song. Seriously, I was laying in bed to get some rest and I had headphones on, but was starting to fall asleep and had forgotten that I was wearing them. In the next song that started playing, there's apparently someone who is walking down a hallway with hard shoes on before any instruments are played. So put all of this together with a pair a very comfortable and high quality headphones, and it sounds like someone is trying to break your front door down. Also take into consideration the high pitched squeal noise at the beginning that sounds like someone screaming as they are being knifed to death and my overly active imagination. Now picture a totally freaked out guy wearing only a pair of green undies scrambling out of bed and falling down because his feet got tangled in the blankets as he tries to remember where he can find the nearest weapon. Now you have an idea of what the most exciting thing was that happened to me recently.

Showing 571-585 of 684