ForumsGamesGemcraft CS: shadow orbs are complete BS

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12 posts

Grind grind grindgrindgrindgrindgrind grind. Thats all this game is now compared to the previous games in the series. Why? Because of the **** shadow orbs!

If you get stuck at a certain point in the game? Thats fine because we have these battle traits that let you get more xp in a tougher run. OH WAIT! First you have to go grind for this rare resource just so you can be allowed to grind for levels! F* your average of 5 shadow orbs per level because you need hundreds of them! Oh an if you want better talisman pieces? Be prepared to grind for DAYS getting enough orbs to make a difference.

Seems like a clear money grubbing tactic from a developer that was once my favorite of any developer out there. Good job losing a fan for a money scheme.

  • 21 Replies
150 posts

You might want to reconsider your strategy. What map(s) are you stuck on and how do you generally go about beating them?

I'm at the point where my usual strategy won't get me anywhere, and gaining 200 levels from endurance runs didn't change that one bit, so I need to change my strategy. Probably going to go with something similar to the endurance mana farms...

Yes, leveling up helps, but often times it won't be the deciding factor for whether or not you beat a level. General strategy and random events have far more influence on that than your skill points/mana regen due to wizard level.

BTW, do you spend ALL your skill points? After a certain point you're going to want to not spend them them so you have more starting mana. If you reach a map where you can't kill the first wave, unlevel your skills until you can start with a higher-grade gem, then try again.

58 posts

What Wizard Level are you at and where are you stuck. I think if you want some guidance there is lots to be had here, but people need a little more info. As has been mentioned there are different ways of approaching this game, so let people know.

on a side note, i did buy the wizards pouch and 50000 Shadow cores. For me it was more of a thank you to Peter than anything. All the hours i have spent playing this series, and i have spent 20 bucks for it (between CS and GCL). When i compare what i paid for Diablo 3 or Xcom for example, way better value for my money so i have no problem supporting the developer in this way

17 posts

Get poolbound skill, use only chain/crit/armor gems if you do not have poolbond.
Once you get poolbound go with chain and pool. make sure you have enough mana to start with gem that can kill first 3-5 waves, call them early for extra mana. Use spells, have only 1 gem, possibly 4/8 amps around it. best strategy ever.

12 posts

I am level 61 atm. I am stuck on basically every map that has starting HP of 70+

24 posts

It really depends on the traits you put on and the levels you play. once you get to about ~lv500 you definitely won't have to grind.

447 posts

At lvl 2500 you have to grind them, for upgrading all 15 +1 to all skills talisman fragments.

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