If you'd like to participate in The Great Debates, then simply state your interest in this thread.
Please read the rules and regulations on the main debating thread: click here
1) Which is more valuable: butterflies or moths?
2) Is it better to believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy?
3) If a car explodes in the middle of a parking lot with no one around, does it make a sound?
N.B. This is just the signup list. The debate itself will take place on the main thread (linked above).
Also keep in mind that your topic will be chosen at random!
Well, if you'd like to talk about heavier stuff, feel free to make a thread about it, or drop me a line any time
Oh, and it slipped my mind when writing the rules, but the topic and what position you'll be arguing for will be chosen at random. So you might get the third topic, though there's only a 33% chance of that!
Alright, we have our 6 people and your topics. Please proceed to the main debate thread (click here) to present your argument.
Remember - you only get 1 post, so make it count!
@pangtongshu - An exploding car with no one around to hear it *does* make a sound @JACKinbigletters - Moths are more valuable than butterflies @Snag618 - Butterflies are more valuable than moths @MoonFairy - It's better to believe in the Tooth Fairy than Santa Claus @Riptizoid101 - An exploding car with no one around to hear it does *not* make a sound @Salvidian - It's better to believe in Santa Claus than the Tooth Fairy
As for @Kennethhartanto and @Minotaur55 - you guys will have priority in the next round if you'd like to play.
In the meantime, I'm going to lock this thread so I don't get confused. I'll unlock it once the next round begins.
Welcome to Round 2 of The Great Debates! Sign up here if you'd like to participate. In this round, I'm not going to give the questions beforehand. After all, if you're good at giving an argument then you should be able to argue for anything.
Remember - users who give a good argument might earn themselves a merit and a new quest! So sign up now if you'd like to participate.
Note: If you got in last round, you can't play this round. Also @Kennethhartanto and @Minotaur55 - you have have priority if you'd like to play. So even if you're a bit late in signing up I'll let you in. But make sure to express your interest!