ForumsThe TavernWhat do posts mean to you?

20 6841
18,319 posts

Any AG user in the Forums know what posts are and how to gain them, but what do they actually mean to you? Are they rewards? Do you feel as if you could care less about them? Is there any specific reason you want to gain more(or less for some reason) posts?

To me posts are there to basically tell the community how long you've been to the community or how active, it shows how much you are a part of the community.

Plus I wanna catch up to pang. You just wait pang, I'll catch you some day.

  • 20 Replies
407 posts

Posts to me show how much ive contributed and how much time ive spent here. I am almost at 400 and ive been here for almost 4 months. 100 posts a month isnt a lot but summer is almost here so i will be on twice as much.

552 posts

I post because I enjoy posting, and I enjoy being a part of the things that go on in this place, even if half of my posts do go unnoticed. It would be nice to have a higher amount of posts, as some people seem to blindly respect that, but I don't plan on posting more than I need to for the sake of increasing that number. I figure it will get there when the time comes and not a moment sooner.

I dont get the question...

Then why did you even post? If you didn't read the first post or anything in the rest of the thread, you should not have even posted once, and yet you posted twice without contributing anything.
Showing 16-17 of 20