ForumsQuestsMighty Knight Quests

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9,323 posts

Let's chat about the new Quests for Mighty Knight!
Let's Talk About Life
Complete a campaign with your hero having perfect HP.
Hardness: Easy
Guerilla Trooper
Unlock the Archer.
Hardness: Easy
Shield of Justice
Block 50 attacks with your hero.
Hardness: Medium
Infinity Blow
Attack with your hero 1000 times.
Hardness: Medium
Cast 25 times Hurricane Blade.
Hardness: Medium
Rune Master
Purchase all max runes.
Hardness: Hard
One of a Kind
Fully upgrade your hero.
Hardness: Hard
Spirited Anyway
Defeat 4th miniboss.
Hardness: Hard

  • 57 Replies
225 posts

Hmm, are this creators associated with Kingdom Rush's Iron Hide studio or something? Because that assets look very... similar?

7,042 posts
Grand Duke

8/8, two of them needed a new start (One of a Kind & Guerilla Trooper), the rest work fine.

@Leesie: Quest works for me, maybe it will trigger if you reload the game? Otherwise play a level again with all runes on max and see if that will do it.

650 posts

@Leesie - the quest worked for me. Perhaps you need to purchase every max rune in a single level to trigger the AG quest?

All of the quests were pretty easy once you understand the game, the AI is rather basic and extremely stupid. All of the melee simply run straight at you to attempt to hit you.

To beat literally any level except the last one simply requires a couple speed upgrades, the attack upgrade for the ranged slash, and a single rune for HP regeneration. Anything else just makes it quicker.

Start out just hitting and killing things as fast as you can. As enemies start to stack up, run around the map in a wide circle, rolling when necessary to speed up. The enemy AI simply tries to follow you in a large pack. When the cooldown comes up, turn around and use the slash on the pack. If you have it, Hurricane Blade is also very useful and can possibly clear out the entire pack if you roll into the center and trigger it. If an enemy or two gets ahead of the main pack, slash and kill him.

That's it. As you run around your HP slowly regenerates in case you catch a spear or an attack, none of the melee guys will ever catch you. The only boss you can't do this on is the last one, but there aren't very many normal enemies on that stage anyway.

14,745 posts

I thought there was a bug in the Quest distribution for the final one, "Spirited Anyway", as it unlocked mid-level and I wasn't even near the 4th Boss... (oO) ...turns out my 3 comrades managed to slay it while I was busy killing off the rest of the minions on the other side of the game screen! LOL Seems like a good tip when reaching level 12... use it to your advantage I say!! =)

Note: I used a lot of runes to boost my entire party when entering this level, which may or may not have something to do with this situation unfolding.


@Leesie : Did you buy them all at once for a single level before entering it? If so, it may be related to the browser you are using. Which browser do you use if I may ask? =)


@Jasza676 : I think the artist who worked on this game is the same one who worked on the Kingdom Rush games perhaps?

9,323 posts

@Leesie Glad to hear it.

225 posts

Wow, good that they did not made defeating Phantomgod a quest, that guy is hard, even with everybody on full upgrades and max runes he is a challenge.
But well, all quests done, yay.

Rune Master - just a note, to buy all runes on maximum level you need 35,000 gold in total, if anybody wondered.

574 posts
Grand Duke

Been waiting for this type of game for a bit. Glad it was here, Got done in a few hours now back to the gemcrafts :/

Note:; I bought all runes max in 1 go and got quest. So just to confirm that is what needs to be done.

3,174 posts

Tip 1.)
For the quest, Let's Talk About Life (Complete a campaign with your hero having perfect HP.) The wording had me a bit confused, but just to clarify for anyone, you just have to beat one stage without taking damage to get this quest. You do not have to beat the entire game without taking damage.

The easiest way to get Let's Talk About Life is to level up your main hero a little and then play the first stage in normal mode.

Tip 2.)
I found it best to focus upgrades on my hero first, before upgrading the computer played heroes. The final boss is difficult though, having everything fully upgraded would help there.

Tip 3.)
This goes along with what Olinser said, not only can you run around the pack of enemies, you can roll around the pack of enemies. By double tapping any arrow quickly in a row your character will roll. When rolling you are practically invulnerable, but you can't attack. You can roll multiple times in a row and in any direction and you roll faster than you run. You can even roll through the pack of enemies without taking damage. Only rarely will you get caught in the pack, after a roll, and take damage. So use the roll to your advantage and roll through enemies when you see fit.

Tip 4.)
Get the free gold. When you click the free gold button on the game screen, you are taken to another screen that has five buttons; two Facebook "like us" buttons, two twitter "like us" buttons, and one "visit us" button. Most, if not all, flash games have no way of checking if you actually like an outside webpage, so the game will give you the gold just for clicking those buttons, you don't even need a Facebook or Twitter account. So, click those buttons.

Tip 5.)
The in-game achievement CAREFUL PLAYER (Take a peek at the instruction page) has you looking for the instruction page. The instruction page is not on any of the menu screens and it is not in the option screen (unless I missed it on one of those screens). In order to get to the instruction page you have to start a level and then click the question mark in the upper right hand corner of the screen (under the large Swartag logo).

Tip 6.)
This one might be obvious, but in order to obtain your gold from completing in-game achievements you must go to the achievement page and claim your gold. Each achievement that you complete will show a claim button (in the upper right corner of the individual achievement boxes). Once you click the claim button you will obtain your gold and the claim button will turn into a green check mark.

42 posts

i was already at half of game when quests show up but all other were completed except the Guerrilla Trooper i had him already i think it a bug

11,891 posts

@chammad: You need to start a new game to unlock it again.

4 posts

No quest for completing the entire game? Disappointing

300 posts

Got the quests, fun small game in overall, but the final boss is just OP'd when it comes to HP, I could finish him off, but since it's not a quest I'm not going to have a 15min battle with him. For the creators, either drop his HP with 50% or make those last NPC upgrades less expensive.

Either than that small detail, a sweet timewaster

3,174 posts

If anyone one is wondering how many enemies there are in each stage here is a list.

Stage 1 - 15 Enemies
Stage 2 - 30 Enemies
Stage 3 - 45 Enemies (Boss 1 Stage)
Stage 4 - 60 Enemies
Stage 5 - 75 Enemies
Stage 6 - 90 Enemies (Boss 2 Stage)
Stage 7 - 105 Enemies
Stage 8 - 120 Enemies
Stage 9 - 135 Enemies (Boss 3 Stage)
Stage 10 - 150 Enemies
Stage 11 - 165 Enemies
Stage 12 - 180 Enemies (Boss 4 Stage)
Stage 13 - 195 Enemies
Stage 14 - 210 Enemies
Stage 15 - N/A Enemies (Final Boss Stage)

Each stage has 3 ,modes of play, the normal mode and two quests. The enemy list above only pertains to the normal mode as the quest modes have different requirements for beating the stage. You complete the stages by defeating all the enemies, except for the last stage in which an infinite number of enemies will spawn until you defeat the final boss.

When you enter a stage you will see a sword in the upper left corner of the screen. This is the number of enemies you have killed for that stage (the number is always at zero when you start a stage). I know there is a progress bar near the bottom right corner of the game screen, but knowing the exact number of enemies you have to kill is nice too.

2 posts

I had already taken all the achievements and therefore in theory and would have to have all the quest! ahy way to give me or I have to do it all again?? -_-

636 posts

I have made it a point not to play any new games on ArmorGames for this reason -- the quests often are not retroactive. Once the game gets a quest, then I'll play it.

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