What Is Fairy Tail ?
The world of Fairy Tail is populated by humans and numerous other races, including Exceeds, dragons, celestial spirits, and giant beasts. Earth-land (su Rando?), a vast peninsula, is divided into ten different countries: the Fiore Kingdom (koku), Seven (Sebun), Bosco (Bosuko), Iceberg (gu), Minstrel (Minsutoreru), Midi (), Desierto ( Deshieruto), Joya (Hoya), Bellum (Beramu), and the Pergrande Kingdom (Pergurande koku). Sin (Shin) and Caelum Kaerumu), two different islands, are also a part of Earth-land.
Story :
Fairy Tail's original location was situated in the Kingdom of Fiore, on the southern coast of the country in Magnolia Town where it was the only guild[3] (until the arrival of Twilight Ogre). It was located in the south of the town not far from the coast, and the guild was situated about 4-5 kilometers up the Magnolia central path.[4] When the core members of Fairy Tail disappeared for 7 years, the remaining members could no longer afford to keep Fairy Tail's first building so it went into foreclosure.[5] After they left it, they moved into a small tavern, that lies on top of a small hill, and made it their base of operations.[6] Though upon arriving back in Magnolia town after their victory at the Grand Magic Games, the guild's first building has since been rebuilt in the center of the city by the people of Magnolia town as a reward for their victory in the Grand Magic Games.[7]
It was said that the founder of Fairy Tail guild was a real Fairy.[9] It is revealed that Fairy Tail guild was founded by Mavis Vermilion, Precht, Warrod Sequen and an unnamed Mage in the year X686.[10] The first Master of Fairy Tail was Mavis Vermilion. Mavis' grave is located on Fairy Tail's holy ground, Tenrou Island.[11]
Fairy Tail has existed for at least several decades but has only grown to its current prominence and strength in the last few years. In this growth, it began to rival another large guild, Phantom Lord, and they began to be seen as symbols of the country.[12] When the core members of Fairy Tail disappeared, the guild dropped to last place in strength,[13] however, the core members returned seven years later.
S - Class Mage Promotional :
In the Fairy Tail Guild, the Trial (S-Class Mage Promotion Trial) is an event that is held every year, where the Master selects the most prominent members to participate in a trial in order to be promoted to S-Class Mages.[14] Every year the trial is different and the venue also.[15] Current S-Class Mages also take part in the Trial, to increase the difficulty of the task and make the Trial even harder to complete.[16]
Fantasia :
A parade held every year at The Harvest Festival where Fairy Tail Mages all display their Magic in a fantastical performance. The event is looked forward to not only by the members of Fairy Tail but by the whole population of Magnolia.[17]
Rules :
1. No - Overpower
2. No - Metagaming
3. No - Godmode
4. No Self Promote to S - Class Mage
5. Leaving :
» You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live.[18]
» You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain.[19]
» Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live.[20] (You could change guild. You also can break this rules by Fairy Tail, as long as you follow the other rules.)
6. No Canon Characters
Guild Ranks :
Mages are simply users of Magic that are able to undertake Jobs. Regular Mages are not allowed to undertake S-Class Jobs unless they are under the supervision of an S-Class Mage. However, it is possible for them to become an S-Class Mage. Fairy Tails guild is known to have a special tournament to decide whether or not a Mage can be promoted.[12] No other known events have been seen or mentioned with other guilds.
S-Class Mages
An S-Class Mage is a powerful Mage that is recognized by the Guild Master and is able to undertake S-Class Jobs. The jobs they take are so dangerous that even the simplest mistake can cost them their life. However, the pay for S-Class Jobs is good.[10] The overall strength of S-Class Mages differs from guild to guild. In some instances, an S-Class Mage is considered the strongest within their respective guilds, as with the case of Jura.[11]
Guild Master
A Guild Master is a Mage who is the head of the guild that he or she is affiliated with. Typically, Guild Masters are very powerful, often being the strongest Mage in their guilds. Occasionally, they are even members of the Ten Wizard Saints, as with the case of Makarov Dreyar.[8] As the heads of their own respective guilds, they virtually have complete authority over their subordinates, and can thus dictate their actions. As such, they are able to excommunicate members of their guilds or even reappoint them as an official member, as seen with Laxus. They also have the power to decide who the next master of the guild will be.[9]
Guilds :
Fairy Tail - Fairy Tail is the most powerful guild in Fiore.[13] This guild is greatly disliked by the Magic Council because of the destructive nature of its members.[14] Fairy Tail allied with Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Cait Shelter so that they could defeat Oraci Seis, one of three Dark Guilds in the Balam Alliance.[15] The guild lost its status as the top guild in Fiore due to the disappearance of several of its core members. After seven years, the Team Tenrou finally returned and has decided to regain their title as strongest guild by entering the X791 Grand Magic Games.[16] Two teams were sent to represent Fairy Tail and both managed to pass the Preliminaries.[17]
Sabertooth - It is formerly the most powerful guild in Fiore,[18] having gained five powerful members in the past seven years. Sabertooth participated in the Grand Magic Games of X791 and their representative team was able to place first in the preliminaries.[19]
Twilight Ogre - Representative Guild in Magnolia Town.[20] They were one of the many guilds who participated in the X791 Grand Magic Games, but were also among the majority who did not manage to move past the Preliminary round.[21]
Lamia Scale - Currently the #2 guild in Fiore,[22] not much is known about this guild except that they allied with Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, and Cait Shelter to defeat the Oraci Seis, one of the three Dark Guilds of the Balam Alliance.[15]
Blue Pegasus - One of the top four guilds in Fiore, the guild is mostly a guild for women and effeminate males known for having beautiful members.[23][24] Blue Pegasus allied with Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, and Cait Shelter to defeat the OraciSeis, one of the three Dark Guilds of the Balam Alliance.[15]
Quatro Cerberus - A guild lead by former Fairy Tail member, Goldmine. Members of this guild are known for their eccentricity, and most wear spiked collars, a reference to their guild's name.[25][26] Quatro Cerberus participated in the Grand Magic Games of X791, placing 7th in the Preliminaries.[27]
Mermaid Heel - An all-female guild. They participated in the Grand Magic Games of X791 and placed 6th in the Preliminaries.[27]
Raven Tail - Raven Tail is a powerful Guild that was founded by Makarov's son, Ivan.[28] It was formerly a Dark Guild pre-timeskip but was approved by the Magic Council in the past seven years following the Team Tenrous disappearance. Raven Tail participated in the Grand Magic Games of X791 and placed 3rd in the preliminaries.[29]
Magic :
» Caster Magic - is Magic that is expelled from the body as opposed to Magic done through the use of a weapon or outside source.
» Holder Magic - is Magic that requires a Mage to use an external source to produce the Magic. It usually requires the use of Magic Power, though there are some exceptions such as Edolas Items that are powered by Lacrima.
» Ancient Spell - as its name implies, is Magic from ancient times. It includes all forms of Lost Magic, Nirvana, Memory-Make as well as all of the Black Arts.[9]
» Lost Magic - is a type of Magic that has been obliterated from the history of the world due to their immense power and the sheer gravity of their side effects on the users. However, users of such Magic still exist, though the Magic itself is believed to be extremely rare.
Dragon Slayers :
Dragon Slayers are a unique type of people who utilize a form of Lost Magic, Dragon Slayer Magic. Each Dragon Slayer has their own form of Magic, just like each Dragon is a master of their own element.[1] In addition, they also have the ability to consume the element which they wield, just as long as it is not created from their own Magic. Doing so rejuvenates them and enhances their abilities.[2] Dragon Slayers are known to possess keener senses than that of normal humans such as in smell, sight and hearing.[3][4][5] Furthermore, if a Dragon Slayer manages to successfully kill a Dragon, they become stronger after bathing in its blood.[6] The most famous example of this is Acnologia, who not only went as far as to transform into a Dragon, but became their King (though it is said that Zeref assisted in the process of the transformation).[7]
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» Fire Dragon Slayer - Fire Dragon Slayer Magic is a type of Dragon Slayer Magic that grants the user various characteristics typical of a Fire Dragon: lungs capable of spewing flames, scales that grant protection against fire, and nails covered in flames. Consequently, Fire Dragon Slayer Magic allows the user to produce and control fire from any part of their body, which can be used both in melee and as a ranged form of offense.[1] The generated flames can be manipulated in a wide variety of ways, their can be changed at will, and they can even be given a material consistency.[2] Such fire seems to have a effect to it, seemingly causing bludgeoning damage alongside burnings.[3] The fire produced by this type of Magic produces much more heat than a standard one, with even the users body temperature being capable of melting iron;[4] not only that, but the users fire is strictly connected to their feelings, meaning the more emotional they get, the more their flames will increase exponentially in temperature, something that is referred to as Flames of Emotion[5]
» Iron Dragon Slayer - Iron Dragon Slayer Magic is a form of Dragon Slayer Magic which grants the user characteristics unique to Iron Dragons, allowing them to incorporate the element of iron (and, by extension, of steel) into their body, granting them the ability to change parts of their body[1] (or the entirety of it)[2] into iron, which can be shaped in a number of forms for different purposes, and to produce iron objects.[3]
» Sky Dragon Slayer - A type of Magic which grants the user various characteristics belonging to a Sky Dragon, allowing them to incorporate the element of air into their body. However, unlike other types of Dragon Slayer Magic, Sky Dragon Slayer Magic is geared more towards healing and support rather than offense.[1] The healing power granted by it is extremely high, having been described as capable of healing wounds inflicted by a real Dragon.[2] Concretely, it was enough to almost completely cure most injuries it was used on so far, and to nullify the effects of powerful poisons,[3] and is capable of restoring the body internally and externally including a patient's fatigue and body stress,[4] something made more formidable by the fact that healing Magic is long-lost, and believed to be nonexistent anymore.[5] However, employing such exclusive powers seems to be very tiring for the user, who can't make use of them in consecutive reprises,[6] nor can the Sky Dragon Slayer use their Magic to heal and restore themselves.[7] In addition to healing, Sky Dragon Slayer Magic can also grant support in battle, by boosting allies physical prowess.[8] Despite healing and support being its main abilities, this form of Magic, like other types of Dragon Slayer Magic, is said to possess great destructive power,[9] with its offensive spells taking the form of whirlwinds produced by the user.[10]
» Shadow Dragon Slayer - A Magic which allows the user to transform their physiology into that of a Shadow Dragon, turning their body into a shadow that cannot be touched by normal means.[3] With this Magic, the user is also able to fade themselves into shadows to move swiftly, dodging efficiently and making surprise attacks. However, if the user is caught while in a tangible form, or by another person in shadow form, they are then vulnerable to attack.[4][5]
» White Dragon Slayer - White Dragon Slayer Magic allows its user to transform the physiology of their body into that of a White Dragon. Consequently, this Magic allows the user to both produce and control light from any part of their body, which can be used in both close and ranged combat.[2] It is different from other Light Magic, as Sting refers to White Dragon Slayer Magic as "Holy" and "Pure", and to "Face its Judgement", as if it were a "light of justice".[1]
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Celestial Spirits :
Celestial Spirits -
are Magical beings from their own separate universe, the Celestial Spirit World. Some Mages, called Celestial Spirit Mages due to their specialization in Celestial Spirit Magic, are able to summon Spirits by opening their Gates via the use of Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. These Keys are separated into two classes: the more common Silver Keys and the extremely rare Gold Keys. Keys for Celestial Spirits are counted in Units (collectively without regard of Gold or Silver), and a Celestial Spirit Mage is noted by how many Units they have obtained.[1] All Celestial Spirits are each named after a different astronomical constellation.
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Celestial Keys :
Unknown Keys -
» Celestial Spirit King - He rules all of the Celestial Spirit World and enforces the rules among all the Spirits. He has the power to stop time in the Human World. [No Key]
» Ophiuchus - "The Snake Charmer" Ophiuchus is an enormous serpent with a metal-lined jaw. [Has Key]
Gold Keys
» Aquarius - "The Water Bearer" Aquarius is a mermaid equipped with an urn. Lucy considers Aquarius her strongest Spirit, even after receiving Loke's key.
» Taurus - "The Golden Bull" Taurus is a minotaur with black and white splotched skin and dons a nose ring, a black speedo and a gray belt. He wields a giant labrys.
» Cancer - "The Great Crab" Cancer has a crab-claw hairstyle with six crab legs protruding from his back. He wields a pair of scissors that he uses for attacking and haircuts.
» Virgo - "The Maiden" Virgo sports a black and white maid outfit, with chained shackles around her wrist. She has the ability to dig holes underground.
» Sagittarius - "The Archer" Sagittarius is a man wearing a horse costume much to Lucy's surprise with a great skill in archery.
» Leo - "The Lion" Leo appears as a man in a designer suit with his hair in the form of a lion's mane. He uses the Magic Regulus for combat.
» Aries - "The Ram" Aries is a timid female with horns at the top of her head much like a ram. She has white and fluffy clothes, like a sheep. Her Magic utilizes wool abilities to relax her opponents, rendering them incapable of fighting back.
» Scorpio - "The Scorpion" Scorpio is a rough man with a large gun, which is reminiscent of a scorpion stinger. Scorpio uses Sand Magic, which he casts by blasting great amounts of sand from his stinger.
» Gemini - "The Twins" "Gemi" and "Mini" are two miniature Spirits that wear sashes across their torsos. They can flawlessly transform and replicate into anyone they touch, acquiring their thoughts and Magic.
» Capricorn - "The Goat" Capricorn is a humanoid goat who was possessed by his former master through the use of Lost Magic. After being set free, he joins Lucy as one of her Spirits.
» Pisces - "The Paired Fish" Pisces consists of a pair of enormous fish, one black and one white. Their true forms are that of a beautiful woman with black hair and fair skin and her son, a young man with dark skin and wild-looking white hair who wields a trident. They are both powerful fighters, but revert to their fish forms upon contact with water.
» Libra - "The Heavenly Scales" Libra is a young woman in an exotic dancer's outfit who hides her face behind a veil and is equipped with half of a set of balancing scales on each hand. Libra uses Gravity Change to alter her opponents weight.
Silver Keys
» Crux - "The Southern Cross" Crux is a human like cross, with a mustache and cross shaped nose. Crux has a lot of information about all Celestial Spirits and their masters, either in the present or in the past.
» Horologium - "The Pendulum Clock" Horologium is a large grandfather clock. Horologium has combat and non-combat uses.
» Lyra - "The Lyre" Lyra wears a bonnet and dress. She also has wings on her back, she has the ability to sing beautiful songs, she mostly sings about emotions, but she does take requests.
» Nikora - "The Canis Minor" Nikoras come in various colors, accessories and markings, Nikora takes up hardly any Magic power when summoned.
» Caelum - "The Chisel" Caelum appears as more of an item than a being which takes three different forms to attack.
» Pyxis - "The Compass" Pyxis looks like a penguin with a big round face. It has a compass on top of its head.
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Quest :
» Normal Jobs - These Jobs cater to Mages of different levels of strengths, and a Mage does not need to be exceptionally strong to undertake these assignments. Also, the reward is variable upon the task required to complete, so Mages may leverage amongst different available missions to the amount of Jewels offered when making their decision of what mission to participate in.[2]
» S - Class Jobs - These missions are extremely dangerous, where even the smallest mistake may lead to a Mage's death (as commented on by Mirajane).[3] In order to undertake an S-Class Job, the Mage must be an S-Class Mage. An exception to this rule is that a group of non S-Class Mages must be accompanied by an official S-Class Mage, as seen with the "Take Over Siblings".[4] The reward for these Jobs can be rather large,[3] with some missions (such as Subjugation missions) spanning into millions of Jewels.[5]
» SS - Class Jobs - These missions can be inferred to possessing a much higher level of risk and difficulty than S-Class Jobs, and the experienced Mage must have acquired S-Class status to undertake these missions. These missions may also be given to an eligible candidate within the Guild that the Job is mediated through.[6]
» 10 Year Jobs - These Jobs have been designated as "10 Year Jobs" simply because these missions have been available for over 10 years and have yet to be completed.[6] These Jobs are incredibly dangerous in nature and most likely have a very promising reward for completing them.
» 100 Year Jobs - Similar to the 10 Year Jobs, these jobs are named as such due to the fact that the missions were available for over 100 years but have yet to be completed by any Mage.[7] Gildarts Clive is currently the only known Mage to undergo a 100 Year Job, but was unable to complete the mission.[8] He is also the first one to return alive from one of these Jobs (as commented on by Makarov)[9] which would infer the immense level of danger involved with these Jobs.
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Character Format -
Level: 1
Exp: 0/100
HP: 100/100
Energy: 100/100
Mage Type: (Dragon Slayer, Celestial Wizard, etc.)
Abilities: (5 Normal Abilities | 1 Ultimate Ability)
Inventory: (Don't Fill This)
Jewel: 5000 (Currency In - Game)
Rank: Mage Class
Stats: [You Have 40 Stat Points To Spend]
Strength: 0 (Combat)
Agility: 0 (Chance To Do Critical)
Intelligence: 0 (Makes The Ability Stronger)