Those last two Quests are more than 'Hard'... (@.@)
Managed to get the others, but I'm having a really hard time finding the missing souls and trying to decipher the code... I got up to three symbols now, but I can't find the last one... driving me mad!!! =P
Great game though! Nice increasing difficulty and fantastic puzzling gameplay! =)
I didn't have the patience to play for longer than an hour, so I only have the Grave Yard Shift quest. It was kind of tedious playing...don't know, maybe I'm just being lame.
@bakkart The way to get to level 9 : You can open it from level 7,go left at the beginning of the level,then jump over the 'it'.
Also,that level contains one soul.
Thanks for the code, I knew where to look but that quickened things up a bit.
Very enjoyable game, good that quests did not took enough time for this game to become frustrating.
Quests under the game show in wrong order - "Grave Yard Shift" and "Reach the City" should be the other way around (currently "Reach the City" is shown first).
I kinda do not like the fact that releasing all this 35 souls does not have any conclusion, it feels like it is missing something.
I used the map from L7 to retrace some levels -- only needed 5 souls (not counting Level 9). Ugh. Anyway, thanks for the advice on Level 9; to be clear, though, on Level 7 you have to go left first, but the Level 9 portal is in the upper right as you make your way there. (Use girl to go down right, and then left and up and around to the upper right.)
Here is the map (It has the lost soul circled because I initially intended the image just to be used for locating all the lost souls, not for the map itself.):
Click the links and it will show a picture of where the soul is. Maybe the pictures will help you remember if you have captured that soul or not.
Finally achieved the last two Quests today! Man... couldn't remember where the missing ones were, so I played every soul containing level again untill I found them all... =)
@davidofthehelmick : You need to go to the separate portal to enter the code wall and click the correct combination to unlock the Quest. If this doesn't work, please notify me by @ callout in this thread and I will see how we can fix it, ok? =)