Can we pick any rank or do we have to start at the bottom?
There are plenty of options of where to start at "the bottom"
It really just depends on what you want to do.
Rank: Corporal
Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Healthy, adrenalized
HP: 145
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/3 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight, 2 flares, smoke grenade, 2 power cubes
Choose an augment:
Dynamo Chip: +25HP
Domino Chip: Upgrades group size from team (4) to squad (12)
Dominator Chip: Allows you to pilot Mech suits
Dynamo is more for a lone wolf play style, Domino is if you like having a bunch of soldiers supporting you, and Dominator is if you want to spearhead major assaults.

"Teams, get together! Even if you're not assigned to one, get in one! Corporal, did they assign you as a team member or a team leader?"
Do you want to get in a team permanently (choose a primary weapon for three infantrymen, unless you want to pick their gear and everything) or do you want to go it alone?
Rank:Warrant Officer
Name:Jake Gaus
Type:Warrant Officer
Size: 7'10", 230 lbs, very muscular
Conditions: Healthy, Adrenalized
Group: N/A
Gear: Plated Boots (10hp), Plated leggings (30hp), Midriff Guard (10hp), Plated Jacket (50hp), Armored Interface Helmet (30hp, allows advanced piloting), Oxygen Tank (-25hp, allows space survival)
Primary: M20 Assault Rifle (180/30 rounds)
Secondary: 40mm Rocket launcher (9/3 rockets)
Sidearm: Colt M911 (42/7 rounds)
Melee:Trench knife
Backpack: 2 Flares, water bottle, power cube, flashlight
Choose an augment:
Enhanced Genetics: +30hp
Born Leader: Increases your group size from none (0) to crew (5). Having a team allows you to use turrets on your vehicles.
Cybernetic Enhancement: Allows you to dual wield primary, secondary, sidearm, or melee. Your choice.

You doubletime out of the corridor leading to the hanger. A flight deck officer yells in your direction, "What vehicle are you assigned to?" Choose a vehicle to pilot. You cannot pilot anything with turrets unless you have a crew.