ForumsWEPRWhat is God's Name?

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1,708 posts

Most people believe that Jesus is God's son, and that God sent His son down to save us from our sins. However, in some Bibles, the name of God is either mentioned as God or Lord. But those are not names, those are titles. So what is God's name?

-Please show evidence supporting your answer

  • 66 Replies
9,439 posts

Because of this, some people, perhaps you as well, feel as though God's name, which in English is Jehovah, should not be used because it is not pronounced exactly as it was during the first-century.

It's not a matter of accurate pronunciation. It's hypocritical of JWs to rail against, say, Catholics for replacing YHWH with Lord, when the word Jehovah is based on a mix of YHWH and Adonai (meaning "My Lord" ).
274 posts

I think this whole discussion is a little funny

232 posts

Just a muslim dropping a comment..

From Islamic viewpoint, God has many names mentioned in the Qur'an(holy book of Islam) and the Hadith(reports of the teachings, deeds and sayings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad(pbuh)). The most known of these are "the 99 names of Allah" - called the asma al-husna. It could be possible that there are many more names that are hidden from us(according to Abdullah ibn Masud). These are the generally known 99 names - and their English translations - of Allah(has no particular order or whatsoever):
No Arabic Translation
- Allah Allah(is the name of God but does not take place
in this list)
01. ar-Rahman The Most Compassionate, Beneficent, Gracious
02. ar-Rahim The Merciful
03. al-Malik The King
04. al-Quddus The Most Holy
05. as-Salam The All-Peaceful, The Bestower of peace
06. al-Mu'min The Granter of security
07. al-Muhaymin The Protector
08. al-Aziz The Mighty
09. al-Jabbar The Compeller
10. al-Mutakabbir Supreme in Greatness, The Majestic
11. al-Khaliq The Creator
12. al-Bari The Maker
13. al-Musawwir The Bestower of form, The Shaper
14. al-Gaffar The Forgiver
15. al-Qahhar The Subduer
16. al-Wahhab The Bestower
17. ar-Razzaq The Provider
18. al-Fattah The Opener, The Judge
19. al-Alim The All-Knowing
20. al-Qabid The Withholder
21. al-Basit The Expander
22. al-Khafid The Abaser
22. ar-Rafi The Exalter
24. al-Mu'izz The Bestower of honour
25. al-Mudhill The Humiliator
26. as-Sami The All-Hearing
27. al-Basir The All-Seeing
28. al-Hakkam The Judge
29. al-Adl The Just, The Equitable
30. al-Latif The Gentle, The Knower of subtleties
31. al-Khabir The All-Aware
32. al-Halim The Forbearing
33. al-Azim The Incomparably Great
34. al-Gafur The Forgiving
35. ash-Shakur The Appreciative
36. al-Aliyy The Most High
37. al-Kabir The Most Great
38. al-Hafiz The Preserver
39. al-Mughith The Sustainer
40. al-Hasib The Reckoner
41. al-Jalil The Majestic, The Revered, The Sublime
42. al-Karim The Generous
43. ar-Raqib The Watchful
44. al-Mujib The Responsive
45. al-Wasi The All-Encompassing, The All-Embracing
46. al-Hakim The Wise
47. al-Wadud The Loving One
48. al-Majid The Most Glorious
49. al-Ba'ith The Resurrector
50. ash-Shahid The Witness
51. al-Haqq The Truth
52. al-Wakil The Ultimate Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs
53. al-Qawiyy The Most Strong
54. al-Matin The Firm One, The Authoritative
55. al-Waliyy The Protector
56. al-Hamid The All-Praised, The Praiseworthy
57. al-Muhsi The Reckoner
58. al-Mubdi The Originator
59. al-Mu'id The Restorer to life
60. al-Muhyi The Giver of life
61. al-Mumit The Causer of death
62. al-Hayy The Ever-Living
63. al-Qayyum The Self-Existing by Whom all subsist
64. al-Wajid The Self-Sufficient, The All-Perceiving
65. al-Majid The Glorified
66. al-Wahid The Unique, The Single
67, al-Ahhad The One, The Indivisible
68. as-Samad The Eternally Besought
69. al-Qadir The Omnipotent, The Able
70. al-Muqtadir The Powerful
71. al-Muqaddim The Expediter
72. al-Mu'akhir The Delayer
73. al-Awwal The First
74. al-Akhir The Last
75. az-Zahir The Manifest
76. al-Batin The Hidden
77. al-Wali The Governor, The Protector
78. al-Muta'ali The Most Exalted
79. al-Barr The Benign, The Source of All-Goodness
80. at-Tawwab The Granter and Accepter of repentence
81. al-Muntaqim The Lord of Retribution, The Avenger
82. al-Afuww The Pardoner
83. ar-Ra'uf The Most Kind, The Clement
84. Malik-ul Mulk Owner of the Kingdom
85. Dhul Jalal wal Ikram Possessor of Majesty and Honour
86, al-Muqsit The Just, The Equitable
87, al-Jame The Gatherer
88. al-Ghaniyy The All-Sufficient
89. al-Mughni The Enricher
90. al-Mani The Preventer of harm
91. ad-Darr The Afflicter
92. an-Nafi The Benefiter
93. an-Nur The Light
94. al-Hadi The Guide
95. al-Badi The Originator
96. al-Baqi The Everlasting
97. al-Warith The Ultimate Inheritor
98. ar-Rashid The Guide
99. as-Sabur The Patient One

ps. my first post after so long *getsnostalgic*


413 posts

So, we go by the xian religion?

The answer is:
- The Lord of Hosts
- The God of GodS (marks that the whole biblical story started as polytheism)
- Jealous
- Yahwe/Jehova
- Elohim (in judaism pronounced as Adonai, although that is just cover-speaking), in short El (what is the mark of its origin, Enlil, god of the babylonians)
- I AM (what is a misstype of EA, what is the mark of its origin, the twin-god of Enlil, Enki, from the babylonian religion)

618 posts

Interesting thing I heard- Yahweh was many times pronounced as a breath (or inhale/exhale). This was because breath was life and God is life as well (or... I guess because he created life)
Yah {like an inhale} Weh {exhale}

Correct me if I'm wrong, community!

YHWH was never meant to be pronounced, so that may be why you heard it was a breath. A moment of silent prayer. God is I AM. So you can't find God outside of yourself, you have to look inward.

274 posts

YHWH was never meant to be pronounced, so that may be why you heard it was a breath. A moment of silent prayer. God is I AM. So you can't find God outside of yourself, you have to look inward.

Ahh ok thank you for your insight.
198 posts

God's name is God,simple as that unless you are asking for his titles of which there are quite many and all of them Reiki has listed down for you.

87 posts

jeez i posted my comment a month or 2 back and thought this thread died. well i agree with mbbs112. gods name is god, and its being way too overthought.

o and yeah this borderline became theism vs atheism at some points.
church of flying spaghetti monster lol. one of my favorites to look at

198 posts

@231terminator yeah lol

1,708 posts

Let's try to bring back some life into this thread.

gods name is god, and its being way too overthought.

'God' is not a name, but it is a title. Look at Greek mythology. Poseidon, for example, is the god of the sea. Poseidon is his name, and he is the god of the sea. All of the other Greek gods had names, as well as may others from religions of ancient times, so why wouldn't God, under the Christian faith, have a name as well?

359 posts

'God' is not a name, but it is a title. Look at Greek mythology. Poseidon, for example, is the god of the sea. Poseidon is his name, and he is the god of the sea. All of the other Greek gods had names, as well as may others from religions of ancient times, so why wouldn't God, under the Christian faith, have a name as well?

Then what makes a god? There are all sorts of gods in religions, old myths, and even fictional universes with all sorts of different abilities and natures. Furthermore, what is a name? People name their kids all sorts of weird things. The second question is already rather famously answered by Shakespeare. "What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Quite simply, a name is a word we use to identify something known so that the word can bring that knowledge to our attention. It's a mental association. The word "god" when used to refer to the Judeo-Christian deity is always capitalized because it is used as a proper noun.

For a similar relationship between title and name look at the same gods you mentioned. Poseidon's latin name was Mars, the latin word for sea is "mar". Hades was ruler of the underworld which was also called Hades. Most of the other names of the Greek gods were combinations of words and syllables of words. Poseidon's name combines two Greek words to mean "master of the sea". Demeter's similarly means "earth-mother". Their names were directly related to their domains as gods, that's really not any different from God.

198 posts

The Gods in greek mythology were Gods of "something" while the christian God's name is just God since he is the God of everything.

168 posts

Jesus Christ-the blesed one (something like that,I am not so good at english). His name is actually his title in christianity.

2 posts

apldeap123 said:

Most people believe that Jesus is God's son, and that God sent His son down to save us from our sins. However, in some Bibles, the name of God is either mentioned as God or Lord. But those are not names, those are titles. So what is God's name?

-Please show evidence supporting your answer


The personal name of Almighty God is written in the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament with the four letters YHWH. This name appears almost 7,000 times in the ancient manuscripts. The most commonly accepted English translation of YHWH is Jehovah.


"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18

2 posts

MattEmAngel said:

To answer the thread's question specifically, God has many titles (Christ, Messiah, King of kings and Lord of lords, etc.), but only two names. In the Old Testament, he is named Jehovah. In the New Testament to today he is named Jesus, which means "Jehovah saves."

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are entities, not names.


Almighty God is never referred to in the Bible as Christ or Messiah or Jesus. The titles "Christ" and "Messiah" only apply to Jesus, who is God's created son.


"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18

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