ForumsGamesGC_CS: Lowest Level: Highest XP Challenge!

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641 posts

This is a challenge to gain the highest amount of XP in one run at the lowest possible level. The lower you do it, the more of a multiplier to your score you get! The higher you do it(up to level 52) the less score you get.


Levels 36+ are DISADVANTAGED. To prevent from messing with my score formula and to prevent getting all skills at level 60 & going straight to 1 billion xp.

NO Yellow, Black, White skills allowed. Only the gems are allowed, and only if you play on a field with them.

This is so that this competition will rest mostly on one's skill of low level mana farming, my favorite!

If you play and get a lower xp than you want, restart(its easy to get level 25-30 if premium, don't fret) to try again. If you post an xp number & level number you may not change it.

For proof please post a picture of your level before the run, an image of your skills, an image before endurance, and an image after endurance of your score. Also, an image of your battlefield at the start of endurance to see which gems you have.

Scoring is calculated by taking your XP from the run and dividing it by your Wizard Level(at the START of that run). Example - A level 25 gets 300,000 xp. His score is...12,000.

However, your score is influenced by these various buffs and debuffs.

Levels - Multiplier of final score. Past Level 54 you will gain 0 score.

Buff- level 19 and lower.

20 - x1.00(SkillCap Increase!)
19 - x1.01
18 - x1.03
17 - x1.08
16 - x1.16
15 - x1.27
14 - x1.43
13 - x1.64
12 - x1.91
11 - x2.25
10 - x2.66(SkillCap Increase!)
09 - x3.16
08 - x3.75
07 - x4.43
06 - x5.22
05 - x6.12
04 - x7.14
03 - x8.29
02 - x9.57
01 - x11.00

PLUS a Static Buff for anyone who can prove through pictures or somehow that they have yet to gain mana leech skill during their run - An Additional x1.44.


Debuff - 36 up to 54+

35 - x1.00
36 - x0.90
37 - x0.81
38 - x0.72
39 - x0.64
40 - x0.56(SkillCap Increase!)
41 - x0.49
42 - x0.42
43 - x0.36
44 - x0.30
45 - x0.25
46 - x0.20
47 - x0.16
48 - x0.12
49 - x0.09(SkillCap Increase!)
51 - x0.06
52 - x0.04
53 - x0.02.
54 - x0.01
55 - x0.00

Notes for multipliers. You will notice that the Buff multipliers for levels are the Perfect Cubes divided by 100 plus 1, starting with 1^3. The intermediate numbers are 1.5^3, 2.5^3, 3.5^3, etc. The Debuff multipliers are the first 10 Perfect Squares in reverse, with the intermediate numbers being 0.95^2, 0.85^2, 0.75^2 etc.

You have until....11/25/2014(2 weeks) to complete this challenge!


FUN FACT- Thunderrider has discovered the Formula for finding the next Perfect Cube in a sequence using Addition!

Where X is the number of the Perfect Cube you know, and X+1 is the Cube you are attempting to Find.

(X + 1)^3 = X^3 + (((6)(((X + 1) / 2) * X)) + 1).


(11)^3 = 1,000 + (((6)(((10 + 1) / 2) * 10)) + 1)

11^3 = 1,000 + (((6)(5.5 * 10)) + 1)

11^3 = 1,000 + (((6)(55)) +1)

11^3 = 1,000 + (330 + 1)

1,000 + 331 = 1,331 = 11^3!

11^3 = 1,331.

Sorry for the off topic part, but I felt the need to brag.

Oh, and for finding Perfect Cubes where X fits the requirements listed above...

(X + 1)^2 = X^2 + ((2 * X) + 1)

EXAMPLE X = 143.

144^2 = 20,449 + (( 286 ) +1)

20,449 + 287 = 20,736 = 144^2 = My Favorite Number(both 144 & 20,736...aha, the buff for no-mana-leech!)

Ok I'll stop being a braggart.

Aaah....did I mention I'm in Geometry? I cant wait for Alg 2, sounds so much more fun...hate Geo

PS - I have yet to figure out the Additive Formula of X^4s(I've nicknamed the above as Additive Formula of X^3 & X^2, respectively(I discovered....X^2 in 2nd grade because I was interested in perfect squares.))

You know, the one that goes like...0, 1, 16, 81, 256, 625, 1296, 2401, 4096, 6561, 10000, 14641, 20736, 28561, 38416, 50625, 65536, 83521, 104976, 130321, 160000, 194481....

I've memorized it that far. Heehee. Its SOMETHING to do with the similar (24)(X+1)/2)*X) thingy, but its somehow different as well. See, I look at the difference between each, and between the difference of each difference, and so on. Until I came to a sequence of differences as this: 12, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24....bla bla bla.

The Sequence above it is 12, 36, 60, 84....

The one above that is something like the above but obviously adding those...


Ah. See, each number below the previous row refers to the difference between the number to the left & above it & the number to the center and above it.

I only spent a day or so on it & got fairly close but got bored haha. Oh, and I bet it'll just get more complicated the higher up you go(x^5, x^6, etc). Ah well, this is super off topic now but I was bursting to get this out of me heh. Have fun with the challenge.

  • 3 Replies
259 posts

150k-200k on f4 at 20 or 25. Non-premium isn't touching that and can probably go higher if you get good shrines.

641 posts

Proof and exact number please

I'm not really active in GC I'm not playing :P

Do you have orange skill? It factors into your score.

Assuming you do not...

175,000 / 22.5 = 7,778 * 1.44 = 11,200 Score.

edit- Oops noticed only now theres a problem with the debuff.

NEW DEBUFF between 49 & 54.

50...x0.06(SkillCap Increase!)

259 posts

Was part of the how much can you abuse hex f challenge. I don't see getting crit by level 35 easily--it's a hard map and you need to go down to the bottom anyway to get curse to attempt it, maybe by level 40.

You can certainly get freeze, mana, colors, traps, beam, bolt, slow and access to a map with white and a friendly layout. Talisman is probably pretty minor unless you do some serious farming.

Personally would prefer a vision field challenge. Why's everyone so scared of them?

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