Journey Started
Kill 10 bosses total.
Hardness: Easy
Conquer The Clouds
Finish normal mode.
Hardness: Medium
Rambo Style
Get rate of fire stat up to 200.
Hardness: Medium
In the Blink of a Very Quick Eye
Kill boss under 3 seconds.
Hardness: Medium
Naked Gun
Kill any boss without using any items at all.
Hardness: Hard
You Shouldn't Release The Kraken
Kill last boss kraken on insane mode.
Hardness: Hard
Pro Level Stats
Get stats up to these values: 425+ health, 50+ healing, 520+ damage, 5 bullets, 100% lucky strike, 200 rate of fire, 290+ movement, and 50% cooldown reduction.
Hardness: Hard
EBF2 quests really aren't that bad. As @Ferret says... oh my. Just wait for the next quests. Oh my. Oh my. Oh my.
We should catch some cheaters, at least... if we didn't already from the initial uber-hard Cat-a-pult quest (pre-nerf). Looks like that bad boy is still brutal post-nerf too.
yea good quests works just fine but can someone post which items are needed for pro level stats, because its more like a math sample then a game quest and im at home not in school to do math
@Ferret@Tasselfoot Hey you two... I know I'm getting old... several unachieved Quests from various games stare me in the face every single day to proove that annoying fact. No need to rub it in! LOL
@komodor I designed that quest... it's meant to be a puzzle to figure out what the items needed are. There is only 1 combination that works. So, I would appreciate people not spoiling it, although I know they still will.
You're playing the game. Just not in the most obvious way. That quest (and many quests) are about doing things in games that force you outside of the normal progression.
There's 5 copies for people to work on; as per Tass's request, please delete any completed solutions and avoid cheating. I've protected it so that you can only edit the # of items; it includes all end-game items that aren't strictly inferior to any item(with "better" item listed first).