ForumsThe TavernNew Admins @ Armor Games

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Greetings Armor Games Citizens,

If you've noticed that I've become a bit distant from the community as of late, this is due to me taking on bigger responsibilities within Armor Games that includes support for our mobile and Steam games.

This is an exciting challenge, and with me being less active in the community I was inspired to get some additional support. At first we considered hiring somebody new, but we realized we already have people that have been with us for years, already dedicated and passionate about Armor Games.

Starting next today, @Gantic and @MrDayCee will be raised to Admin status begin working for Armor Games. There will likely be a few weeks or a month of them getting acclimated to the position change, but ultimately they are going to make amazing additions to our Admin team.

I won't be disappearing of course, but I do hope to take a smaller role in user issues, support forum, Quest support and the like. You can also e-mail me privately at as always.

Congratulations MrDayCee and Gantic!

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