ForumsQuestsBuilding Rush 2 Quests

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14,745 posts

Manufacture this game's achievements to deliver these Quests for Building Rush 2 to your collection and be the Boss!
Double Thousandaire
Earn A Total Of $2000 Profit.
Hardness: Easy
Big Rig Wrecker
Have 5 Trucks.
Hardness: Easy
To The Max
Buy At Least One Full Upgrade.
Hardness: Medium
Take To The Skies
Make 100 Deliveries Using A Helicopter.
Hardness: Medium
Lean Manufacturing
Have 3 Fully Upgraded Plants.
Hardness: Hard
Taking Care Of Busniness
Get All Gold Medals.
Hardness: Hard

  • 12 Replies
650 posts

Excellent, the bulk of the quests trigger if you had completed them before. The only 1 that did not auto update was the 'Have 3 Fully Upgraded Plants'.

7,042 posts
Grand Duke

5/6, 4 unlocked instantly, only, as @Olinser already mentioned, the 3 plants needs to replay a level... very little effort.

650 posts

All right, 6/6 quests done.

Some general advice for getting Gold Medal on the later levels.

1) Helicopters are crap. They cost SIGNIFICANTLY more than trucks, and are not produced from a factory any faster. Since helicopter deliveries also cost more (and thus return lower profit), this leads to helicopters being completely pointless on any level that doesn't involve water. Their greater speed is completely pointless because it doesn't actually GET you anything. I have 3 starred all levels easily with trucks - INCLUDING the final level, and I did not buy a single helicopter except for the level that straight up requires it (when your starting factory is on an island).

2) Do not buy new plants unless you have enough trucks to actually send out from them. If you are at 0 trucks for your current number of plants, it means you need to buy at least 3 more trucks before you get another plant.

Level 24 is the only level where I bought a 2nd factory inside the first minute of play, all others it is generally better to build up trucks and a bit of a bank before you build a 2nd factory.

3) Make sure your new plants are actually in a position to get you more profit. Later levels have a significant number of locations for plants (far more than you are going to build), ideally a new plant is on the other side of the level to make much faster deliveries. It isn't very useful to build a new plant right next to a current plant unless you are very good at hitting the hotkeys.

4) Large orders are MUCH more profitable than small orders (even though the small orders have individually higher profit). This is because the math for the order finish bonus goes up massively the higher it gets. If you read the game information, the bonus for finishing a delivery is calculated as ORDER SIZE^2 + ORDER SIZE^2 * (% PATIENCE).

So, for instance, the bonus for finishing an order of 4 is only $32. (4*4 + 4*4*1.00) Meanwhile, the bonus for completing a 16 order can be as much as $512 - (16*16) + (16*16)*1.00. And every dollar of that bonus is pure profit. So completing 4 orders of 4 only gets you a total bonus of $128, while completing that 1 order of 16 gets you a bonus of $512. Obviously you can see the difference here.

5) ENEMY DELIVERIES SUBTRACT FROM THE ORDER BONUS TOTAL. Unlike the previous game, where you got the bonus for the full order as long as you tagged the last delivery, in this game your bonus is calculated based ONLY on your deliveries. So if a 16 order pops, and you let an enemy fill 10 of them, you only get a bonus of $72 for finishing 6, rather than $512 for finishing 16.

That means that you need to have money available to fully tag big orders as soon as they spawn so they can't cut into your bonus. So yes, you might have enough to build a new plant, but if that consumes all of your money then you'll lose money off big orders until you build your bank up again. So you need to carefully balance building new plants/trucks and making sure you have enough of a bank to immediately fill big orders.

6) When time ends, any trucks ALREADY DEPLOYED will finish deliveries. This means you don't have to worry about the distance from factory to target at the end. As long as the truck is on the map it will finish the delivery, regardless of distance. Which is one more reason helicopters are useless.

7) To elaborate on #6, understand the plant hotkeys. Normally it defaults to the closest factory when you are clicking on an order. However, if you hold '1' '2' '3', etc, while you are hovering orders, it will change the plant priority to that specific plant. Don't do this normally, as it generally means trucks have a much higher return time, but it is EXTREMELY useful at the end of a level to finish off big orders to get that big bonus.

i.e. if you have 30 seconds left and a 15 order pops up, you cannot complete it with 1 plant. However, if you hit 5 deliveries from 3 different plants, they will deploy 5 trucks each and finish that order for the big $450 bonus right at the end.

That's it for basic tips. I've gotten Gold Medals on all stages so if you have trouble with specific stages feel free to ask.

824 posts

Two quests for now, but I'll keep earning them.

Game is awsome, presentation is great, graphics, music, very catchy and quick gameplay. Quests are just one more plus.

7,042 posts
Grand Duke

6/6, last level need a few tries.

160 posts

Good game, challenging enough for me. Then again, Im not that much of a strategist.
Its almost impossible to give advices after Olinser, but couple facts more from me.
1) There are 2 levels where you just have to do copters, not trucks. So do not bother grinding copters quest in other levels
2) Broken roads can be your besties. In my successfull run for last level map was effectively divided by unconnected parts with roads; so enemies had to stay in their parts and couldnt get outta. Buying new plants in different region helped me much - but I got a lot of big orders here, so it could be just my luck.
3) Olinser's advices 4 and 5 are VERY IMPORTANT. But dont be like me and read carefully - big orders are not expensive ones, but ones with lot of deliveries in it. In my final run I got 2 15+ part orders with price about 60-70$ near my start spot - and that was just a gift from heavens.

636 posts

Gotta love it when you need one last gold on Level 24 and you're so close when the time ends ... and then that one little truck in the corner makes one last delivery to tip you over into goldness.

14 posts

@OLINSER Are you so sure helicopter are useless? I don't think so..

1) If you full upgrade fuel the cost of helicopter deliveries is greatly decreased and is lower than truck deliveries cost most of the time. Consider that helicopters fly above buildings instead of following the road.

2) If you full upgrade helicopter speed they are faster than trucks, and you can complete more deliveries in the same time.

3) If you already have 3/4 trucks buying an additional truck is definetily more espensive than buying an heli..

For this reasons imho, if you can handle the hotkeys, is reccomended to use both trucks and helicopters.

Agree with you for all the rest.

650 posts


Yes. They are useless. I repeat, I beat every single level using exclusively trucks except for the water levels that require helicopters.

To answer your points:

1) It is not lower than truck deliveries most of the time. Even with maxed helicopter delivery reduction, they are generally equal cost unless you are sending deliveries very far away or through a very circuitous truck route due to road damage. In which case you should be building another factory anyway. If you have factories properly placed truck deliveries are basically equal. In which case the significantly reduced cost on trucks simply overpowers any benefit from helicopters. So you spend hundreds of dollars of upgrade money to get the delivery costs equal.... so you can pay significantly more for each helicopter than each truck.

2) You aren't completing more deliveries. Trucks and Helicopters are dispatched from the factory at exactly the same speed. Dispatching 15 trucks will take EXACTLY the same period of time as dispatching 15 helicopters. You will get the final bonus money at the very end maybe a couple seconds faster due to the travel time difference on the final truck/helicopter, but the amount is the same and it is not increasing the profit you can get in any given period of time. If you really desperately needed that money 3 seconds earlier then you could get the exact same speed increase on a 15 order by dispatching 13 trucks and the last 2 as helicopters, if its really that important to you.

3) Unless you are very, VERY good at knowing and remembering exactly how many deliveries you have banked for trucks and helicopters trying to balance trucks and helicopters is at some point going to cost you profit by factories sitting idle waiting for the respective carrier. And since you aren't getting any bonus profit from them, why would you bother with the increased complexity?

Again, in short, because helicopters do not meaningfully increase the profit you get, cost significantly more to buy even a moderate amount, and significantly increase complexity, there is zero reason to waste either in game money or upgrade money on them. If you don't waste upgrade money on them you can max out truck and plant upgrades significantly sooner and gold medal later levels much easier.

636 posts

But, Olinser, you forget a crucial factor. Chicks dig helicopters a lot more than delivery trucks.

14 posts

@olinser I'm still not convinced..

There is another important thing I forgot to write last time..

Some areas of the map are completely locked by broken roads/bridges. Usually in these areas there are the buildings with the biggest bonuses (16-18). If you want to reach them with trucks you have to repair the road/bridges but in this way the enemy (that ONLY use trucks) will be able to steal you deliveries and bonuses. Delivering with helis allows you to get the full bonus.

However I admit that it is a bit hard to handle both trucks and helis, so if you are not a skilled player I suggest to use only trucks.

246 posts

Eh finally got around to these(been traveling).

For loleasy mode or maximizing regrind profits, set speed to 0.5(top). The only downside is that things go slowly, but you can get ridiculous profits, especially when you're up against AIs.

For further cheese, feel free to restart until your starting factory has a rich large contract next to it that you can use to get off the ground quickly.

On a per-unit operating cost basis, helis>trucks 60% of the time(at least when you max every upgrade)(a ~3+ horizontal/vertical route, any circuitous route, or block hopping). If there's any bit of diagonal direction(short distance), helis= truck (~20% of the time), trucks>helis for straight lines(~$2, 20% of the time).

Furthermore, the AI is incapable of expanding, removing roadblocks, or launching helis. Essentially this means the AI cannot access any buildings that are far away or cut off in any way. Since every contract the AI gets essentially costs you money, this allows you to strangle the AI using helis.

The last advantage is that helis travel more quickly than trucks(by almost 2x). Granted, they load and unload at the same rate as trucks, but this essentially reduces their transit time. So, a smaller fleet of helis will be able to handle the same supply chain that a larger fleet of trucks would be required to handle (e.g. 3 helis might handle the same route that 5 trucks would be needed for).

Lastly, both helis and trucks experience cost scaling. Since helis are generally non-inferior to trucks, you should always buy a heli over a truck when they are equal-priced. Helis start out with a higher base cost, which means that it makes sense to buy a few extra trucks before buying any helis (the gap is about 3-4 trucks over helis). But when it gets to the end-game(and you're trying to maximize earnings), you might as well go with helis, since it's generally a tad bit cheaper per contract. Generally, as the game goes on, it becomes quite easy to control all the contracts, so the added optimization helps for cash.

To leverage, you want to start by buying trucks. When you have about 7-8 trucks/2nd factory, it's a good time to get a few helis. Use trucks on close-by objectives where the savings is <~$3 by heli). Eventually, as you begin getting more helis, go strictly by cost, and transition to buying more helis.

TLDR Helis are essentially more 'elite' units in every way once maxed, are muuuuch cooler, but cost more initially. Definitely worth using, in conjunction with trucks.

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