ForumsForum GamesThe Nonsensical RPG

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First and foremost, this is not going to be similar to other RPGs on this site. There are set actions you can perform each turn, and locations to visit each turn. There also is, as of right now, no player limit. If it gets to be overwhelming overtime, I will place a cap, but until then, registration will always be open. Now, with these few claims and disclaims out of the way, let's introduce the game.

The Story
Everybody was going about their usual lives. What usual means to you I'll leave up to the imagination, as everyone has different backstories, but essentially, nothing out of the ordinary in their everyday life. As they return home for a well deserved rest, a mysterious robed man appears in their place. As you reach out to him, he quickly moves away, almost as if hovering he hovers away, he chants a incantation and before you are aware of what's happening, you pass out.

The next time you awake, you have awoken in a field with an unspecified amount of people. The field appears to have multiple junctions branching out away from it, but staring you right in the face is a giant tower. The tower is stretching into the clouds above, seemingly neverending. You somehow grasp the feeling that there is nothing natural about this world, and that the unexpected...should be expected.

How to Register
To register, you only need to state your name that you want in the game (if no name is given, username will be used instead), and your class. At the beginning of the game, you're limited to what classes you can choose. But as you progress, more and more classes will open up to you. Here are your base stats, without any class: FlamingRok (Lv. 1)
EXP: 0/100
Class: Villager
HP: 10/10
SP: 5/5
ATK: 1
DEF: 0
MAG: 1
SPD: 1
Coins: 0

The stats will be explained into the "How to Play" section. The classes are as follows: +1ATK, -1SPE
A warrior can dish out physical pain to the enemies, but will be
vulnerable to magic. Mage: +5MP, -1ATK
Meant as more of a support, this mage is sufficient at healing, but
can't dish out too much pain. Mage: +1SPE, -5HP
The definition of a glass cannon. Will deal great damage, but can't take too many hits. +1SPD, -1SPE
Quick on their feet, the thief will excel at moving quickly around the map. Magic however, will tear them apart. N/A
The default character. Completely average, nothing remarkable or necessarily weak about this guy.

When more than one person chooses the same class, the sprite will be altered slightly to display some differentiation. Additionally, if you send in your own 32x32 sprite to me, I will replace the sprite you have on the map to this sprite.

Q: You're stealing sprites! Thief!
A: This is a forum game. I'm not making any profit off of this, and neither are you. Don't ask this actually. Seriously. I'll kick whoever legitimately asks this question.

How to Play
Knowing how to sign up is great and all, but how do you play the game? It's simple, but don't think this game'll be easy later on! The game will be played on a grid-like map, similar to many RPG video games, like Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Dragon Warrior, etc.

Each turn, you have three actions (you start off with three that is). When you start off, you will have three basic actions that you may perform. They follow as:

Move: Moves one space adjacent to your position.
Examine: Examines the space you are standing on. This can lead to items, enemies, or absolutely nothing. Examine also means talk, as in talking to people, though obviously you'll be talking instead of examining people. That'd be weird.
Attack: Performs a damaging action. To start off, you will only be able to perform a basic attack that deals 1ATK damage to an enemy adjacent from you.

Using any combination of the above actions, you can construct a pattern of actions for your character to perform. For example, you move left twice and examine. That would be your three actions for the turn.

Now let's talk stats. The stats correspond to the following:

Lv: Short for level. Every new level you reach, you put a level into one of your stats.
EXP: Short for experience points. When you reach 100, you gain a new level. The higher your level, the slower the EXP gain will be.
HP: Stands for hit points. Get to zero, you die, and respawn at your nearby town. Die without reaching a town and you'll respawn at the entrance to the tower.
SP: Stands for skill points. These will let you perform more advanced attacks later on. When this is at zero, you'll be stuck with your basic attack.
ATK: Short for attack, this is your physical attack stat. Your basic attack uses this, and the higher your ATK is, naturally the more damage you do.
DEF: Short for defense, this stat will reduce the damage of physical attacks. The higher your DEF is, the less damage you'll receive from physical attacks.
MAG: Short for magic, this is both your magic attack AND defense. That means the higher this stat is, not only will you deal more magic damage, but you'll also take less magic damage. Think the special stat in Pokemon Gen 1.
SPD: Short for speed, this determines the movement order when everyone moves. The person with the highest speed moves first, and if two users are tied for speed, the post order will determine the movement order. Keep this in mind while co-operating. Also, every 5 points in SPD gains an extra action for your turn.
Coins: Currency. Allows you to buy fancy things inside shops.

Well, that should about wrap things up. If you have any questions, please post about them in the thread. I'll begin the game when...4 players have signed up. Remember: there is no limit here as of right now.

  • 3 Replies
12 posts

I will join.

Name: Pixel
Class: Warrior
HP: 10/10
SP: 4/4
ATK: 2
DEF: 0
SPD: 1
Coins: 0

Do i fit the qualifacations?

12 posts

earth to FlamingRok?
do you copy?

2,869 posts

If I understand this correctly, this character should work:
Name: Yellowcat
Level: 1
EXP: 0/100
Class: Healer Mage
HP: 10/10
SP: 5/5
ATK: 0
DEF: 0
MAG: 6
SPD: 1
Coins: 0

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