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ForumsGamesGame Suggestion: a Hybrid of Kingdom Rush and Warcraft

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I think that merging the best of Warcraft and Kingdom Rush Frontiers could give birth to a beautiful game. Even several games (from ancient, modern and futuristic era) by several authors, very different from one another (because each author will have his/her own emphasis and ideas and creativity). I use a working title KiwaRuft for this idea (from KIngdom RUsh and WArcraFT).

When I say "Warcraft", I mean something very general - any game similar to Command&Conquer or so, simply a 4X RTS.

Why to take inspiration form KRushF

There is something very appealing about Kingdom Rush Frontiers:

  1. Everything is very transparent (easy to observe, understand and keep track of game progress)
  2. The damage exchange is slow enough for the player to notice it and to observe, which side of this local skirmish is probably going to be eliminated first.
  3. One gradually gets the feel of relative strength of units: will my hero and two elite soldiers be enough to stop this mighty enemy, with or even without tower support?
  4. And of course, it's graphically appealing and full of witty jokes (like "click to fart bufallos" and many others).

My vision

  • Starting situation and fog of war: As in Warcraft 2-3.
  • Map: The game should have random map generator for battles, ideally also a campaign and/or special scenarios.
  • Objectives: As in Warcraft. The campaign battles or pre-defined scenarios could have a wide variety of objectives - for example Asgard Attack can give much inspiration as to objectives.
  • Economy: Similar to Warcraft III, House of Wolves or Mars Colonies. The first game has a simple economy, the other two are extremely inspiring for me as to economic rules.
  • Unit size, map size: I am not certain, but perhaps the screen would be constant as in KRush (as opposed to Warcraft where there is a map and a minimap). And units should be graphically small as in KRush, it makes the game transparent.
  • Dimension: I propose that there could be one-dimensional scenarios (as in House of Wolves and Age of War), 1.5 dimensional ones as in Takeover and normal 2D maps as in most strategy games.
  • Scissor-paper-stone: Unit bonuses against other units should be simply defined (very easy to remember) and yet affect the game very much: each unit must be strong against some and weak against others. This can be done in many ways.


So I imagine a game where the player has to explore the map, find several locations where a gold mine can be founded, and then to split his or her forces amongst several tasks: border skirmishes, massive attacks, exploration and defense. If gold deposits are uniformly distributed over the map, then inevitably some of my mines will be far from my main army and my defenders cannot be everywhere, so raiding remote fascilities can be an important part of game.

My vision is deliberately inconcrete in some aspects, because it can materialize in several games, mutually very different. For example, the game can have a complex economy like Mars Colonies, or it can have a pleasant learning curve like House of Wolves (where many things are instant and yet the resources must be planned well ahead). Etc., etc. - I imagine that every author inspired by this vision will put his own ideas into his or her game.

It is important to ensure that in the later stages of game there are not too many units on the map, because I think this would spoil the transparency of KRushF which we want to achieve here. I can imagine several solutions, for example allowing (and motivating the player) to create large teams of units, represented graphically by one unit + number.

And of course, the difficulty setting should be fine and unlimited.

I will gladly elaborate more details if anyone is interested.


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