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ForumsForum GamesThe Scribe's History Game (AltHistory v2)

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686 posts

You thought I forgot. But I didn't.

The idea of the game was brooding in my mind for quite a while, now I think it's time to put it to words and make the game real and awesome.

Rules and Setting (might change later, still must be discussed):

1.I suspect that in different countries people learn slightly different "versions" of world history so to prevent any contradictions I decided the game should start at year 2017.

2.The history went sideways at the moment covered in AltHistory1 (early 18th century), and since then things changed a lot. The world split into several Utopian Empires, mostly at peace with each other. The Empires go as follows:
2.1 The UKE, United Kingdom of Europa, is a Utopia of limitless rights. You are free to be whatever gender you like. People even ask eachother by which pronoms they would like to go. You are free to be a hedonist, or a philosopher, or a janitor, or a marsian starcat, whatever you like. Drugs are legal as long as you use them yourself (but not injection drugs). There are, however, scarse but severe laws, the punishment for breaking which is death sentence. You must not kill, steal what isn't yours (though people are free to forgive eachother in which case no punishment is applied), rape, produce heavy drugs (or poison for that matter), and carry any weapons. If sentenced to death you are free to chose any death you like. People do what they like here and are utterly HAPPY.
2.2 The DSA, Divided States of America, are a Capitalist Utopia. Being, despite the name, a united group of Counties, or States, each ruled by a mighty Count, the DSA is a place where anyone can become rich for real. Poor people receive starting amounts of money to attempt fullfilling the American dream, and if they fail, they can become usual workers on astronomic wages, the money for which are taxed from the rich. The rich pay ultra high taxes but have more political (and only political) rights. All other rights are equal, but the Duke of a State is chosen only amongst the Rich. With the ability to fullfill their greatest ambitions or, alternatively, do simple but fair labour for a good reward, the people are utterly HAPPY.
2.3 The Orthodox Empire of Russia is a tsarist utopia. Everybody is equal, except members of the Royal Blooldine. People help eachother and share with eachother, knowing that the Tsar will handle any problem they might have. The Tsars are trained as philosophers, denying material wealth altogether for the greatness of the Empire. All hospitals are free, same as schools, universities, etc., etc. There is a currency, the ruble, represented by golden coins, but people rarely use it at all. Everybody is quite HAPPY.
2.4 The Empires of the East, The Empire of the Rising Sun (TERS) and the Blade Soegunate (BS), are the result of the division of the original Japanese Empire, which had conquered all the eastern world under millitarist banners, but then after a revolution split into a techno - democrasy TERS and the orthodoxal millitarist BS. Long story short: in TERS there is a president/emperor, robots, cool howerbikes and junkfood; in BS there is a Soegun/emperor, samurai, poets and haikus, ninjas and heroic black'n'white films.
TERS is the technological brain of the world, BS is its poetic warrior's heart. People are quite happy in either.
2.5 The Librarian Kingdom of South America (SA) is pretty cool. It is a country guarded by all other countries as the world's museum, library and reminder of the sometimes imaginary good old times. It smells of tobacco, old moldy tomes and dim yellow sunshine. It has a freakin' king(!). The person's proffession is to behave as if he were in the 12th century. He keeps declaring imaginary wars on most other countries, drinking wine from golden cups and issuing ridiculous laws nobody follows. Everybody loves that guy. In reality, however, there are no laws. People understand their own valuability and responsibility and act accordingly. Whoever does not and attempts to break the utopian peace of reading and contemplation gets silently removed by other countries' peace agents.
2.6 Allah' Land is a religious utopia. It took over the whole african continent in a mighty Jihad back when it was radicalist, but then settled down to a peaceful state of religious flourishment. It has the most beautiful architecture, the most zealous soldiers (after the BS, perhaps) and people live strictly by the Koran. This place is real hot, and austeerly beautiful. It is ruled by a mighty King. People in this country are trully HAPPY.
2.7 The Aborigen Lands of Australia (ALA). The governments of other countries decided to leave Australia to its native people and it became a giant piece of uncontrollable wilderness. Believing that the native people are hardly developed at all the Empires were surprised to receive a message from the leader of the locals, calling himself the Spirit Talker, who claimed he wanted a word in the course of world events too. They accepted, although nobody knows whether it is a real person or not. ALA is a big mystery.
Moreover, if any of you finds the structure of the upper imaginary empires offensive to their patriotic feelings, I can correct whatever you like.

3. Before we start the actual game we must find at least one person to play for each country as their ruler. I will keep all the info in the first post. As I will not be able to post much due to being busy in university, much, almost all the progress is up to you.

4. One year of time will pass each time at least 4/6 rulers have voted for it. That means I will post, commenting on the recent events and adding one year to the current time. To vote, say Last4Skull is awesome as the last line. Just kidding XD, it's finish year. But if you like L4S too you can post the first line as well)

5. Once the roles are set, the game will start at year 2017 with BS (millitarist Japan) declaring war on TERS.

Feel free to comment and correct things you would like to be different before we start (maybe this weekend?)

Tsar of Russia - @will3 (make up a name for yourself if you like)
The Librarian Queen - @Eldunari17. Thanks for joining, sis!
The Prime Minister of the UKE - @kalisenpai . Glad you're in, but the chance of revival is low.

  • 6 Replies
2,265 posts

Wow.. Buddy it's so amazing x'D so much possibilities and so much countries it will probably be the forum game of the year x'D honestly I can't decide to which territory joins actually x'D there a so many cool one !

About the Australia what about an Arborigen Land ? People living in harmony with nature and that kind of stuff it could be cool and fit with the past of Australia

The year sentence made me laugh x'D and I wanted to really congrats you about your work, it's literally a genius thing x'D you're Awesome Denis

I hope many people will join the game it will be something !

454 posts

I'm back, and I'm really kinda tired with being a host, so can i join? If I did join I would like to be The Orthodox Empire of Russia because I am Orthodox in real life, and also I might be absent for a while, but my semester is ending so I should be able to play this often after December 19th (or 19th of December for all those Europeans that are reading this like Last4Skull).

2,265 posts

Hahaha I haven't choose about the one I could join I will probably wait a little for seeing where people want to go

1,229 posts

Okay so I have been considering this for a while and thought I might like to give it a go. However, I have never played a game this this before - ever - so I apologise in advance if I am, you know...really bad at it.
Librarian Kingdom of South America is the one I would prefer to be the most, if that is alright.

@Last4Skull is awesome...oh, too soon? My bad.

2,265 posts

Wow.. I'm so glad to see you here @Eldunari17 don't worry I think it will be cool ^^

Not like those complex game, more like a role play one ^^

I WILL probably joins the aborigens I like their free mind and natural aspect

1,858 posts

Well, this could be a really good game!
I feel I should be part of the UKE, so, let's go!

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