ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Switching platforms for my account for the game Astroflux

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So I think this is something others have done before for this game, ultimately I would like to ask for permission to let Fula Fisken's Devs move my account from Armorgames to the main site, From what I've read on the game's forums and a few of the posts here, it would seem the main thing I need is to just get the go ahead from the Armorgames Devs, in order for this to happen. The only reason I'm asking for this is cause as of late I've been experiencing extremely bad lag in-game when playing from Armorgames, and on the main site it lags much less (I have another account over on there, but my AG account is my first and main account). I'm not quite sure who I should contact for this permission to be granted, if I can be pointed in the right direction I would very much appreciate it

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