ForumsGame WalkthroughsButton Hunt 3

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Here's a full walkthrough for Button Hunt 3:
Key: QR: Quick reflex. BL: Boss level.
1.1: Click on the button.
1.2: Roll the scroll down and click on the red button.
1.3: Light both fireplaces with the torch and click on the button.
1.4: Drag the coin on the hole in the machine, click on the switch, open the hatch and click the button.
1.5(QR): Light on the firework's fuse and quickly click on the red boom when the firework explodes.
1.6: Click on the ON switch (bottom-right), click on the "Flash" button, then click on the picture button (top-right) and click on the button.
1.7: Press the timer button, and press the numbers in this order: 0-1-0. Click on the fire button and wait 10 seconds. Once done click on the bottom-right switch and click the button.
1.8: Take the cork out and put it on the table, then take the bottle and serve the glass of wine. The glass of wine represents the button.
Click on it.
1.9(QR): Quickly drag the egg on the egg holder and click the light switch. Now wait and the button will appear, so click on it.
1.10: Drag the balloon on the HE canister and use the dart to pop it, hence leaving appearance the the button.
1.11(BL): Put the mouse on the left rectangle, now right click and drag the mouse on the right rectangle and click two times on the button.

Yippee! That makes one secret!
2.1: Shoot on the newspaper, wait, and then click on the button.
2.2: Open the electric hatch and drag the bottom red wire to the top, and click on the button.
2.3: Click on a coconut and drag the rock on it, then take the coconut "lid" and drag it out. Click on the button.
2.4: With the knife, cut the poor dudes arm, then take the tongs, take out the button, and put it on the table. Click it.
2.5: Drag the cloud on the seed and when possible, drag the sun on the small plant. A button should grow. Just click it!
2.6: Click on the wing and click the red button.
2.7: Drag the musicians wand to the right, then the left, then the right, then the left, and to the right until a red button appears. Why don't we click it?
2.8: There's a small pin on the poster. Drag it off and enter the pipes.
Once there, click on the round eyes to continue.
2.9: Drag the glass on the subject and look through the scope. The image is blurry, so click on the focus screw three times and click on the button.
2.10(BL): Looks can be deceiving, yes they can, so don't kill your brain by trying to guess the code. Just open the side locks and open the suitcase. Here's the button.


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