ForumsForum GamesNew Game I Just Made Up

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Okay, you know those games, like destroy bob and all that? well, i made up this new game, where its like destroy bob, but it'd start like:
1st post:a hundred zombies are all over in some city

and then the next guy has to think up a video game character, movie character, animal, or even themselves, basically anything, that can beat whatever is out there.
then their own whatever is the new thing to beat. like this:
1st Post:a hundred zombies are all over in some city.
2nd Post:when james bond kills them all off.

see? its simple. but theres a twist. you can post as many times as you want in this game, but you have to use the same thing you used before. the 2nd poster now has james bond as their person, and if they post again, they have to use james bond to beat whatever is the current thing to beat.

I'll start: A Muffin is sitting on a windowsill...
(Yes this means I'm stuck with a muffin.)

  • 31 Replies
749 posts

Then Octocan comes in and destroys the office, mutating everyone in the universe to an Octocan for 3 posts each with the God-comptuter.

Showing 31-31 of 31