ForumsThe TavernThe Zombie Survival Club! (basic rules on page 144)

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This is a completely serious club, people who make a decent enough plan will be able to comment and review other plans. Here is some zombie info.

run/walk: they walk

scream/groan: they groan

day/night: All da time babey!


survivors: very very little, like near 100-1000 people on EARTH

guns: This is real time, being your neighboorhood and everything, you have all the resources you have in your house.

cure: there is none.

where to go: so long as you have a plan to get their, go for it.

how much you can carry: AGAIN, THIS IS REAL TIME

family members: theres a high chance they are zombehs too.
able to join: if you didn't read, just make a good plan.

durability: they can take ALOT of damage, worse than playing last stand 2 with just a pistol for the entire game when the zombies have twice as much life.

doors: they can't work a doorhandle for the mostpart of their brain is already rotted
I am still making my plan right now, but I think some of you can do it. Let the zombie surviving begin!

  • 5,049 Replies
2,269 posts

If I'm comign from an office job, chances are I'm going to be in a suit. HOw much work can I do in a suit? Of course that should not be top prioraty, But I see it being rather important.

Well, true, but most tend to wear a shirt underneath, as in a dress shirt. Take the suit off, and your well of for now. Not that much of a deal after you've taken the suit off.
100 posts

holy crap that zombie pic is dam scary compared to the thriller zombies

5,642 posts



And please stop using the img button. Instead use the link button since it doesn't take up as much space.

Go ahead and make a plan, I have my computer back (kind of running) so I'll be able to critique it without being rude like some of the other members are used to be doing.
2,269 posts

[ Scenario ]

You've just managed to escape the death trap behind you. It was your old liquor store, as well as your home (located on-top of the store) You lived alone, so it was easy to not forget anyone. But downstairs was a bloodbath as many of the infected had managed to swarm the store. (They must have been customers)

You only had a short amount of time to select your weapons, as you grabbed your old wooden bat and small Axe. You had managed to fight and evade your way out, as most were busy chewing on the remains of the others.

As you made your way out, you found that the infection had not hit the streets as hard as you had thought. The TV last night had said that some-kind of infection was all over your county, but it seems as if he was wrong. (Outdoors anyway)

Your car is parked across the street, there are civilians trying to evade or fight-off the infected, but you have no intentions of being a hero. You need to reach that car, it's your only hope!

[ Map ]

Red = You
Green = Zombie
Blue = Non-infected

Yellow Box = Destination/objective

[ Other Information ]


A man seems to be running toward your car, he too seems to have been stricken by fear. He seems to not posses any weapons of any kind, but he is most likely trying to take your only vehicle.

Woman being attacked: (Optional)
A zombie seems to have a woman pinned down, she's fighting but without your help, she can no longer fight it off. She may or may not be related to the man walking toward your car. Bites and scratches are unknown.

Car Siege: (Optional)
A survivor has locked himself in a car, although he seems to be having trouble starting it. Three or so infected have begun circling the vehicle. He's shaken up, no information on whether he's been scratched or bitten. The Zeds will no doubt break in sooner or later.

What do you do?

100 posts

I run for the car, let that other dude in (either of us can drive) and drive down the street without any zombies, i don't risk getting into any zombie fight or anytin

5,642 posts

Sorry to say this blaze but...

In it's bare form, this scenario is simply WAY too easy!

I wanna start seeing some deathtrap 1-true way to beat scenarios coming out of you guys soon. To really test your own and other's abilities.

4,376 posts


But he has been here for a month, and won't make a plan...:-(

Ok, blaze, So pretty simple. Run save the lady. One bat hit to the back of its head will do it. Its preocupied, so it won't stop to turn around. If she has no bites on her, I'll take her with me. Then run back to the car. From where the zombies attacking the car are standing, I can run two of them over, and open a door on the passanger side to let the man in the car climb out of his car into mine leaveing a zombie on the otherside. we then drive away, and find someplace to go.

Thoad, lets see a crazy scenario out of you that dosn't invlove pirates. haha. Nice to have you back though.
2,269 posts

I run for the car, let that other dude in (either of us can drive) and drive down the street without any zombies, i don't risk getting into any zombie fight or anytin

That's logical - and one of the easier solutions.

Sorry to say this blaze but...
In it's bare form, this scenario is simply WAY too easy!

Yeah I know, I was just bumping this man, it was dead. Most people seem to get turned off from an over complicated one, but I'll try.


It was a good solution, but I think one problem with that was, you left the man with your car to himself. Now he will have to hot-wire the car and whatnot, but what if he does manage to jack the car and leaves you and the woman behind?

As well, trying to save everyone is pretty hard, and a risk. The woman is easier to save, but the man.... having to run those Zeds may provide difficult.
194 posts

Aw man, so easy. Okay, first thing's first, what's the plan? Well, the lady being attacked is probably infected, and if she isn't, she will be by the time you get there. That's too bad, she may have been nice. Next, the guy in the car. Your only option here is to kill the 3 zombies by yourself. You have a bat (and an axe, but that's probably only good for one kill). Let's face it, that's not going to happen. If you want you can pray that his car starts. So really all there is to do is run across the road to your car. But wait! There's another lady. Well, no problem, it's YOUR car. She doesn't seem to have a weapon, which means if she wants in she'll have to break the window with physical force, and probably injure herself. Also, breaking the windows makes you vulnerable especially if you have no way to start it (Let's be honest, she can't hotwire). You on the other hand have the keys. Just go over, get in and drive away. If you want you can also A) Call out and tell her not to break the window and B) let her tag along. However, personally, I'd go right through those trees, so she can't see me, and head down the road that way. Plus, keep your keys, and keep an eyes out for similar models of your car. If it's decently aged (chances are you own a '95 Camry and not a '10 Lambo) your key will eventually work on a similar make seeing as most companies only make roughly 20 different keys, or at least they used to. Not a guarantee, but always a possibility.

948 posts

This scienaro is too easy... Oh hi all i'm guessing you all hate me now because i didnt post my plan...?

4,376 posts

Danny, then answer it?

And yes, a bit miffeed, but we dont hate you.

5,642 posts

Warning: Incredibly impossible scenario is ahead.

You have made a tree-fortress and have been living happily with your recently wed wife. The tree fortress is about 20 feet into the air, with a rope ladder and rations to survive about 3 days. You had used a .32 caliber rifle to hunt, and a sharp long stick (about 2 yards long)in order to fend off anything that came about.

However, you have extremely little experience with the stick and the zombies. You have encountered only 1 and have no idea how to kill one. You wake up to find that there are dozens of zombies outside (and under) your fort. You have the hunting rifle, food, 23 bullets (there is an exact number of 953 zombies surrounding you), materials needed to make a fire, a couple of large stones, a slab of marble (both things used to make a fire pit in the fort), and a rope slide (only works if going down). By a rope slide, I mean a zipline. Made of rope.

3,562 posts

wtf. that is almost impossible.

it is only possible, if you load the rifle, tie it to a tree, and tie a string to it run a way as you pull the string, and all the zombies will be attracted to the sound thus leaving you hypothetically home free to run in the other direction of the sound.

4,376 posts

Well if this slide is allready up, I would say first thing, pack everything into a bag and find a way to carrry it on my back. Form there, light a fire. burn everything idon't need, making sure to catch the tree on fire.

Let the fire build bigger and bigger, then slide down (hopefully finding some way to attach my wife to my self) I am assuming the other end of the zip line is tied to the ground some distance away. If so, hit the ground running, and run like hell.

You have no cance in killing them, but if the tree catches fire, it mihgt crush a good many of them, and burn the forest down, and kill the rest. Who knows.

there are dozens

there is an exact number of 953 zombies

Diffrence there? I think not.
5,642 posts

Diffrence there? I think not.

I was just pwnd.

Yep. Pretty hard.
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