ForumsGame WalkthroughsSubmachine 3 Walkthrough

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I originally posted this walkthrough in the comments section of submachine 3, but I decided to posted here too so that it is easier to find. It is a pretty comprehensive walkthrough as far as I am concerned, and I hope that it is helpful.

level 1- turn all of the valves
level 2- turn a wheel and go to the room with the coordinates it shows. e.g. if you turn a wheel and it says "45", go to room 4,5 and turn the wheel there.
level 3- this one is hard, each panel has one number that cannot be changed. this number represents the panel that it is on. the other three numbers represent the other three panels and they correspond to their positions. you have to change the other three numbers so that they match the other panels' numbers and positions. this might be a little hard to understand at first, but you'll get it. after the numbers are right, the lights will turn green. then you just have to turn the two handles and you're done.
level 4- this one is easy. find the room with one dot, turn the handle. then find the room with two dots, turn the handle, then the one with 3 dots, etc etc.
level 5- ok, this one is a little confusing. you have to change the letters of the devices so that they match the coordinates of the room, so 1,2 would be A,B and 5,3 would be E,C.
level 6- this level uses the runes found in some of the other games. there is a device in the room -1,0. you want to find the other rooms, which have both numbers and symbols that match the runes on the device. make a note of these. go back to the device at -1,0 and click the first button until it gives you the symbol that matches the room that has the number 1 in it. repeat for the rest of the rooms. click the little button at the bottom after everything is filled in.
level 7- this is one of the trickier levels. first go to room 0,-1 and flip the switch. this should turn on the projector in room 0,1. you may have also noticed that your map at 1,0 is in need of maintenance. bummer. anyway, write down the order of the lines that appear after the projector is up and running. after you have written them down, go to room 1,-1 and click the metal pieces until the green lights resemble the first slash. there should be 5 more room like this to your right. keep adjusting the lights until all of them match the lines from the projector. now you have to go to room 1,1 and turn the valve.
level 8- go right and be very thankful that you have your map back. the main device for this level is in room 0,-1. if you go to the rooms marked on the map you will see oval shapes with red lights on them. go to the device in 0,-1 and change the numbers to match the coordinates of one of these rooms, then click on the bolt on the bottom part of the machine. go back to the room and pull both bolts. rinse and repeat.
level 9- your map panel has been completely torn off this time. ;.(... there should be rooms directly above and below the one that you start in. one has letters, the other has colors. the letters are the first letters of the colors. some of the buttons are black and the letter/colors above them cannot be changed. you have to match the changeable colors with the non-changeable letters and vice versa. after they match, click the button below the array of colors.
level 10- you have a map at 1,0, but there is nothing in any of the rooms that it has marked. there is another map at -1,0. this one is blank. click the squares of the blank map to match the ones of the map at 1,0. after they match, turn the valve at 0,-1.
level 11- ok, welcome to the last level of the game. you will see a note taped to the wall in your starting room. it's from mur. it tells you not to open the passage machine in room 0,0. it says to look for a leaf and take it to the statue in room -12,9. there are two ways to end the game. solve the puzzle and move deeper into the loop or escape the loop.

solving the puzzle- ok, first a layout of the level. there should betwo valves, one at -1,-1 and one at 1,-1. there should also be two panels with letters and numbers (0,-1 and 0,1) and two rooms with three bars of colors (-1,1 and 1,1). The letters correspond to the colors and the numbers correspond to the amount of color in each bar. this is confusing because the three colors on the panels aren't in the same room. if a panel says "rgw-201", find the red color bar and hit click the button below it until there is no color in the bar. then click the button above it twice. do the same thing for all of the colors, then turn both of the valves. before you click the button at 0,0, WRITE THIS DOWN!!!! "syntagma". it is the level code for level 11. click the button and watch the ending.

escaping the loop- look in the rooms adjacent to the starting room for the leaf. it is in a different place every time. go to room -12,9 like mir's note says. you will see a gold pedesal. place the leaf on top of it and watch the ending.

now here are the codes for all of the levels:

I hope you enjoy the game, it took me about two hours to beat the game and another hour to make this walkthrough.

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was it helpful? hmmm? anybody?

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I just beat the last of the submachine games (so far) and I'm going to be working on walkthroughs over the next few days. I will try to get one done for submachine 2 first, as it seems to be the one that most people are stuck on. I think I will do the walkthroughs in this order: 2, 4, 5, 1.

2,120 posts

I'm done with the submachine 2 walkthrough, I hope you guys like it.

there is nothing that you can do in the first room at the moment, so just go left three times. there will be a box and a pedastal of some sorts. open your inventory and place the wisdom gem on the pedestal. click on the pearl that appears on the box. go left again and up the stairs. pick up the gear on the floor. go back over to the gramaphone and place the gear on the peg and then press the button. the annoying white noise will be replaced by creepy music and the distant sound of fog horns. while going to the gramaphone, you might have noticed that stairs had appeared on the previously blank wall. go up them. go right and click on the machine. make a note of the number. it should say 'C=something". go left and up the ladder again. go left into the lower sewer pipe. go to the end of the pipe and pick up the key. go back to the stairs and go up again. go to the right and pick up the fork. the runes that you see are of no importance (that I know of). go back to the ladder, go up, and go left. go up the brown stairs and go right 3 times. pick up a pamphlet and read it if you would like. click on the picture of the lighthouse and keep clicking until you can see the pattern of dots. write it down! go left 4 times and open the left door. there should be a not sticking out of the bookshelf, pick it up. leave the room and use the key you found in the sewers to open the right door. take the sewer key from the hook and head back down to the locked sewer grate. unlock the grate. this is where it gets hard so LISTEN CAREFULLY!!! follow these instructions:

1.after entering the sewer, move left 1, down 1, and right 1. pick up the key.
2.move left one and up one. move left, left, down, down, down, right, up. pick up the note.
3.from the red room, go down, left, up, left, left, left, down, right. solve the puzzle by making every light turn on.
4.go left, down, right, right, up. take the handle.
5.ok, I lost my bearings here. make your way to the sewer entrance and from there go left seven times, down, and then right. pick up the positive coil. that is all that I have found in the sewers, but you might want to search it for secrets while you are there.

ok, make your way out of the sewer, go up the ladder, then up again. go into the passage and attach and flip the switch. make your way to the brown room and go through the metal door. grab the negative coil lying on the floor. go up and use the second floor key on the door. go right and take the diary page from the typewriter, then go right again and take the movie memory from the desk. go through the door to the right and click the green divice. change the dots so that they match the sequence on the lighthouse picture. click the button then takethe lightbulb. go right and take the note from under the pillow. also, make note of the nmber that appears at the bottom of the second diary page. go all the way back to the blue floor and go left. put the lightbulb in the machine, then insert the movie memory. flip the switch, look in the hole, and click the I.D. card. it should fall out of the machine. pick it up. now you have to go all the way back to the grey floor, but skip the door this time. you should go up until you find a ladder attached to a circular thing (that switch that you flipped in the tunnel turned it so that you could climb up). go up the ladder. there will be a switch with two wires attached to it. there is a gap in one of the wires, put the fork in the gap and flip the switch. before going up the ladder that drops down, go left. there will be a device where you can punch in numbers, it has the letter E engraved in it. remember the two number/letter combinations you found? c and m? they were references to einstein's equation of general relativity; E=MxC^2. you want to find E, so take the number you got for C ( for me it was 2) and square it (4). then take the number you have for M (882 for me) and multiply it by C^2 (882x4=3528). type E into the device. if you got it right, the red light above the machine should turn green. go back down and go through the right door. there should be a device the has 4 circles with lines and 4 buttons. your goal is to get all 4 lines in the box in the center. good luck. I could post which buttons move which circles, but that would ruin the fun after you finish with that, go back to the middle room and go up the ladder. go up until the walls slant. there are passages on either side. the right one finally gives you a place to use those coils! put the coils in their corresponding tubes. the left passage is a dead end. continue up the ladder. take the portal note off of the wall and read it, then go right and get the digout key (remember that patch that had been cut out of the wall on the brown floor?). go all the way back to the brown floor and go to the far left. use the key on the lock, then go in. keep on going until you get to the main room. take the fuse and go back up to the portal room. put the fuse in the slot to the right of the portal and the ID card in the slot to the left of the portal. flip the portal switch and enjoy the ending! I might be posting locations for the secrets, once I find them all.

Hope it was helpful!

2,120 posts

Thankyou, I have posted both of them on their respective pages, but no merits yet. I don't really care about them anyway, as long as people get something out of them, I'm happy.

2,120 posts


Submachine 4 Walkthrough

coming soon to a forum near you...

3 posts

thank 4 he help

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12 posts

i'll try it

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submachine 3

12 posts

i'll follow your walkthough

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