This is an update from my last post. I've added a few more weapons, updated some, and made close combat weapons by request! I've also taken my time to display some tempting pic. of those customized and detailed weapons!
Guns are the recent modernity of video games that aren't futuristic. And where's the crowbar, nail in plank, Mace and pummel, .50 cal, and standard issue .22.
I always thought a pitchfork and a double barrel shotgun would be great weapons but thats southern talking isn't it?
indeed... I fancy these rainbow 6/battlefield/half-life games... and I tried to create an variation of weapons but the lack of shotguns and nailed planks are just something personal... although there should me more shotguns
I always thought a pitchfork and a double barrel shotgun would be great weapons but thats southern talking isn't it?
As in shotgun in one hand and pitchfork in the other? Or together. Honestly, Hold them together and slap some duct tape on that, you've got an interesting mix huh?
Anyway, I already saw the guns, good ones, and the melee weapons are great too. Ah I believe you said you don't make games or animations correct? You really need to learn how, cause you'd make an awesome game judging by these weapons!
Ive been in contact with Klaushouse, he said something like that. But he said that he would contact me if he needed weapons, or knew of someone who wanted them.
Wow Iskaksen those are all really awesome I would never be able to draw them I especially like the helicopter one it looks the best because its the biggest!