I swear that I saw a UFO last night. It was a blue light, with a second red light blinking at random intervals. It did not move like a regular airplane, It moved almost like a fly, but it was not. I am convinced that we are not alone in this universe. What do you think?
Lol I think there is life other than us, but whether or not they come here, touch our asses and spend there time in our windows, I would have to say no.
If there are aliens we need to capture one of them and disect it. Sometimes people are delirious when they say they saw a UFO. Othertimes,they might be right...
a question left unanswered leaves humanity stupified whether other lifeforms exist or not,but when we find out we shall be looking at a new era,an era where humans might be able to live in space or have gills,but until then we humans are left unanswered....
who's to say aliens exist or if god exists, it could be real or it could not be real, but its something for people to believe in and believing causes hope and hope can lead to success, which is a very good thing, so really if you believe in it and it makes you happy, its a good thing.
Still,i think allah exists i am a muslim. But also i think other lifeforms might exist. Humanity is the single race we know of or know who know 2000 years from now humans might carry around gravity cannons or the world might be destroyed or we would explore beyond the milky way or perhaps we might control the sun.all that you need is imagination,perseverance,focus,determinination,and precision. For all we know there might even be an advanced species then us humans.Our great grandchildren's children might be in a ship traveling at the same speed as light perhaps maybe even faster,and maybe in the future everything will be innstant or stay the same. We might be able to measure the precise meausrement without a stick. nobody knows...
i beleave that there is no way we are the only inteligent life in the universe. But i do notbelieve that they come here in a ufo to experiment and study us