ForumsForum GamesThe AG Politics Game

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Hey guys I was thinking for awhile after watching the news that it would be a good idea to help people understand the way a democracy works by creating a game with it.So the idea for it is "What if the CEO of AG was elected every week?"So then I started coming up with ideas on how it would work and decided that it would combine a RPG,Member of the week poll,a contest,and politics.So first I came up with the idea that every week the people of AG would vote for one of two people,who I would choose from the current group of interested members on the site(as in people who want to participate in it)and the person with the most votes by the end of the week(Saturday)will win for that week.Now since there is no electoral college in this style of election.It is technically called direct democracy,but it doesn't really matter too much.Anyways then I decided that there will need to be two political parties.I looked at the way people acted on AG and created these two parties.

Gamers-These are people who tend to think that AG is more about games and that AP doesn't matter.Some go as far to say that they should get rid of the AP system b/c it causes spam,and makes the site less fun.Some of them also believe that any idea for more AP will cause more spam.(not to offend anyone,but in some cases it is quite true)

Bloggers-While I had trouble coming up with a decent name for these guys,they like the social aspect of AG,while also at times playing a decent game or two.Some of them spend their time helping new members,asking for new ideas for AP,more Mods,and other things at times.Their has been some controversy with some of the members of this party,because of some of them being banned b/c of spamming and such for AP.This has caused great turmoil within the community on whether the AP system should exist.Some go as far as to say that AG should be more like myspace or facebook,which the Gamers are strictly against.

AGer-These are people who don't entirely agree with either party,and want to run the site in a Bi-Partisan way(as in working with both parties for the greater good of the site)They could be compared as AG's Independents.

So now that the political parties have been created the way it will all work is first off I need to find out how many people are interested in the idea.I won't start the game unless I can get at least 10 people to back the idea,but once enough people say they are going to participate then I will select a person from each party to debate,and tell people what they will do to improve the site.(When you first sign up for the contest you will need to tell me what party you are a part of)Then by the end of the week all votes shall be tallied,and I will announce the winner here.If it becomes popular enough I might see about making it merit awarding with Carlie and the mods.So who is interested?

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One thing I forgot to mention the current winner of that week(after the first week)can run again against a new set of people from other parties,but if they lose that contest then they can't run again,and you can only become CEO once,unless you get re-elected.It's the same as if you were running for a real presidency.

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