ForumsWEPRParaphilias, fetishism and so on...

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First of all, no posting religious comments about how stuff is wrong in this thread. Of course everyone is allowed to state their opinion, but Christians and other religious people who just post about premarital sex, same sex relationships and other deviations from the standardized common norm is wrong because their biblething says so, tends to ruin the healthy discussion. So please, if you have nothing else to say, don't bother saying it.
I talked with Strop about getting this topic up and running, so... I don't think I'm not allowed to, though some of you youngsters may find it offensive. Please, if weird things about sex disturbs you, stop reading now. Kthnxbai.

Now, the actual topic of this thread is pretty wide.
Heavy reading about what paraphilias are:
But to sum up (info taken from Wikipedia's article):
* Exhibitionism: the recurrent urge or behavior to expose one's genitals to an unsuspecting person. (Can also be the recurrent urge or behavior to perform sexual acts in a public place, or in view of unsuspecting persons.)
* Fetishism: the use of inanimate objects to gain sexual excitement. Partialism refers to fetishes specifically involving nonsexual parts of the body (for example, feet).
* Frotteurism: the recurrent urges of behavior of touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person.
* Pedophilia: a psychological disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children, or has engaged in child sexual abuse.
* Sexual Masochism: the recurrent urge or behavior of wanting to be humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer for sexual pleasure.
* Sexual Sadism: the recurrent urge or behavior involving acts in which the pain or humiliation of a person is sexually exciting.
* Transvestic fetishism: arousal from "clothing associated with members of the opposite sex."
* Voyeurism: the recurrent urge or behavior to observe an unsuspecting person who is naked, disrobing or engaging in sexual activities, or may not be sexual in nature at all.

For anyone that do not "suffer" from a paraphilia, most of that can probably sound - grotesque... But many people in this world have one or more paraphilias.

Actually, just to annoy you all with a wall of text and ****s, here's the List of paraphilias as found here.
I think many of them are extremely gross, but most people have at least one of the listed. Personally, I have seven.

Some paraphilias have have more than one term to describe them, and some terms overlap with others.
* Abasiophilia: love of (or sexual attraction to) people who are lame or crippled and/or who use leg braces or other orthopaedic appliances
* Agalmatophilia: sexual attraction to statues or mannequins or immobility
* Algolagnia: sexual pleasure from pain
* Acrotomophilia: sexual attraction to amputees
* Andromimetophilia: sexual attraction towards female-to-male transsexuals
* Apotemnophilia: sexual arousal associated with being, becoming, or being perceived as an amputee
* Asphyxiophilia: sexual arousal from self-strangulation
* Autagonistophilia: sexual arousal from being on stage or on camera
* Autassassinophilia: sexual arousal from staging one's own murder
* Autoerotic asphyxiation: sexual arousal from self-induced asphyxiation to the point of near unconsciousness
* Autogynephilia: a male's sexual arousal in response to the image of himself as female
* Autonepiophilia: sexual arousal from impersonating and being treated like an infant
* Autopedophilia: sexual arousal from the thought or image of one's self as a child
* Bestiality: sexual attraction to animals
* Bestiosexuality: sexual attraction to animals
* Biastophilia: sexual arousal from assault and rape
* Chremastistophilia: sexual arousal from being robbed or being held
* Chronophilia: sexual attraction to a partner of a widely differing chronological age
* Coprophilia: sexual attraction to (or pleasure from) feces
* Cratophilia: sexual attraction to strength
* Diaperism: sexual interest in wearing diapers
* Erotic asphyxia: sexual attraction from asphyxia (also called "breath control play" or "strangulation&quot, including autoerotic asphyxiation
* Erotophonophilia: lust murder
* Exhibitionism: the recurrent urge to or enacting of exposing one's genitals to unsuspecting, nonconsenting persons; also, sexual arousal by engaging in sexual behavior in view of third parties.
* Fetishism: sexual interest in nonliving objects
* Formicophilia: sexual attraction to smaller animals, insects, etc. crawling on parts of the body
* Frotteurism: sexual arousal from the recurrent urge or behavior of touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person
* Gerontophilia: sexual arousal from significantly older partners
* Gynandromorphophilia: sexual attraction to women with penises, men cross-dressed as women, or male-to-female transsexuals
* Gynemimetophilia sexual attraction towards male-to-female transsexuals
* Hebephilia: sexual attraction to pubescent children
* Homeovestism: sexual arousal by wearing the clothing emblematic of one's own sex
* Hybristophilia: sexual arousal to people who have committed crimes, in particular cruel or outrageous crimes
* Infantophilia: sexual attraction to children five years old or younger
* Infanitilism: sexual pleasure from dressing, acting, or being treated as a baby
* Kleptophilia: (or kleptolagnia) sexual arousal from stealing
* Klismaphilia: sexual pleasure from enemas
* Lactaphilia: sexual arousal from human milk
* Lust murder: sexual arousal from committing (or trying to commit) murder
* Mammaphilia: (also mammagynophilia, mastofact) sexual arousal from the breasts of a woman
* Masochism: the recurrent urge or behavior of wanting to be humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer
* Menophilia: sexual arousal from menses or menstruating women
* Morphophilia: sexual preference for individuals with a particular body shape and size
* Mucophilia: sexual arousal from human mucus
* Mysophilia: sexual attraction to soiled, dirty, foul or decaying materials
* Narratophilia: sexual arousal in the use of dirty or obscene words to a partner
* Nasophilia: sexual arousal from touching the nose of a person
* Necrophilia: sexual attraction to corpses
* Nepiophilia: sexual attraction to infants
* Olfactophilia: sexual stimulus with smells or odors
* Osmolagnia: sexual arousal from odors
* Osphresiolagnia: sexual arousal dependent on smells or odors
* Ozolagnia: sexual arousal dependent on smells or odors
* Ondinism: (also undinism) sexual attraction to urine
* Partialism: exaggerated sexual interest in a non-genital very specific body part
* Peodeiktophilia: sexual arousal from exposing one's penis
* Pedophilia: (British spelling: paedophilia) sexual attraction to prepubescent children
* Pedovestism: sexual arousal from imitating children in appearance
* Pictophilia: sexual attraction to pictorial pornography or erotic art
* Podophilia: sexual attraction to human feet
* Renifleurism: sexual arousal in response to the smell of urine
* Sadism: deriving pleasure, or in some cases sexual arousal from giving pain
* Salirophila: sexual arousal by soiling (only the appearance of) the object of one's desired partner
* Scatophilia: sexual arousal from feces
* Scoptophilia: (or scopophilia) sexual preference for watching others masturbating or having sex
* Raptophilia: sexual preference for committing rape
* Somnophilia: sexual arousal from sleeping or unconscious people
* Sthenolagnia: sexual arousal from the demonstration of strength or muscles
* Stigmatophilia: sexual interest in piercings, tattoos
* Symphorophilia: sexual arousal from disasters
* Telephone scatologia: being sexually aroused by making obscene phone calls to strangers
* Telephonicophilia: being sexually aroused by making obscene phone calls to strangers
* Transvestic fetishism: arousal from "clothing associated with members of the opposite sex."
* Transvestophilia: sexual preference for a cross-dressered partner
* Trichophilia: sexual arousal from hair
* Troilism: (also spelled triolism) sexual interest in watching one's regular sexual partner having sex with a third party, usually unbeknownst to the third party
* Urophagia: sexual attraction to consuming urine
* Urophilia: sexual attraction to urine, including urinating in public, urinating on others, and being urinated on by others;
* Vampirism: sexual arousal from drawing, sucking, or drinking blood
* Vomerophilia: sexual attraction to vomit
* Vorarephilia: sexual attraction to eating others or the idea of being eaten by others; usually in one piece
* Voyeurism: sexual arousal through secretly watching others in intimate situations, such as disrobing, being naked, or having sex
* Zoophilia: sexual attraction to animals
* Zooerastia: sexual attraction to animals
* Zooerasty: sexual attraction to animals
* Zoosadism: sexual gratification derived from causing pain and suffering to animals

Fetishes and partialisms
* Anesthesia fetishism
* Balloon fetishism
* Blood fetishism (also haematophilia)
* Breast fetishism
* Breast expansion fetishism
* Crush fetish
* Diaper fetishism
* Doll fetish
* Fat fetishism (also lipophilia)
* Foot fetishism
* Garment fetishism
* Hand fetishism
* Hypnofetishism
* Impregnation fetish
* Lipstick fetishism (straight and trans varieties)
* Medical fetishism
* Navel fetishism
* Nose fetishism (also nasophilia)
* Panty fetishism
* Pregnancy fetishism
* Racial fetishism
* Robot fetishism
* Shoe fetishism
* Silk/Satin fetishism
* Smoking fetishism (Capnolagnia)
* Spandex fetishism
* Tickling fetishism (also acarophilia)
* Total enclosure fetishism
* Transformation fetish
* Wet and messy fetishism: sexual arousal by having substances deliberately and generously applied to the naked skin, or to the clothes people are wearing

Japanese terms
Though these fetishes originated in Japan, they have recently gained popularity in other countries, particularly the Americas.
* Nyotaimori: sexual arousal by eating sashimi or sushi from the body of a (usually naked) woman
* Omorashi: sexual arousal to one's or a partner's feeling of having a full bladder
* Tamakeri: sexual arousal from having a male kicked in the groin by a woman
* Wakamezake: sexual arousal by drinking alcohol from a woman's body.

Technical terms for non-paraphilic sexual interests
* Androphilia: Sexual interest in men
* Analloerotic: Lacking in sexual interests towards others (but not lacking in sexual drive)
* Ephebophilia: Sexual attraction towards individuals in mid- to late adolescence, typically ages 15-19
* Gynephilia: Sexual interest in women
* Teleiophilia: Sexual interest in adults (as opposed to pedophilia, etc.)

I think it's Rule 35 that states, if it exists, someone has a fetish for it.

Also, sorry about the ****s. It's that word for having intercourse with someone without their consent, you all know it.

Let the comments roll in! As with the Homosexuality thread, there is no particular direction for this topic to take. Just share your thoughts or something. Please keep comments on-topic and lighthearted. Flaming will not be tolerated.

  • 175 Replies
873 posts

@zophia, i have to agree that it is kind of a pointless law, but thing is i think even if its 2 minors that do engage in sexual acts, and even if they both agree, they both get a few days of juvenile hall and get in school suspension for like half of the school year, atleast thats the way it is around here.

1,568 posts

i think even if its 2 minors that do engage in sexual acts, and even if they both agree, they both get a few days of juvenile hall and get in school suspension for like half of the school year, atleast thats the way it is around here.

where I live, if that happens, the girl gets called a slut, and the guy gets a high five, and life goes on.
111 posts

I proposed good side of the law is angled more for the (random age example) 30 year old "seducing" the 16 year old type of situation. Thus is being called "Statutory." THe idea is that the minor consented on the surface but given their age, they aren't truly of sound enough mind to make such a decision (I don't agree, although sometimes it is the case) and may have been manipulated by the older, wiser person.

You should actually be able to look up the law in your state (for my fellow U.S. peeps). Googling on the key words statutory rape state name should do it. But as Lige points out, it all comes down to enforcement in the area.

For any teens having sex, it is something to be wary of, though. TO my knowledge, in most states that still have 18 as their age of consent, both parties can be prosecuted for the crime if they are both underage. truly a weird law as it is actually applied (though I can't say I don't see why folks wanted to address the older adult issue).

10,816 posts

Okay, because the walls of text now span several pages I'm going to have to break up my posts- this will respond to stuff said on page 4:

Zophia said:



Enough said.

One day I was just bored, and allowed one of them to hump my knee because I wanted to see what happened ... well hello there, big wet spot on pants. I agree that generally animals don't... But it happens...

Even within species (man's best friend, for example), tendencies to do this vary. Certain breeds are more known for offensive leg humping and subsequent wet spot than others. I think what I was getting at here was speculating on intentionality- for example the difference between said dogs above, and say apparent sexual arousal during some other incidental activity e.g. grooming. I suppose what I find neat about all of this, is that such reflection can be similarly applied to human behaviors itself. This is reflected in:

[quote]Does it make a difference as to what kind of activity is undertaken?

Hecks yeah. Human penises being shoved up small animal orifices is slightly more of a moral issue than animal penises being guided by humans into their own small orifices - because of the potential pain. Guys f***ing cats??[/quote]

Implicit in here is the moral import of the act of penetration, yes, that's tangential I know but there you go :P I think it'd be universally agreed that much of the male-female dynamics of sexual morals in humans involves this notion.

But to refer to earlier in the topic, it could then be argued that bestialism (can't remember the right word) can be a pathological state if it necessitates the abuse/harm of animals. Converse to the case of Mr. Hands, I have also read cases in which people have attempted things that, and here's a bit of a legal weasel phrase for you, "a reasonable person" would judge unwise, which resulted in the death of animal(s), and this too I would think of as grounds for mandatory therapy/management.

I'll get involved in the legal age/minors discussion next post xD
10,816 posts

Page 5!

[quote]Real zoophiles fall in love with their pets... It's a bit weird, but they do the stuff they do because they love their pets sliiightly more than the average pet owner.

i think its because they love them in a different way not because te=hey love them more.[/quote]

'Different' here can mean all kinds of different things, haha. Okay, enough word play. Despite having a fairly specific definition, zoophilia is a bit of a broad, vague term not least because, to quote medical papers, "there is a paucity of literature" on the topic, and the current attitude of medical research is "a positive curiosity". Therefore the best way to proceed currently (and what is being done now) is to try an establish what kind of continuum this is expressed as, via anecdotes.

Off the top of my head, I think a zoophilic 'mindset' would generally involve the following:

* A perspective that rejects that humans are intrinsically different from other animals. That is to say there's no real 'difference' or 'superiority'- this belief can be held to varying extents.

* This generally means (what daswiftarrow probably meant) that they are unlikely to think of 'ets' strictly in that capacity, and more likely to think of them as 'friends' 'companions' 'artners'. See the difference in the terms?

* Another definition of zoophilia is actually preferring the company of animals over other people, but while the expression is common, the term is not necessarily associated with this. However it probably is a concurrent trend.

* Attitudes to sex may vary. Going out on a limb (there is, to my knowledge, no authority on the subject anyway), it seems that at the least a zoophile would acknowledge an animal's "sexual being", or regard them as having a sexual capacity and possibly harbor sexual thoughts in the same way that your average teenaged guy might look at girl and think "nice rack" (not to be offensive, sorry!), or, if you fancy yourself more noble, think "she's beautiful", haha. This seems distinct from a self-professed animal lover who might say "I adore/love my pets" but if you should ever ask them whether they considered doing the dirty with the dog (let's face it, would you!?) they would probably be dumbfounded as the thought has never crossed their mind.

As to whether a zoophile would actually want to engage in sexual activity with an animal is a separate question but I imagine that much of the preoccupation takes place in the mind. The little-known subject of fantasy is of great importance here.

* More frequently, zoophiles will express a preference for a particular species or group of species- while one would probably be amenable to animals, the strong overwhelming attraction is rarely a generalised thing. That kind of thing would probably be better described with the phrase "yeah, he's a try-sexual: he'd try anything" or "he'll do anything that moves".

pfft, you know what? I think I've covered the stuff said here but for a more complete look, Wikipedia does the job, but be warned it's a hefty article. Ignore the Wiki warnings- there is no single expert authority and research is still in its nascent stages so there :P where was I...oh yeah, age!

Next post, maybe.
2,770 posts




Love Caps lock and bold. Together, you are the ruler of the world.
10,816 posts

shhh, klaus, what kids don't know won't hurt them...


Okay, where were we.

I had a really funny story that, although I'm not going to actually go so far as to insinuate somebody is or is not a zoophile, seems to me to typify it:

Australia's most famous horse race is the Melbourne Cup. Within its history, there are two Australian horses that stand out in memory- Phar Lap (who died from arsenic poisoning), and Makybe Diva. The latter was the only mare in the history of the cup to win twice, let alone three times consecutively before retiring to pasture.

The latter two times, leading Australian jockey Glen Boss rode her for the run. When asked to comment on his win, Glen Boss would always choke up and sob on about how beautiful Diva was. But the interview that always sticks in my memory was the first time Boss visited Diva after her retirement. As he's walking towards her, he rambles on about how beautiful she looks and how sexy she is. The reporter stops, puzzled. "Are you calling a horse sexy?" Completely oblivious, Glen replies "Hell yes!" And starts pointing out exactly why he thinks so: "She's got such an elegant head and big eyes, shapely neck, strong chest and..." he walks around to the back: "A great butt. Now tell me this is not a sexy butt." *slap slap*

I rofl'd. I somehow doubt he was taking the piss.

9,434 posts

^^ The people I guessed to know about Thor knows. How delightful. ^___^

@Strop's posts on the previous page:
I feel there's something I could say... But so much text I keep forgetting what it was!
I still like your posts, though, they're definitely worth reading. And have great points.

Lol story. I would love to have seen the reporters expression.

111 posts

I am suddenly envious of Australian TV. Something tells me the best part of that would have been edited out in the states.

You know, I had managed to forget Thor existed until this thread. Dag nabbit.

9,434 posts

Bwahahahahahaa! Now that yellow thingy is stuck in your head. >:3

On a sidenote, I'm still puzzled at the Mister Hands thing. Is it reference to those vids regarding guys and horse rectums?

What so you people think is the most common fetish? Besides the technical terms for non-paraphilic sexual interests, and mammaphilia.

3,176 posts

voyeurism I believe. Every guy has that experience. It's built into their mind and body that when a person exposes themselves the other is turned on by it. Entirely natural as moss.

111 posts

Maybe also exhibitionism (since the two go hand in hand)? It's one of those really common in different degrees on the sliding scale things.

10,816 posts

ShintetsuWA: I'm not sure what you're talking about is voyeurism, so much as scopophilia (go figure). This extends not just to live figures but associating other things with sexual stimulus (anything from mannequins to, uh...armpit porn). And yes, this is widely accepted to be perfectly normal, unlike back in the days of King Henry where it was an offence to gaze upon a lady's ankles.

Voyeurism involves the act of spying upon or covertly watching subjects in ordinarily private situations. Insisting on peering with binoculars through the window at the girl across the street while she's changing is voyeurism.

Zophia: I actually have no idea if it (zoophilia) is the 'most common'. Kinsey's initial research indicated that it should be at least considered much more common/openly than popularly. Current psychiatric literature reckons that it is "rare" but since this means "rare compared to playing with inanimate objects and minors", with the proliferation of terms describing this and that fetish I can't be sure. Then there's the possibility that people don't think of it until they've been exposed to it and since not everybody would be exposed, who knows! That applies to everything though.

Oh wait...I misread your typo. You mean "What do you people think..." haha. Hm. If light bondage and restraint were considered a fetish I'd nominate that.

I think we got stuck into this thread because of my inadvertant reference to Mister Hands. Which, incidentally, wouldn't be so much about guys and horse rectums so much as horses and guys' rectums. Or just one guy.

As for which, I'm giggling now that I know millahnna knows about Thor. We should start a club dedicated to spreading the good word about Thor.

*tenders his resignation to Dan* xD

Lol story. I would love to have seen the reporters expression.

It was something like this: ^_o;
9,434 posts

Yay, Strop is back and he brought lulz!
On topic now.
... No, more lulz. Argh, too many lulz in one post! XD *faints*

Alright, ehm. The bondage thing is a fetish, is it not?

Also, danged be my typo - which I did not notice till it was pointed out. And very short post due to lack of sleep and OD on lulz.

@the whole Thor thing:

10,816 posts

I am so tempted to start a collection.

"Yeah, they're, like, paperweights?"

You probably think I'm weird now. What I want to know is how millahnna knows about Thor.

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