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Hello fellow armorgamers! This is the final version of my amorphous plus walkthrough⦠This walkthrough contains pictures, tips, personal opinions and all kind of information you will ever need to get trough the game, and much more. You may come across something like that: "WWC", which means Walkthrough Writers Comment (ME).
General Tips:
About Swinging and Playing wisely:
Be very careful around the edges of the play area, a Gloople may come in from the edges and leave you too little time to get out of the way. (WWC: That's what happens with Biters, but you get an Award for it)
The Spawn Limit option in the Options menu determines the general maximum number of glooples allowed onscreen at a time - this isn't an absolute limit, but turning it down will make the game a little easier and run a litter better (and vice versa).
Stay aware of where you swing arc is going to be before you attack. If there's a danger you might hit something you need to avoid, try using the corners of the arc instead of the broad part in front of you.
The closer you keep the cursor to the character, the more quickly you'll be able to make fine movements, and the more control you'll have over your facing and swings.
Avoid swinging at anything too hard to damage - if your weapon bounces off, you'll be stunned for a moment. Make sure your whole swing arc is clear of obstructions.
When you swing the SplatMaster3000, you create a wide killzone in front of you that lasts a tiny bit longer than you may think that it does. This means you can swing a bit early and let an enemy "run into" your swing from outside your actual reach.
Sometimes it's a better idea to just try and stay out of the way for a moment than to swing wildly - that brief second of immobility may be your demise.
Try to catch as many Glooples in a single swing as you can. Not only will this leave you vulnerable less often, but each additional Gloople acts as a bounty multiplier.
To splat a Gloople, make sure you get most of it in your swing arc - just grazing the edge of it won't count.
Coax troublesome Glooples into moving out of the play area - they'll be eliminated from play. You will not score for them, however, and there are a few Glooples that this won't work on.(WWC: This doesn't work on Amalgams)
About Nests or Score:
Anything frozen (including you) can be destroyed by just bumping into it. On the other hand you don't score for breaking frozen Glooples.
As you near the end of the Nest, there is a chance that you'll come across a particularly dangerous Gloople. This is much more likely the longer your Game Length is set to.
It doesn't matter what type of Gloople you splat, each kill counts down the nest by one, so go for the easy targets when you can - they count just as much as the real problem Glooples do.
More high point value Gloople in one swing means a higher value for the multiplier to be applied to. Three Biters are far more valuable than three Glooples.
About Glooples:
Most anything a Gloople can toss at you can be batted away, so if getting out of the way isn't an option, take a swing at it.
Regular Glooples are subject to more or less all of the same dangers as you are - keep an eye on them when something new shows up. If it kills the Glooples, it'll probably do the same to you!
Glooples can stick together and form larger Glooples if you allow them to touch, although it only happens occasionally.(WWC: See Fusion Overview)
Certain Glooples have the ability, to shake off Stickie go more quickly than others so keep an eye on those that don't seem to be affected as long as you'd hoped.
Right when a gloople gets caught in Meltie acid, there's a very brief time when it's stuck but not quite dissolved when you can still splat it and get the credit.
You don't need to try and splat every single Gloople; the ones that get away don't count against you in any way and the Glooples will keep coming until you've met the quota
Because of the way Clutters avoid you, don't be ashamed to just "ush" them off of the edge of the play area. It's easy, and we all do it. You don't score, but they're out of the way.
About Awards:
Every 10 Awards you earn gets you a Reward Key. With it you can unlock a little something to give you an edge during play.
Most Awards cannot be earned in Practice mode. You have to pull off the impressive deed when it counts to get the credit. (WWC: You only get 1 Award in Practice Mode: Academic)
Hardcore Mode:
When you activate it all types of Gloople appear from the start on in Single Nests as well as in the Bounty Run Mode. However it is not suited for discovering new Glooples, because you only face the ones you already have in your Bestiary, as far as I know, at least.
Fusion Overview:
Gloople + Gloople = Oozle
Gloople + Oozle = Gray
Gloople + Gray = Void Eater
Biter + Biter = Horror
-Appears: Everywhere
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Straight Line
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: If it hits you get stunned, but it is not an immediate threat.
-Effect: None
-Fusion: Yes (See Fusions above.)
-Specialty: None
-Way to kill: Just swing your sword.
Green Glooples are plentiful, don't put yourself in danger trying to chase down, and don't hesitate to use them as cover between yourself and something dangerous (although it may not do much good)
Green Glooples can't directly hurt you, but letting them bump into you will knock you of balance for a moment and give something worse a chance to strike.
-Appears: Everywhere
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Straight Line
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: None
-Splash Effect: It leaves yellow goo behind. Walk over it and you move slow for a couple of seconds
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: None
-Way to kill: Just swing your sword
When a Stickie enters the play field, it always aims for you. If you stay in one place while there are Stickies around, you'll eventually be bogged down.
Stickies will pop when they touch anything, but they move completely straight so you can't steer them into things. Better to splat them and leave the goo as a trap or protective barrier.
(Stickie Goo)
Stickie goo is a great isolator, and though it gums you up and slows you down, it will keep you from catching fire or being stuck in ice.
-Appears: Everywhere
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Towards you/ Straight Line when it attacks you
-Speed: Normal/Fast when it attacks you
-Attack: Bites and kills you
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: Yes (See Fusions above.)
-Specialty: None
-Way to kill: Just swing your sword
A Biter can't lunge (or hurt you) if it's gummed up in Stickie goo, so use the opportunity to splat it safely, or clean up some other threats.
Biters are quick, but they can only lunge in a straight line, and they can't stop. Wait for it to pounce, and then either splat it or step out of the way.
Although it's very rare, Biters can glom together to form a very scary gloople - don't let them touch too often.
-Appears: Everywhere
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: Splashes on you and kills you with its acid
-Splash Effect: Leaves acid behind. If you walk over it you are dead
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: None
-Way to kill: Just swing your sword
Melties will gently curve toward you while traveling. Use this to your advantage and steer them into threats you don't want to deal with - or can't.
Be very careful when splatting a Meltie: just because you hit doesn't mean it can't splash towards you. Take note of the direction things splat when you hit them, and catch Melties on the correct side.
(Meltie Acid)
While Meltie acid makes short work of a lot of Glooples, there are some who are too well protected to be hurt by it.
Meltie acid lasts a while, so use them as defensive barriers while you can - most Glooples can't cross it safely.
-Appears: Big and Huge Nests
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: Kills you if its needles touch you
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: Has needles which protect it like an armor
-Way to kill: Just swing your sword, when it hasn't it needles spread out
With their spines out, a Sharp is immune to the effect of any standing hazardous pool. Don't rely on defensively placed goo splats keeping Sharps off your back.
More often than you'd like, the best way to deal with a Sharp is just to bat it out of the play area. You don't get credit for it, but you don't have to deal with it either.
Sharps are clever enough that, if they see a hazard in front of them, they'll put their spines out. This goes for you, a dangerous pool, or any other Gloople, really.
Sharps can splat a lot of glooples, and a well placed swat can send them into some other unpleasantness that you'd rather not deal with.
-Appears: Everywhere
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Towards you, but doesn't come too close.
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: Shoots with its babies after you
-Splash Effect: It leaves up to three clutter babies behind
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: None
-Way to kill: Just swing your sword
A Clutter will never intentionally get anywhere near you - you'll have to take the fight to them. But don't let them get you into trouble trying to chase them down.
If you swing immediately after a swing that kills and adult Clutter, you'll usually mop up the babies it drops as well (and get pretty good score for it, as well). Just don't do this at the expense of watching your back.
(Clutter Baby
-Appears: After killing a Clutter
-Size: Small
-Movement: Avoids you
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: None
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: Grows and becomes a Clutter
-Way to kill: Just swing your sword
You can really ignore baby Clutters safely for a while - it takes them a short time to grow up, and until then they aren't a threat. Just make sure you get to them before they reach full size.
Most of the time you're better off just stepping out of the way of spit baby Clutters rather than swatting them. They splat when they hit the ground anyway. If you do splat them, though, they're worth as much as any small Clutter.
-Appears: Big and Huge Nests
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Fast
-Attack: If it hits you, you get blinded for a while
-Splash Effect: It leaves a black liquid behind. Walk over it and you can't move for a while
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: None
-Way to kill: Just swing your sword
Under no circumstances should you let an Inkie get anywhere near a fire (don't worry about the little flames, though). If lit before they splat, they detonate and take out everything around them.
(Inkie Goo)
It's a good idea to steer clear of Inkie splats. It won't hurt you directly, but it'll cause you do slide a short way without any control - it takes a little luck to come out okay.
Don't let Inkie touch you - their black goo will blink you for more than long enough to get you killed.
Inkie ink pools are very flammable, and if lit on fire will create a big, long-burning fire. Anything caught in the blaze will go up as well.
(Vulnerable Grinder)
-Appears: Big and Huge Nests
-Size: Big
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: Walks over you and kills you
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: None
-Way to kill: Wait for it to walk over a Meltie's acid. Now it is vulnerable. Hit it 5 times
Most of the time the best thing you can do about a Grinder is get out of the way. On the bright side, they demolish basically anything they roll over.
Grinders are big, and so is your swing area. Be very cautious when swinging anywhere around a Grinder - if you hit it at all, you'll bounce off and be stunned for a couple of seconds.
Grinders try and steer very subtly toward you, so it's possible to guide them into other threats (or each other, which is a different matter altogether).
-Appears: Big and Huge Nests
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Towards you/ Straight Line when it attacks you
-Speed: Normal/Fast when it attacks you
-Attack: Bites and kills you
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: When it walks over a Meltie's acid it looses it's fuzz, but doesn't die
-Way to kill: Swing your sword 3 times (After two times it's harmless)
Like a Super-biter, a Fuzzle is better in pretty much every way. Give them your full attention when they show up.
It's easy to tell when a Fuzzle's about to lunge, it hunkers down and crawls for a couple of seconds first. Be careful though, while it's getting ready to jump it can adjust it's aim very quickly.
Fuzzles are even resistant to many of the hazardous splats - they still have an effect, but it's not as severe as with other glooples.
Be persistent when trying to splat a Fuzzle. If you knock off all of their fur, and then give them a few seconds, they'll grow it back and be just as tough as when the started. Make sure you get that last swing in when you can.
-Appears: After Fusion
-Size: Quite Big
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: A little slower than a Gloople
-Attack: Absorbs you
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: Yes (See Fusions above.)
-Specialty: None
-Way to kill: Swing your sword 3 times
It's a good idea to take care of Oozle wherever they pop up. Letting them hang around gives them a chance to glom together with another Green Gloople and make your life harder.
Don't stand in front of an Oozle while trying to splat it. While you may get off a swing, you won't slow it down, and it'll just roll over you while you're getting ready to swing again.
(On Fire)
(Not On Fire)
-Appears: Huge Nests
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: If it touches you, you get lit on fire and die
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: It leaves little flames behind and every gloople that touches is gets burnt. If you hit it while on fire, or if it hits a hard gloople, it explodes and kills everything around
-Way to kill: Swing your sword when it isn't on fire. To do so wait for the fire to stop, or lure it to walk over a Stickie goo and it's fire stops
(Torchie in Stickie goo)
(Torchie Explosion)
Should you catch fire, you have a few seconds of panicky running about to try and put yourself out. The same things that put out most fires will work on you (although acid is not recommended).
Once a Torchie has gone out, make sure you kill it before it has a chance to get into any flame. If it does, it will re-light itself and be just as dangerous as before. You can stomp out the little fires it leaves behind to take out some insurance against this happening.
Torchies light almost anything they bump into on fire. This is the end of a lot glooples, but not before they have the chance to spread the fire themselves. Don't touch anything on fire, or you'll join them.
Do not, under any circumstances, attack a Torchie while it's on fire - this is instant death, as the little beast will explode and take you with it.
As dangerous as they are, a lot of things can extinguish a Torchie and make it an easy target. Try and use one of these methods if you don't feel like waiting for it to go out on it's own.
-Appears: In Huge Nests
-Size: Normal
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Very Fast
-Attack: Freezes you (You can't move for a while and if you get bumped you break. )
-Splash Effect: Freezes nearby Glooples
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: When you hit it you freeze
-Way to kill: Just swing your sword
Frostie hit you and you're frozen good? Try wiggling up and down, you'll break it much faster that way.
The blast of frozen air from a burst Frostie is bigger than the reach of your
SplatMaster3000. If you don't want to be frozen at all, just dodge, don't swing
How long you're frozen is a direct result of how far you were from the Frostie when it popped. If it hits you, you're in trouble. If you splatted it from as far away as you could manage, you'll be stuck for a couple of seconds at most.
-Appears: After Fusion
-Size: Quite Big
-Movement: Towards you, but doesn't come to close.
-Speed: Slow
-Attack: It hit you with it's lance or absorbs you if you touch it.
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: Yes (See Fusions above.)
-Specialty: When you attack it while it is doing anything else than attacking with its lance you don't harm it
-Way to kill:
If you have a Gray bearing down on you, but need to take a swing, it is possible to deflect it's lance with your attack. Just make sure you time it right.
As a lethal as the Gray's tendril lance is, it's pretty easy to avoid. Mainly try not to get stunned or staggered while one is around and keep your eye on it, and you should be okay.
Most of the time it's useless to take a swing at a Gray, they can harden into a ball of steel faster than you can get your SplatMaster3000 into them. You'll have to wait for them to concentrate on something else before you get the chance to hurt them.
-Appears: In Big and Huge Nests
-Size: From really small to huge
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Fast
-Attack: Absorbs you
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: It absorbs nearby Glooples and grows bigger. If it is big enough it splits and becomes 2 Amalgams
-Way to kill: Swing your sword 3 times when it is normal. If it has absorbed anything it needs more hits.
Persistence is the key when you have an Amalgam after you. Keep swinging, and keep on mind that every absorbed Gloople is another swing you have to make.
The old "lure it into moving out of the play area"
Trick won't work on an Amalgam, they stay in the game even if they cross the border. You have to kill them all.
Evert time you land a hit on an Amalgam, you stun it for just about long enough to get another swing in. You can't stand right in front of it, but you can get in quite a few swipes before you'll even have to move if you get along side one.
It's not as important to immediately chase down small Amalgam that break of the big one when you attack it - they can't hurt you until they grow bigger.
-Appears: After Fusion
-Size: Quite Big
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: If it hits you die, it throws out spikes which can kill you and it performs a "special" attack where it throws 4 spike disks after you
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: If its spikes which it throws hit a gloople it transforms into a biter.
-Way to kill: When it performs its "special" attack run quickly to it and splash it.
When A Horror sends it's disks after you, it becomes a bit more paranoid and makes an effort to keep a little distance from you. Don't let it draw you in long enough for the disks to come back around and slice you in half.
Horrors move fast enough that you'll have enough to do just trying to keep it from mowing you down in your tracks. Step around the side of it as close as you dare, and you'll force it to make a bit of a "U" turn and buy yourself a little time.
Don't try to attack a Horror directly. Doing so is almost certainly your undoing, as it's way to hard for your SplatMaster3000 to damage, and in the time it takes you to recover from the recoil it will have already turned you into kibble.
It's basically impossible to know when a Horror is going to fling off a bunch of it's deadly little teeth, although it normally reserves this move for when you're too far for it to just roll over you and turn you into mulch. On the other hand, a Horror will never send it's disks after you unless you're well away from it.
Horror teeth that it flings off of it's body aren't too hard to dodge, but if you have to you can just bat them out of the air. Also, keep track of any Green Glooples in the way: if they get hit, they'll mutate into a Biter and come after you.
Void Eater:
-Appears: After Fusion
-Size: Quite Big
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Normal
-Attack: It creates something like a whirlpool and draws you near, then it kills you. It also can send you a beam, which blast you into oblivion!
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: None
-Way to kill: When it performs its "Blast you into oblivion"-Beam you attack it and kill it.
You can tell the killzone around a Void Eater by where the Glooples are getting annihilated.
It's very possible that a Void Eater could form right next to you and blast you with a shockwave before you even have a chance to react to it. The solution? Don't leave Grays hanging around.
A Void Eater's density beam has a much more powerful gravity effect then it's gravity well. If you aren't well out of the way when it starts, you're probably doomed.
With a Void Eater on your hands, your main concern should be staying away from it. Most of what it does will try and draw you close enough for it to blast you into oblivion, so focus on keeping your distance and wait for your chance.
(Circled: Queen's Larva)
-Appears: In all Nests when there is a small amount of Gloople left. (My first one appeared in a Hard Nest at around 35 Glooples left⦠)
-Size: Tooo big
-Movement: Towards you
-Speed: Normal /Very Fast when it attacks you
-Attack: Kills you with it's Claws
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: It leaves some larva behind and if you kill the queen and a gloople walks over an larva it becomes a queen and you have to kill it all over again.
-Way to kill: Swing your sword the exact moment when it attacks you. You surely won't kill it with your first tries, but keep trying!
Should you be fighting a Queen and actually bump into one another (usually by way of you both missing one another) you can probably expect to get creamed immediately. She's much quicker at reaching to that sort of situation than you are.
Don't let Queen larva hang around. You can splat them or just step over them, but leaving them alive means that if you manage to outmaneuver the Queen and get that killing blow, another one may pop up right behind her.
It's always best to keep your distance when you can while fighting a Queen. The best time to strike her is during a lunge, and if you get in tight, remember: She has two huge sharp cutting thingies. You only have one.
Because the Queen is cautious and will dodge away any time you make a swipe at her, it's possible to bully her around a bit if you need a moment to collect yourself. Just make sure you don't get caught swinging at nothing when she decides to pounce.
The Queen's long reach and ability to lunge makes her very difficult to dodge. Sometimes your best bet is to swing into her in an attempt to parry. She'll do the same to you, after all.
If you should kill a Queen and notice a larva still crawling around, get it as fast as you can. It can't spawn a new Queen unless it gets to a Gloople host, and it will be trying it's hardest to do just that.
Razor Queen:
-Appears: In all Nests when there is only a small amount of Glooples left and after you have all monsters in your bestiary except THIS!
-Movement: Doesn't really need to move much
-Speed: Let's say slow
-Attack: Better read the Tips below. The Razor Queen kills you with so many different ways, that I could write a book about!
-Splash Effect: None
-Fusion: No
-Specialty: It is the boss. THE BOSS!
-Way to kill:
The spiny larva a Razor Queen spawns while she's chasing you around will explode if you get near enough, but it takes them a second. If you step in and then move away, you should be able to get rid of them safely without having to swing.
The Razor Queen has five huge blades to your one. Trying to swing at her when she's not left herself open is blatant suicide.
If a Razor Queen has littered the screen with so many spine jacks you can't move around well, you can break them down with enough hits. This takes some time
though - make sure you have it to spare.
Like most things the quills a Razor Queen launches from her body can be destroyed by slashing them. However, because this keeps you from moving, it's best to only do this if you really need to.
When a Razor Queen spits a spine jack, she lobs it through the air. As long as you aren't nearby when it lands, you can walk safely under it while it's airborne.
First Row:
~ Participation: Awarded for splatting a Gloople (Bronze Medal)
~ Lemony: Awarded for splatting a Stickie (Bronze Medal)
~ Self Preservation: Awarded for splatting a Biter (Bronze Medal)
~ Mixed Blessing: Awarded for splatting a Meltie (Bronze Medal)
~ Replication: Awarded for splatting a Clutter (Bronze Medal)
~ Black Mark: Awarded for splatting an Inkie (Bronze Medal)
~ Three Licks: Awarded for splatting an Oozle (Silver Medal)
~ Hairball: Awarded for splatting a Fuzzle (Silver Medal)
~ Opportunist: Awarded for splatting a Sharp (Silver Medal)
~ Cold Front: Awarded for splatting a Frostie (Silver Medal)
~ Defuse: Awarded for splatting a Torchie (Silver Medal)
~ Immunology: Awarded for splatting an Amalgam (Silver Medal)
~ Armor Piercer: Awarded for splatting a Gray (Gold Medal)
~ Excavation: Awarded for splatting a Grinder (Gold Medal)
~ Bravery: Awarded for splatting a Horror (Gold Medal)
~ Enforced Gravity: Awarded for splatting a Void Eater (Gold Medal)
~ Red Queen: Awarded for splatting a Queen (Gold Medal)
Second Row:
~ Epic: Awarded for splatting a Razor Queen (Gold Medal) (THAT sure twill take you a while!)
~ Preventative Measures: Awarded for splatting two Gloople, while forming together (Bronze Medal)
~ Good Combo: Awarded for splatting 2 glooples in a single swing (Bronze Medal)
~ Nice Combo: Awarded for splatting 3 glooples in a single swing (Bronze Medal)
~ Sweet Combo: Awarded for splatting 4 glooples in a single swing (Silver Medal)
~ Awesome Combo: Awarded for splatting 5 glooples in a single swing (Silver Medal)
~ Sick Combo: Awarded for splatting 6 glooples in a single swing (Gold Medal)
~ Incredible Combo: Awarded for splatting 7 glooples in a single swing (Gold Medal)
~ Unbelievable Combo: Awarded for splatting 8 glooples in a single swing (Gold Medal)
~ Academic: Awarded for spending 10 minutes in Practice Mode (Bronze Medal)
~ Solid Swing: Awarded for splatting 20 bounty worth of glooples in a single swing (Bronze Medal)
~ Big Swing: Awarded for splatting 50 bounty worth of glooples in a single swing (Bronze Medal)
~ Great Swing: Awarded for splatting 75 bounty worth of glooples in a single swing (Silver Medal)
~ Huge Swing: Awarded for splatting 100 bounty worth of glooples in a single swing (Silver Medal)
~ Massive Swing: Awarded for splatting 150 bounty worth of glooples in a single swing (Gold Medal)
~ Brutal Swing: Awarded for splatting 200 bounty worth of glooples in a single swing (Gold Medal)
~ Killer Swing: Awarded for splatting 300 bounty worth of glooples in a single swing (Gold Medal) (Just kill a Grinder and 2 Glooples and make a score of 306)
Third Row:
~ Victory!: Awarded for clearing a Small Single Nest (Bronze Medal)
~ Mad Skills: Awarded for clearing a Big Single Nest (Silver Medal)
~ Bragging Rights: Awarded for clearing a Huge Single Nest (Gold Medal)
~ Persistant: Awarded for being killed 10 times (Bronze Medal)
~ Determined: Awarded for being killed 25 times (Silver Medal)
~ Dedicated: Awarded for being killed 50 times (Silver Medal)
~ Tireless: Awarded for being killed 100 times (Gold Medal)
~ Bloodletter: Awarded for being killed 5 different ways (Bronze Medal)
~ Gorehound: Awarded for being killed 10 different ways (Silver Medal)
~ Splatterbait: Awarded for being killed 15 different ways (Gold Medal)
~ Test Drive: Awarded for playing 5 minutes total (Bronze Medal)
~ Kinda Fun: Awarded for playing 10 minutes total (Bronze Medal)
~ Casual Interest: Awarded for playing 20 minutes total (Bronze Medal)
~ Spare Time: Awarded for playing 30 minutes total (Silver Medal)
~ Commitment: Awarded for playing 45 minutes total (Silver Medal)
~ Addiction: Awarded for playing 60 minutes total (Gold Medal)
~ Completitionist: Awarded for playing 90 minutes total (Gold Medal)
Fourth Row:
~ Novice: Awarded for reaching a score of 100 in any mode (Bronze Medal)
~ Apprentice: Awarded for reaching a score of 200 in any mode (Bronze Medal)
~ Hunter: Awarded for reaching a score of 350 in any mode (Bronze Medal)
~ Warrior: Awarded for reaching a score of 500 in any mode (Bronze Medal)
~ Adept: Awarded for reaching a score of 750 in any mode (Silver Medal)
~ Expert: Awarded for reaching a score of 1000 in any mode (Silver Medal)
~ Champion: Awarded for reaching a score of 1500 in any mode (Silver Medal)
~ Elite: Awarded for reaching a score of 2000 in any mode (Gold Medal)
~ Hero: Awarded for reaching a score of 2500 in any mode (Gold Medal)
~ Legend: Awarded for reaching a score of 3000 in any mode (Gold Medal)
~ Alertness: Awarded for surviving 1 minute in Bounty Run Mode (Bronze Medal)
~ Danger Sense: Awarded for surviving 2 minutes in Bounty Run Mode (Bronze Medal)
~ Threat Assessment: Awarded for surviving 3 minutes in Bounty Run Mode (Silver Medal)
~ Sharp Reflexes: Awarded for surviving 4 minutes in Bounty Run Mode (Silver Medal)
~ Keen Instincts: Awarded for surviving 5 minutes in Bounty Run Mode (Silver Medal)
~ Nerves of Steel: Awarded for surviving 7 minutes in Bounty Run Mode (Gold Medal)
~ Untouchable: Awarded for surviving 10 minutes in Bounty Run Mode (Gold Medal)
Fifth Row:
~ Exterminator: Awarded for splatting 1000 Gloople (Bronze Medal)
~ Custard: Awarded for splatting 100 Stickies (Bronze Medal)
~ Tooth Collector: Awarded for splatting 70 Biters (Bronze Medal)
~ HazMat: Awarded for splatting 50 Melties (Bronze Medal)
~ Litterbug: Awarded for splatting 50 Clutters (Bronze Medal)
~ Paint it Black: Awarded for splatting 30 Inkies (Bronze Medal)
~ Size Matters: Awarded for splatting 15 Oozles (Bronze Medal)
~ Tribble: Awarded for splatting 20 Fuzzles (Silver Medal)
~ Patience: Awarded for splatting 10 Sharps (Silver Medal)
~ Anti-Freeze: Awarded for splatting 6 Frosties (Silver Medal)
~ Bomb Squad: Awarded for splatting 6 Torchies (Silver Medal)
~ Dismantler: Awarded for splatting 5 Grays (Silver Medal)
~ Purifier: Awarded for splatting 15 Amalgams (Silver Medal)
~ Fault Line: Awarded for splatting 4 Grinders (Gold Medal)
~ No Fear: Awarded for splatting 3 Horrors (Gold Medal)
~ Physics Defied: Awarded for splatting 3 Void Eaters (Gold Medal)
~ Queensbane: Awarded for splatting 3 Queens (Gold Medal)
Sixth Row:
~ Merciless: Awarded for splatting 2 Razor Queen
~ Absentee: Awarded for pausing for 2 full minutes (Bronze Medal)
~ Picky: Awarded for changing to a new song five times in one play (Bronze Medal)
~ Jackpot!: Awarded for scoring a triple 7 score (Silver Medal) (777 score)
~ Unfortunate: Awarded for being killed by a Biter as it leapes from offscreen (Bronze Medal)
~ Pacifist: Awarded for not swinging for 30 seconds (Bronze Medal)
~ Bully: Awarded for forcing a Clutter out of the screen without swinging (Bronze Medal)
~ Zen Master: Awarded for getting a kill while blinded (Silver Medal)
~ Passive Aggressive: Awarded for knocking a sharp out of bounds (Silver Medal)
~ Guerilla Tactics: Awarded for knocking a sharp into another gloople (Silver Medal)
~ Clean Shave: Awarded for shaving of all ones Fuzzle's fuzz 3 times (Silver Medal)
~ Fire Fighter: Awarded for putting out 10 little Torchie fires (Silver Medal)
~ Duelist: Awarded for dodging or deflecting 5 of a Queen's attacks (Silver Medal)
~ Blade Master: Awarded for scoring 10 consecutive combo kills (Gold Medal)
~ Impressionist: Awarded for splatting 4 different types of Glooples in a single swing (Gold Medal)
~ Badass: Awarded for clearing out a nest without a single error (Gold Medal)
~ Purple Heart: Awarded for clearing a nest with a Clutter still attached on you (Gold Medal)
Last Row:
~ Blindsight: Awarded for surviving being blinded by an Inkie (Bronze Medal)
~ Frostbitten: Awarded for breaking out of Frostie ice before being killed (Bronze Medal) (Shake the ice off, by moving your cursor right and left quickly)
~ Demolition: Awarded for surviving an explosion (Silver Medal)
~ Burn Ward: Awarded for being lit on fire and managing to survive (Gold Medal) (WWC: Get into Stickie goo)
~ Accident Prone: Awarded for getting bumped 30 times (Bronze Medal)
~ Friendly: Awarded for being completely bogged down in Clutters (Bronze Medal)
~ Dirty Job: Awarded for spending a total minute stuck in Stickie goo (Bronze Medal)
~ Till It Breaks: Awarded for sparking against a hard target 50 times (Silver Medal) (Wall Reward, Grinder or Gray for example)
Like all rewards that you need to toss, how hard you throw is determined by how far the mouse is from the character when you press the Use key. With lighter objects, like the Grenade, it should land somewhere near where the cursor was.
First Row:]
Trough intensive physical training and stamina exercises, this ability will allow for short bursts of much faster movement. While in use, Sprint will allow you to maneuver quickly and even offset some hazards which may normally impede travel (WWC: Didn't find any..) Use caution, however, as Sprinting is exhausting and you must find opportunities to rest and regain endurance
Sprint will only recharge while you are standing completely still. You cannot be swinging, being bumped or anything else. When you're empty, try and look for a safe spot to catch a breather.
Sprint is very effective, but limited. You'll only get a few seconds of speed boost before you have to stop so that it can recharge. Use it wisely.
A high-explosive concussive grenade which creates a powerful pressure wave upon detonation, causing severe trauma to any target within it's damage radius. Note that while extremely potent, these types of concussive weapons carry a high risk of unfortunate accident: be sure to stay clea of the blast and give it a good throw.
It is entirely possible to catch yourself with a Grenade blast. Even if you are outside the kill radius, it will still knock you off balance if you are a bit too close.
Experimentation into the biology of the Gloople and behavior of the nest has lead the R&D department to develop this small gas-grenade. Once thrown, it will begin to emit a powerful enzymatic pheromone which will overpower any other stimuli the nest may be responding to. Any Glooples in the area will turn their hostilities towards this device. However, some more advanced Glooples may not be fooled, and the lure's chemical payload is limited.
Just because their attention is elsewhere does not make some glooples less lethal. When you divert them with Lure, you still need to be wary that they can hurt you.
Reduces the amount of Glooples that can attack for a brief time.
A more high-tech product of the anti-gloople R&D department, the Gloople Nest Coordination Inhibitor, or Choker as it is sometimes reffered to, sends out confined-band communicative abilities of the Gloople nest on the whole, and prevents them from effectively coordinating an attack. In short, this device reduces the amount of Glooples which are able to attack for a brief time.
While it may not have any obvious effect, the Inhibitor can be a huge help when you're feeling overwhelmed. It doesn't do anything to the Glooples already out, but it will keep more from showing up for a little while.
More than any other Reward, it makes no difference where you put down the Inhibitor. It can't be damaged or destroyed, and will work until it runs out of battery regardless of where it is.
Second cousin to both the SCUBA suit and the stealth suit, the Hazard Suit uses a contained power pack to operate a powerful lattice of disruptive current-yielding microfiber woven into a thick protective body suit. While charged, the suit responds to potentially dangerous conditions by a combination of electromagnetic current, insulative coating and atmosphere filtration. The last word in material hazard evasion.
While the Hazard Suit does nothing to defend against direct attacks, impediments and traps are completely ignored. Fight without fear of inconveniences, but you still have to keep from walking in front of something really bad.
Passive hazards are more or less nullified while on the Hazard Suit. Keep an eye on it's charge gauge, however, because when it runs out of juice, it will fall away and you'll be unprotected from there on out.
Affectionately referred to as the Chopper, the Saw Drone is an airborne robotic attack unit compact enough to be man-portable. Once activated and thrown, the Chopper snaps open and begins flying under it's own power. A Saw Drone is able to acquire targets and differentiate friends from hostiles mid-combat. However, because of it's extremely deadly nature, a wise user keeps as clear as possible.
The Saw Drone will go to some lengths to avoid flying near you, but you should avoid silly things like running straight at it (WWC: Except if you want to collect the Bloodletter, Gorehound or Splatterbait Awards). In a pinch, you can whack it in a desired direction with your sword, though this is not particularly good for it.
While extremely efficient cutting through glooples, the Saw Drone's design gives it only a limited battery life. Don't expect it to last too long.
Second Row:
Also called the Mason Bomb, the Instant Wall is a high powered explosive packed with nitrogen-reactive liquid state epoxy polymers. The explosive device disperses there resins with a shaped charge, which harden very rapidly when exposed to open air. The resulting barricade is very solid and proves an effective barrier against nearly any kind of assault.
The most important part when using an Instant Wall is figuring out where to place it so that it does you the most good, while still not being too much in the way. Remember, it blocks you off as well as it does the enemies.
Utilizing principles of pressure wave density and psuedomagnetics, the Repulsor Stake is able to isolate the specific buoyancy of Gloople Plasm in air and generate a field of radiating compression waves at this specific frequency. While operating, Glooples will be expelled from the center of the effect, providing a bubble of safety for the user, who will remain unaffected.
While the Repulsor Stake can provide you with some easy free shots by holding glooples at bay, pay attention to it while it's out. When the power runs out, the sudden influx of angry glooples can be an unhappy surprise.
Though it doesn't affect you, the Repulsor Spike is not completely protected fro interruption. Be careful where you swing; if you catch it in an overzealous swing, it'll break.
The S.C.A.E.R. (Self-contained Autonomous Emplacement Rifle) is a man-portable, deployable support sentry programmed to track and destroy Glooples. Once placed, the SCAER will entrench itself and begin rendering suppressive fire on any targets in it's field of view. Typically the 50 caliber rounds fired by this turret are enough to pacify any target, but beware exceptionally hard targets which may cause ricochets.
A SCAER holds 30 rounds. If it runs out of ammo, it will self-destruct to clear the area. However, it can be destroyed ahead of time by dangerous glooples or even careless sword swings.
The SCAER will do it's best to avoid hitting you. However, if you stand right in front of the barrel, or arc caught by a ricochet off of a hard target, you could still be shot.
Cutting edge technology, the Teleporter is a two-part system. The primary unit is a deployable receiving pad which , once placed on the ground, will build up and hold a charge. When ready, the user activates a small homing device on his person, and is instantaneously translocated back to the pad's location. Side-effects such as nausea, nosebleeds and temporary amnesia are common.
Keep in mind that once the Pad is down, you can teleport at any time⦠even mid-bump or while swinging - it's even possible to start swinging, teleport, and kill something on the other side.
The first time you use the Teleporter, you'll toss down the TelePad. Position well⦠you can't move it again, and it's where you'll always go when you teleport from then on.
A combination of shaped micro charges, and fractal-flechette ceramic plates form the Reactive Armor's fundamental structure. The only model of ablative armor designed to be infantry-borne, this protective skin responds to deadly impacts with a powerful explosion and a shower of ceramic shrapnel, while creating captured pocket of air within, leaving the wearer completely unscathed. Obviously, this only works once.
The Armor is basically an extra life. It will save you from death once, and only once. There are however a few things that can still kill you despite the Armor, so be mindful.
The ablative nature of the Reactive Armor means that whatever is in your immediate vicinity when you take the fatal blow will be blown to smithereens.
Special Reward:
With specimens of the rare Razor Queen to work with, this piece of biografted hardware was the next logical step in anti-gloople warfare. Sculpted directly from the claw bones of the great Razor Queen, this blade is incredibly durable and razor sharp. The only major flaw in this design is it's overwhelming heft. Take caution, while it is remarkably destructive, this sword can be a considerable burden. (WWC: It's the best reward from all. The weight is no problem. For me at least..)
Despite it's incredibly carnage-potential, the Razor Glaive does have on major flaw: It is very heave. You'll find that your move speed is painfully reduced while you have the bruiser equipped.
The Razor Glaive is excessively powerful. You'll soon find out that many opponents that seemed exceptionally tough before are now as easily carved through as everything else.
Comparing SplatMaster3000 with Razor Glaive:
~ Kills an Oozle with 3 hits
~ Kills a Sharp when it doesn't have it spikes out.
~ Kills a Grinder after it has become vulnerable with 5 hits
~ Kills a Fuzzle with 3 hits
~ Kills an Amalgam with 6 hits
~ Kills a Razor Queen with 5 hits
Razor Glaive:
~ Kills an Oozle with 1 hit
~ Kills a Sharp regardless of the Spikes
~ Kills a Grinder with 3 hits (Makes it vulnerable with the first one)
~ Kills a Fuzzle with 1 hit
~ Kills an Amalgam with 3 hits
~ Kills a Razor Queen with 2 hits
~ Habitual Ritual
~ Weekend Amnesia
~ City Lights at Night
~ Mind Mapping
~ Ventus Solaris
~ As We May Think
~ Biomythos
~ Obscure Terrain
~ Effects of Elevation
~ Invisible Walls
~ Accelerated Life Style
~ Double the Daily Dose
By Sbamo
- 210 Replies
Awesome guide my dear friend , it's really good , too bad I am too tired and bored to play this game anymore :/
I see a few typos and images oopsies, but all in all this is a pretty amazing guide.
Only things from the game not included, are descriptions from the bestiary, specifics about the awards, award texts, and fullview of the awards - but I have 97 already, so I know most of the stuff.
Thanks for an awesome guide, I wanna go play it again now.
To Zophia:
I didn't include bestiary texts and award texts, because they are not necessary for completing the game and it destroys the fun writing everything down, so I don't think that that is a problem
Yeah, I figured that's why you left them out.
If EVERYTHING had been in this walkthrough, there wouldn't be any need to play the game~
A few tips on how to get the tougher awards could be nice, though - like mentioning all the horrible ways of dying, I know a few people on different websites have been having trouble with getting that.
Well if you have any questions on any award just ask me and i will tell you...
Okay, only one I'm having troubles with, is the Unbelievable Combo (I did it once on another computer - annoying) and getting a Void Eater to appear so I can kill it...
I know how to get Biters to merge more easily (stand right in the middle of two when they're aiming for you), but is there any way at all to lure Glooples, Oozles and Grays to fusion? They are preventing me from getting the multiple kills awards...
To Zophia:
To make the 5,6,7 and 8 combos just hit a Clutter let the babies grow, hit them again, and let them all stuck on you. Then shake them off, by moving the cursor up and down, and swing your sword. You should kill more than 8. I suggest you try that after you have the Raizor Glaive reward, because it has a much bigger swing arc and you can hit more Glooples at the same time. The Unbelievable Combo was the Last Award I got! And for the Void Eater just go to bounty run mode press "slow" and then wait for them to bump against each other. You can use the Instant Wall Reward as well, so that the more Glooples stay on the screen. And you can also let them bump on you and change their directions, so that they bump in each other
Hmm... Thank you.
I think I was extremely lucky with the unbelievable combo - I couldn't see how many glooples there where, but they were stuck in sticky goo and couldn't move, and apparently there were just enough. Such a shame it was on a different computer - but at least I know it can be done.
I'll try using the wall reward. Annoying how often an Oozle smashes the little ones instead of merging. >.>
No prob, annoying I can't help you out myself.. I could get you the Unbelievable Combo in 10 min..
Frosties appear in Bounty Run, but Queens come only at the end of a nest.
And again, thanks for the help, Sbamo.
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