ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
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*bow* I am on a chips-rush at the moment~

Btw: Was the intro-intro IC? I had a hard time figuring out how it would be, because, well, it is Nergyl, Kai is human(ish), and not in the mood to fight a crazed alien~

5,642 posts

huh? I don't really understand the question, mind saying the first sentence after the Btw: without the abbreviation? ^-^U

13,657 posts

The intro-into(part 1) was it In-Character? I was wondering a little, and did the same with all the other charas beside Orlestat, Strop and Hallow.

5,642 posts

uhm. . .I. . .don't. . .know? If your asking that I was doing the intro into the masquerade, that would be correct, but I still don't quite get it. . .elaboration plz? XD.

13,657 posts

Okay, I wrote part one of masquerade, where Nerg tries to attack and kill off Kai, but fails. Was it written alright or was Nerg and Fallen portraied wrong, acting in a way they would not have?

5,642 posts

oh no, but you did kinda leave out that the Fallen child (you can call him jr. btw, that's what people refereed to him on the other side of the world) just kinda looking back and enjoying the show, he's an arrogant blastage. You captured Nergy quite well however (P.S. I like ur nickname for him XDDD), he wouldn't be as blind raging, though he may not seem it, he's actually pretty sophisticated and perceptual.

13,657 posts

That is because you said he was clinically insane. But well, I tried. Oh, and Fallen can enjoy himself by ... waiting for his brother.
What I hate to think off, in the next round Nerg will meet the kid again. Hopefully he will be thinking of something else.

5,642 posts

He'll try, but considering it is kai, it should be pretty epic of an intro. It'll start with some harsh language though. haha. I really can't wait, so do you think that my way of getting the princess to give him a key was clever/creative? Specially since he wanted to puke all throughout so?

13,657 posts

I think it was really nice. The princess is a mere puppet, but I think it was good, really. And at least this makes people have to think (HaHA!)
About the next intro, I am not sure how it will be, as... Did you see that picture of the falling Kai? He will be pretty useless, after that. And there will be other characters too, so being sofisticated, I hope he will fous on the battles instead of making himself feel better.

5,642 posts

I see, well, he's still a raging lunatic, and remember, he's more of a criminally insane kinda guy. He just doesn't think life is important, and that killing anyone would be like swatting a fly. The kinda guy you'd expect to see in a batman video game where robin says, "A human life is NOTHING compared to a bug!"

13,657 posts

OMG! Nerg is Lawful Evil! He seem more like that, at least.
Hmm, wondering how the fight between the two of them would be, if Kai was healed up and in a good condition... We might find out one day, I guess.

5,642 posts

It would be epic. A clash of two titans from what I could tell! It'll be just as, if more, epic than my special suprise for when the Fallen child is eliminated. It'll be nice, I just hope that round isn't until x-mas eve or later <.<U

13,657 posts

The round is from the 28th and untill the 11th of January, which is a good deal after christmas?
I would like to see it (or rp it if I had the chance), but well. Kai is not as much a titan as he is a child with certain abilities. To his species, he is still adolescent/very early teens, and not even fully grown yet.

5,642 posts

*pops fingers*
Well, Nergy has an odd way of aging. I'm not sure If I'd explained it yet but. . .ah well. Nergy has been around since 200 B.C., every single tuesday of the new month, there would be a great ritual, where all the boys and girls went through a trial, to see if they could kill another being. Just about everyone did, because it was the "right thing to do" as their mothers and fathers told them. They killed, but all they killed were cave rats and bugs. A half nergyl must kill at least 1 thing every month, or else they hyper-age, the hyper-age process is xxxtremely painful, their eyes uncontrollably cry blood, and they feel their bones and muscles growing at a super-high rate. A half Nergyl ages a year a minute. Otherwise, these forsaken creatures just don't age, their bodies stay the same, and their brains continue to learn. Nergy erased his memories after he killed his family, but he's been around for more than 2000 years. He thinks he grasps human nature and knowledge quite well, when he really never put too much time into it. After the years, he became disgusted with humans, their ways, both sides of their personality, and decided that they were lesser. So there you have it.

13,657 posts

Hmm, interesting. That just proves my point, he is lawful!
Still want to know how it would go, as Kai is training. He is really not that good.

Yazz : Climbing the trash, hoping there'll be less of it soon... "It was you in that blue light, yes?" Slight hissnoise on the s.
Kai : -It was...- Slightly more control over the breathing, but still ever so tired.
Yazz : "So where is this tower thing?" Balancing over a particularly nasty pile of rubbish.
Kai : -In the center of this town...- He raises his head a little, moving it from one side to another. AT least the piles of dirt and leftovers seem to lessen from here.
Yazz : "And in what direction would that be?" Finally claws on solid pavement again. Swishing his tail to fling off a plasticbag, moving on.
Kai : -I have no idea...- He stretches a little. -Would you mind putting me down?-
Yazz : "Oh, but you are so cute in this position." Mockery~
Kai : -Didn't know you wanted to be a mom...-
Yazz : "I -could- just have left you there." Picking up speed, now that the streets are less filled up, considering running again.
Kai : -But you didn't.- He looks at the dragon, thoughtfully.
Yazz : "Nah." Stopping where the alleyway split in several different directions. Head turning to look down the different ones, though that is somewhat futile...
Kai : -Let me down a second, dragon.- He twists a little.
Yazz : Putting him down, straightening up. Towering over the lanky youngster, sniffing the air.
Kai : -Thanks.- The air is scentless for the first time. Only the smell of the kid is back. He pulls down his pant to examine the wounds > >
Yazz : "There's no scents." Thank you, captain obvious....
Kai : -It doesn't mean anything.- He pulls the pants up, opens the shirt, though this seem to be a harder task.
Yazz : He snorts, clearing his nostrils. "You know this area, or can I just continue in some direction?"
Kai : -No need to rush.- The boy lets his finger glider down his side, stopping when he finds something in a gash. He pulls it out, throwing it over his shoulder. -Now, what did you say?- He closes the shirt once again, the one-arm-ness being annoying.
Yazz : "Do. You. Know. This. Area?" Headtilting, seeming to gaze at the arm. "Is that thing broken?"
Kai : -If you mean my arm by thing, then yes. No, I don't know this area, I haven't been in the city much, but I might get to know it.- He limbs a little, walking towards a wall.
Yazz : Sighing at the stupidities of a nonregenerating organism, he watches the kid. "Then might as well continue - this way." Starting to walk down a street.
Kai : The lad just stands there, watching, touching the wall with his good hand.
Yazz : Stopping, sniffing the air again. "Something interesting about that particular wall?"
Kai : -Maps.- His eyes are distant, the right almost entirely white, the left a deep blue, almost black colour.
Yazz : "You're kidding. There's maps on the wall?" His vision would not have had any use of them anyway, but interested he walks back.
Kai : -In the wall. Some of the walls.- He let go, staring distantly at the dragon.
Yazz : A moment of silent staring.
Kai : -That way.- He points down another street. -Would get you out in the open faster.-
Yazz : "And it is that open which I would want to get to?"
Kai : -You would like to stay in the Maze, instead?- He shrugs, walks down the street.
Yazz : He snorts again, mockingly. "Who is behind this, boy?" Following the lad, his steps halfed in length to not walk ahead.
Kai : -The Lady.- He walks a little closer to the wall, follows it with a finger touching. The other arm is hanging limbly at his side.
Yazz : "So she have arranged this - tournament, this test of different creatures skills?"
Kai : -Yup.-
Yazz : "How - cliche."
Kai : -I told her so too, she didn't care.- He turns down a street going in the same direction thay just came from.
Yazz : "Do you think it would be possible for you to move just a little bit faster?" Clearly annoyed by the pace...
Kai : Cheeky glimpse in his eyes. -No, not really.-
Yazz : "Fine." He picks him up.
Kai : -HEY!-
Yazz : "You're slow." Walking at approximaetly twice the pace...
Kai : -I'm not slow! I'm injured!-
Yazz : "It's your arm that's broken, not your legs." Continuing at that pace, until they reach another juncture.
Kai : -dumbass dragon..- /mumble. How is he being held, anyway?
Yazz : A hand under each of his arms. Ignoring his mumble completely, as it couldn't be much more irrelevant to him.
Kai : Damn childish size... So hanging, mumbling to himself.
Yazz : "What way next?" Putting him down.
Kai : -Why should I tell you.-
Yazz : "Why should you not?"
Kai : -I am not allowed to help contestants without being told so, I have no reason to go the tower, and I don't like you.- Pout.
Yazz : "Why, thank you very much. I guess I should just have left you in that dumpster. Pity never pays off..." Grumbling the last bit, trying to decide on a direction..
Kai : -Just let me walk myself...- He limbs to the wall he followed before, touching it, and looking at the two roads.
Yazz : "Where are you going, since not to the tower?"
Kai : -Don't know. I tried to escape, before. It failed.- He scratches the back of his head, begin limbing down the road to the left.
Yazz : "So you are just heading in some random direction? How intelligent."
Kai : -You know, I'm human, we aren't that intelligent. By the way, I am not quite sure if leaving here is an option anymore.- He tries to walk a little faster.
Yazz : "Oh, I'm pretty sure that Lady of yours have made sure it isn't." Still finding the kid slow...
Kai : He tries, at least. -I'm pretty sure I will regret it anyway.- He sighs. -People shouldn't go to the Tower. it's dangerous... Very...-
Yazz : "What is in that tower?" Headtilting at the lad, somehow conveying the nature of a curious hatchling.
Kai : Cuute~~ -Monsters, the Lady... A lot of corridors and empty spaces. There were mages at some point, but I never get to find out if they were real...-
Yazz : "Doesn't sound too terrifying. So... This way leads where?"
Kai : -The open space.-
Kai : Bare det vigtigst, som Kai der sladrer?
Yazz : He nods, his tail swishing, ears twitching and claws scraping on the paving.
Kai : -All the others have gotten into trouble in that open space.... Except a few fools, who never left the darkness.-
Yazz : "The others? Pray tell what you may know?" Oh, the interest. Suddenly not caring so much about the speed~
Kai : -They are doing well, the ones not dying. More or less fighting for thei- Darkness swirls around his feet, grapping his ancles and pulling him down into nothing.

Rpg between Zophia and I as she is too busy to write the damn text.

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