ForumsForum GamesThe musical sentence game.

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Here's a new one. There are only a few rules:

Goal: To write the best or longest sentence using only the titles to songs! You can submit more than one sentence per day (I don't really care, so long as they follow the rules!) and they be as creative as you want them to be!

1. No inappropriate language, unless it's in the title of a song. If that's the case, just censor it please. If a song has an inappropriate word in the title that's separated by . , or - I recommend not using it.

2. You have to write the bands' names IN THE ORDER THEY ARE WRITTEN IN THE SENTENCE! This just helps too certify #4.

3. Use dashes to differentiate the songs. Just to make things easier.

4. You must use songs created by real bands! Anything made up will be found out, and won't make it as fun for the rest of the peoples out there.

5. No using the same song twice in one sentence * . If you can, find another band that has the same title song to use.

(*If a song has only one letter in the title, you can use that one repetedly, but only in the word you are using it for. If it's a number, than it can be used repetedly though the sentence.)

I'll check back in a week or so and see who has the best sentence (I'll try for maybe the 21st of Dec.), and If I feel someone did a good job on one, or made a really creative one, I'll commemorate them...somehow, I don't know. Maybe with some worthless prize or something (idk)

So go forth! I promise I'll make it worth while!

Here's an example:
"Godzilla--Eats--Pork and Beans."

Blue Oyster Cult
Johnny Klimek & Reinhold Heil

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