ForumsGamesElectric Physco-Baron Guide

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8 posts

I beat the Baron(mind you on easy mode) by being level 19 with the following skills and equip
Shock Therapy 3/3
Electron Charge 4/4
High Voltage 4/4
Electrical Storm 5/5
Wraith 1/1
Charged Blood 5/5

This is the equipment i used but basicly just increase you Instinct
Believers Crown, X5C8-2(body), Frosted Leggings X5C8-5(feet), Fiery Doom(2handed staff from priest/mages), Glacial Gloves.
As for the strategy Set vera and roald to defense. If you want you can start off with Wraith for the extra damage but you can wait to use as you get a automatic 50 focus using it. Then use your 3 Shock therapy then move to rest. Repeat this process and don't forget to use wraith/electron charge for energy management. With these skills you can easily do 1000+ damage a hit. Vera will out heal tick tock, and Roald if you set him to defense uses a stun skill and effectively.
This may not be the most effective way but its simpler than the other guides and to me it was a very quick fight.

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