Wow, that was very good. Very descriptive, i can't wait for the next part =)
Thanks, well wait no longer.
The story continues on from where it left off.
Btw this is the prologue of the story, the first bit being Prologue pt 1 Making this Prologue pt 2. Enjoy.
Twenty minutes later, a crackle in my headset signalled I had a message inbound. The voice of the AWACs controller steadied on the ether.
'Vixen Two Three, this is Magic from Chariot. Proceed to Italy and contact Fortune Zero Five on TAD three.'
I acknowledged before I had absorbed all the information. My sixth sense must have already got the gist of it, though because the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. Simething big was going down and we'd just flown straight into the thick of it. The exercise had switched to something infinietly more deadly.
I checked my map. 'Italy' - codename for the besiegd town of Gorazde - was 20 miles to the south east of my present position, 10,000ft over the battered ruins of Sarajevo.
I banked the Hrrier and reached for the bundle of OS maps tucked under my left leg.
Keeping one eye on my instruments, I picked out the main map from the fan of charts, shoved those I didn't need back under my thigh, then did a swift bit of one- handed oragami to ensure that the folds of the main map took me away from the Sarajevo area and out over Gorazde.
My last move in this cockpit version of Twister was to open up my notebook - an aircrew companion known as the 'green brain' - at the page containing the codes the forward air controller, the FAC, had to provide to demonstrate that he was genuine.
I looked up and saw the weather closing in. The cloud cover over Sarajevo had been intermittent, but the base of the dotted cumulus stacks had steadied at around 12,000ft. As i rocketed towards Gorazde, I found myself reluctantly forcing the nose of the the aircraft down towards the 10,000ft mark. To see the target, I needed to stay below the angry wisps of grey steam vapour that seemed to be bunching over the target area.
I cursed under my breath. I was heading for SAM City and there was nothing I could do about it.
Before I had taken off, I had refamiliarised myself with the locations of Serbian SA-2 and SA-6 missile batteries. These were ancient but formidable Soviet supplied surface-to-air missle systems-SAMs- with operating altitudes of 90,000ft and 50,000ft respectively. Because our intelligence was up to speed on the positions of these weapons it was easy enough to steer clear of them, but what the intel guys couldn't plot, because there were just too many of them were the Serbs' man portable air defence systems, or MANPADS, shoulder launched missiles. On top of that, there was Triple A, anti aircraft artillery. That was bl00dy everywhere, too..
Normally, neither the MANPADS nor the Triple A bothered us that much, becase we spend most our time above their effective height range of 10,000ft. But as I watched my altimeter dip below the magic safe base height mark, I kissed all that goodbye. I'd just crossed into a very dangerous patch of sky.
The green brain contained the codes that hooked me into the new frequency. Trying to read this $hit as I'm thudding through the choppy air spinning up from the mountains below is like trying to read a telephone directory while driving round a pot holed version of the M25 at 120mph. At last the numbers swam into view. I reached up and twisted five dials low down on my left hand side.
'Vixen Two Three. TAD Three. Go.' I checked with my wingman that he was turned in as we readied ourselves at the top of the switchback ride.
I'm a family man with three kids. I pictured them back home, savouring the sunshine of a warm, mid April afternoon, or dodging the showers on a shopping run in the local town. This isn't really happening, the voice inside my head attempted. It's just another alert. It'll all be over by the time you get there,mate. You wait. You'll see.
Sixty Seconds to target.
'Vixen Two Three,' I checked with the wingman.
'Two Four,' his reply crackled back.
As a pair,a fighting unit, we're locked and loaded. Now to make contact with the FAC.
'Fortune Zero Five, this is Vixen Two Three.'
There was a brief pause, then a voice burst into my ears: 'Vixen Two Three, this is Fortine Zero Five. You're loud and clear.'
At the first attempt, I failed to get the nescessary authentication off the guy. As I was wondering what the problem was, I heard what at first I took to be an irregular jamming signal, like a series of thumps. Then it started to dawn on me what was happening.
'We haven't got time for this $hite, mate!' the voice on the ground yelled in between more artillery bursts. ' We're getting bloody shelled here!'
Through the head up display, the HUD, I could now see a pall of smoke between the ground and the cloud base ahead of me.
'Authenticate, X ray Yankee' I insisted.
Three or four seconds ground by. The airspeed indicator was clipping 440 knots. The tension was killing me.
Suddenly, there was a crackle in my headset. ' Bravo. It's Bravo.'
I heard several more bursts of shellfire. Then the FAC said: 'We know there's a tank or two above the ridgline to the north of Gorazde. That's what you're gonna take out, mate. All right?'
I grabbed the map and scoured the topography. A moment later I found it, a sharp divide between two alpine faces running north-south about 10 miles north of the beseiged Muslim enclave.
I was now down to only 8,000ft, right in the heart of the MANPADs and Triple A envelope.
I have completed the rest of the prologue, but it's all written down and typing it out takes a while. I iwll try get more done tonight if possible.