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There was once a man named asjbfjo[aebg[qwoegruiqw;jhfwopeibgqeriqeg;bvu (his mother was one speed when she was naming him), he was very happy with his life. He had a flat on the crappy side of Baghdad, he had a dog, he had a wife (who is actually a man but he has not found that out yet), and he has two and a half adorable children, except for the fact that they are freaking fugly.

One day asjbfjo[aebg[qwoegruiqw;jhfwopeibgqeriqeg;bvu went for a walk. He strolled down the streets on Baghdad enjoying the wonderful sunshine. He waved at the soldiers who where happily patrolling the streets, and he waved at the other citizens who were happy the soldiers were there.Good job soldiers, keep it up.

Anwyas, asjbfjo[aebg[qwoegruiqw;jhfwopeibgqeriqeg;bvu went into a market. He wanted to buy a pear, because he wanted a pear. He went over to the produce section and *gasp*, no pears. So he killed the store clerk. Then he went out side and killed him self for no apparent reason.

Chapter 2

asjbfjo[aebg[qwoegruiqw;jhfwopeibgqeriqeg;bvu had a wife named Sallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, since, asjbfjo[aebg[qwoegruiqw;jhfwopeibgqeriqeg;bvu died, we will continue the story from Sallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy's end of things.

Sallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy heard the bullets from the market and grabbed hhis two fugly children to go check on...his husband. As Sallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy walked up to the market, he saw laying on the ground dead his husband. So he blew himself up along with his kids.

And they all lived happily ever after in hell---The End =)

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