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I woke up in a daze and looked out the window. There was a cop siren, nothing more. I yawned and fell back asleep. 20 Minutes later I heard someone...knocking, I guess, at my door. I looked up and just stared at the noise, stared with the coldest, unfeeling, and lifeless stare I had ever done. I looked at the clock, it was 3 in the freakin' morning! Who would be knocking at my door?
"Who the hell is it?!" I yelled, half nodding off and half angry.
"This is the police! Open up or we will smash the door down!" Said the man on the other side of the door.
Startled, I walked to the door and opened it, "NOW DIE" yelled a rotting corpse as it hurled myself at me, it was chocking me! Terror and shock ran through every vein in my body as it yelled "NOW DIE, DIE DAMN YOU, DIE!!" at me. It was being decomposed, but could still talk. It's shirt was torn and it had empty eye sockets. The flesh was covered in mold.
I came to my senses and kicked the body off of me. I grabbed the nearest blunt object (which ironically was a trophy from my last game tournament, which had the words "king of death" on the plate) and struck the thing upside the head. I'm really glad I took that karate class instead of baseball that one year in 6th grade.
With a quick glance I could tell that it I'm not sure, I guess it's like a zombie I hear so much of. Shit, this is not good. I walked down the hall and pounded on Mrs. Shorry's room, she's my landlord. No answer came from within. I can only assume the worst. Good thing about being a janitor here, there's always a standard issue 12 gauge shotgun.

I have an idea where this is going, but I'm too sidetracked to continue, so I hope you enjoy this filler.

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