ForumsForum GamesRealm of Rydanor

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hey! about my third RPG now. but i hope this one will be popular. ive spent a bit of time thinking it out. I have a website.

please go to this site to play the game!

(incase that didnt work, )

i shall post the story here, as well as on the website. please do read it and visit the site!

The Brief History of Rydanor
A lone tower stood. Ivy growing so thickly over it that the wood and stone of the tower could barely be seen. A small moat surrounded the bottom of the building. A drawbridge heaved itself down and landed on a dusty path. As the sky churned and grew dark, a man on a grey horse emerged out of the dank darkness within. He wore a sour look on his face and a dull black cloak billowed around him.
He galloped off to the east and arrived at the market in Galladin. This village was just outside Conclave, home to some of the most charming centaurs you could hope to meet. As the man passed, young children leered and grown men made snide comments.
"Get outta it Ryd, you don't belong here and you know it."
The man looked on.

Rydanor was his name. Son of Byronar, once wealthy ruler of Karunan City. Until such a time came when the governors of the North felt the power had gone to his head. They sought to rid him of his kingly status and put their own men in charge, but Byronar would not come quietly.
As Byronar and his family were sleeping, the men came and took him. Byronar awoke and became angry, he fought back. However, in all the commotion, one man fired an arrow into the cluster of wrestling men. There was a shout and all men backed away.
Byronar knelt on the ground, clutching his heart and screaming, "Such an untimely death! My son, you will avenge me!"
He lay still.

Rydanor had been just sixteen when his father died. He was so upset with grief that he had forgotten what his father had asked of him.
Until now, when he looked upon the face of his tormentor and recognised him as the man who had carried the bow.
Rydanor lost control. Leaping off his horse he drew his sword and cut the unfortunate man's head clean off. Several women screamed.
"Father, now is the time for me to avenge you!"

-Two Years Later-

Among the city of Byronar there was much spite and fear. Men and creatures alike would slave over many shrines, temples and crypts for Rydanor the Dark, the powerful ruler of Byronar. Having consumed much hatred and contempt towards everyone who had belittled him, Rydanor had created a dark power so menacing, no being would stand up to his might. He would sent his armies of Golems, Serpents and other merciless beasts to slay innocent creatures who stand in his path. Do no work and you will become snacks for his favourite ghastly minions.

Now, should you accept, you and your fellow team members could unite and create a force so strong that together you can take down the legend that is the Realm of Rydanor.

  • 140 Replies
3,337 posts

and due to those limitations I will drop out of this forum RPG, sorry to let you down jezz, but forum RPGs only work if there is a degree of flexibility in the system...

i dont know what you mean, but no worries, you dont have to join if you dont want to.

Lyza and Dimsum
i'll post your story in a bit. im busy for now.
3,337 posts

The inhabitants of Widdingwood Village were growing increasingly sick of so many other creatures migrating to their side of the country to flee from Rydanor. You live in the heart of Widdingwood, and you are one of the more healthy women in your Village. You feel you are duty bound to help the poor citizens of the East and rid them of the threat of Rydanor once and for all.
You pack a small bag of food and clothes and set off in search of other brave and strong creatures to help you fight. Sadly, you are not very experienced in fighting, so you have no weapons or protection to hand. However you are sure your intelligence will come in handy...

Even as a young child, you were very strong and clumsy. Always wrestling with the male minotaurs in your area, sometimes even winning against the elders!
Your father had always told you that you had potential, but you never saw it in yourself. The girls had told you you were too rough. A brute. From then on you had kept yourself to yourself...

As you flew through the forest, your rough, beaten paws scratched at the bark of the trees you were familiar with. After learning to fly so quickly and being best in the village, you would show off to all those girls who obviously adored you.
But now, after being beaten by that agressive gryphon, Serlin, you were forced to seek refuge in your forest.
Apparantly, being beaten by Serlin was a terrible letdown, since your parents dont want to know you either.

scanning the ground for miles, you come across a little area of land. Huge rocks and pillars stand all around. Flying lower you see that the rocks had been crumbled, many to ashes.
You are on your guard, this place looks dangerous. However you could probably find a warrior amongst the rubble.
You land on a rather thick pillar and take out some food since your stomach is rumbling.
The pillar is hollow, and crumbles instantly!
You take flight, terrified of the situation.
A man is screaming below.
You land on the ground a few feet away. In front of you is a huge beast with massive muscles. He is standing his ground, looking triumphant as the dust settles around him.
You call out with your unique female voice
"excuse me sir, could i ask you your name?"
He is startled, he didnt see you there. He tells you his name is Dimsum, he is a minotaur.
He seems friendly enough, so you ask him if he would like to join you in your quest. He tells you he doesnt think he'll be good enough to help you.
He turns to go.
You really do think he'll be a great help to your team.
"Wait! you are very strong, and im not. you would be really helpful as the first member of my team!"
He looks unsure.
he says "well okay, sure. they dont want me around here anyway. Actually, i dont care what they think. Im up for this challenge, thankyou!"

SO you have another team member.

Lyza and Dimsum
After talking for ages about where to go, you decide to head north. You cant set off to fight Rydanor yet, your team isnt big enough.
Walking north, the ground becomes more lively. Grass is growing and there is not so much dust.
You arrive at a forest and decide to walk through it.
Its getting quite dark now, and you are feeling tired.
Deeper into the forest, the trees grow thicker.
Theres a shake of the trees and Dimsum stops.
You both look wary.
Just then, with almighty speed, a gryphon flies into you, knocking you both to the ground!
Winded, he gets up and chokes out, "s-sorry, so sorry, i was f-flying and my wing caught on this m-massive branch. I fell. Ever so sorry"
You look at each other.
Lyza says "no problem Mr... Bird. we were just walking through these woods, looking for people who were strong and brave, willing to fight in the name of the East!"
The bird says "The names Baddjjuu. I recon im pretty brave. In my village i was once the BEST flier and i could parry any attacks from other creatures. Except..." He looks awkward "But that doesnt matter now. I would love to join your team!"
"Consider yourself joined!" Lyza beamed.

Lyza, Dimsum, Baddjjuu

You decide to settle down for the night.
On the other side of the forest there is a cave. A rather small cave, but a cave none-the-less.
You enter and set up the provisions you brought with you.
Chucking your bag against the wall it makes a huge echoey sound.
All at once there is a rushing noise and several large bats awake and swoop down from the roof! Whoa, they were big!
They screech so loudly its deafening.

Huge Cave Bat 1 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 2 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 3 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 4 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 5 - 10/10 HP

Player Turn

3,337 posts

I guess i better explain the rules of battle.
For now, all of you can only do normal attacks.
This will use your Strength and Bravery stats.
Once you level up, learn new skills and equip new items you can use those for a more effective damage in battle
For now your options are:



75 posts

Name: Baddjjuu
Race: Gryphon
Level 1
Exp: 0/5
HP: 30/30
Mana: 50/50
Strength: 3
Defence: 3
Intelligence: 3
Bravery: 3
Weapon: none
Armor: none
Skill: none

Action: Attack!

3,337 posts

oh wait yes sorry, tell me which enemy you are attacking too:

"Attack Huge Cave Bat 1"

>Baddjjuu attacks Huge Cave Bat 1
>Huge Cave Bat 1 takes 8 Damage (dice rolls)

Huge Cave Bat 1 - 2/10HP
Huge Cave Bat 2 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 3 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 4 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 5 - 10/10 HP

Lyza - 30/30 HP
Dimsum - 30/30 HP
Baddjjuu - 30/30 HP

Player Turn

75 posts

Name: Baddjjuu
Race: Gryphon
Level 1
Exp: 0/5
HP: 30/30
Mana: 50/50
Strength: 3
Defence: 3
Intelligence: 3
Bravery: 3
Weapon: none
Armor: none
Skill: none

Action: Attack! lol

1,912 posts

Level 1
Exp: 0/5
HP: 30/30
Mana: 50/50
Weapon: none
Armor: none
Skill: none

I'd say attack >!

3,337 posts

remember to tell me what you are attacking

Huge Cave Bat 1 - 2/10HP
Huge Cave Bat 2 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 3 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 4 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 5 - 10/10 HP
Lyza - 30/30 HP
Dimsum - 30/30 HP
Baddjjuu - 30/30 HP
Player Turn

Baddjjuu attacks Huge Cave Bat 1
Huge Cave Bat 1 takes 6 damage!
Huge Cave Bat 1 falls!
Baddjjuu gains +1 Exp

Huge Cave Bat 2 attacks Dimsum
Dimsum takes 3 damage!

Dimsum attacks Huge Cave Bat 2
Huge Cave Bat 2 takes 7 damage!


Huge Cave Bat 2 - 3/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 3 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 4 - 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 5 - 10/10 HP
Lyza - 30/30 HP
Dimsum - 27/30 HP
Baddjjuu - 30/30 HP

-Player Turn-

75 posts

Name: Baddjjuu
Race: Gryphon
Level 1
Exp: 0/5
HP: 30/30
Mana: 50/50
Strength: 3
Defence: 3
Intelligence: 3
Bravery: 3
Weapon: none
Armor: none
Skill: none

Action: Attack Huge Cave Bat 1 - 2/10HP

75 posts


Name: Baddjjuu
Race: Gryphon
Level 1
Exp: 0/5
HP: 30/30
Mana: 50/50
Strength: 3
Defence: 3
Intelligence: 3
Bravery: 3
Weapon: none
Armor: none
Skill: none

Action: Attack Huge Cave Bat 2 - 3/10HP

208 posts

and due to those limitations I will drop out of this forum RPG, sorry to let you down jezz, but forum RPGs only work if there is a degree of flexibility in the system...

I'm afraid I don't completely get it either. I'm currently running an RPG of my own (Dice Quest RPG) and it's going VERY well. Check it out. I'd play Jezz, but, for the reasons above, I don't have the time.
1,912 posts

Level 1
Exp: 0/5
HP: 30/30
Mana: 50/50
Weapon: none
Armor: none
Skill: none

Attacks Huge Cave Bat 3 - 10/10 HP

3,337 posts

Baddjjuu attacks Huge Cave Bat 2
Huge Cave Bat 2 takes 4 damage
Huge Cave Bat 2 falls!
Baddjjuu gains +1 Exp
Dimsum gains +1 Exp

Huge Cave Bat 4 attacks Baddjjuu
Baddjjuu takes 3 damage

Dimsum attacks Huge Cave Bat 3
Huge Cave Bat 3 takes 5 damage

Huge Cave Bat 3 5/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 4 10/10 HP
Huge Cave Bat 5 10/10 HP
Lyza - 30/30 HP
Dimsum - 27/30 HP
Baddjjuu - 27/30 HP
Remember to take off damage and add Exp points!
Baddjjuu has 2 Exp points and -3 HP
Dimsum has 1 Exp point and -3 HP
Lyza will be out of the game tomorrow if she does not respond. sorry.

3,337 posts

okay. Lyza's out.

We have Baddjjuu and Dimsum now.
open for 5 more people

1,352 posts

could i play

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