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You might just say this is a copy of another game but it is not a copy of another game just because it has an identical name it will have other features and most certainly does involve stickmen...

NamePut in a name! Simple enough right?)
Level 1:0/5 Exp
Money:150 Gold

Here is a brief explanation of the stats... You are give each 30 Stat points to spend on them

Strength increases your stickman's damage by 2 per point

Vitality helps your stickman survive by increasing his HP by 3 for each point added and reduces damage taken by 1

Dexterity helps your stickman dodge attacks more better and land consecutive hits on the enemy dealing heavy damage

Intelligence of course helps your stickman think better allowing him to learn new moves and even copy enemy moves while helping him also solve puzzles along the way

And now here is the shop... Oh and yeah all money must be spent!


Dagger + 1 Strength bought for 10 Gold
Sword + 2 Strength bought for 25 Gold
Battle Axe + 3 Strength - 1 Dexterity bought for 30 Gold
Halberd + 5 Strength - 3 Speed bought for 40 Gold

Clothes + 1 Vitality bought for 10 Gold
Leather Armor + 2 Vitality bought for 20 Gold
Plate Armor + 3 Vitality bought for 35 Gold
Spiked Plate Armor + 5 Vitality bought for 50 Gold


Jeans + 1 Dexterity bought for 5 Gold
Black Pants + 2 Dexterity bought for 15 Gold
Lizard Skin Pants + 3 Dexterity bought for 25 Gold
Army Pants + 5 Dexterity bought for 35 Gold

Buckler + 1 Vitality bought for 10 Gold
Metal Shield + 2 Vitality + 1 Strength bought for 25 Gold
Kite Shield + 3 Vitality + 1 Strength bought for 35 Gold
Tower Shield + 3 Vitality + 2 Strength bought for 45 Gold

5 Pieces of Cooked Meat heals 5 HP each when eaten bought for 5 Gold
15 Varying Vegetables heals 2 HP each when eaten bought for 10 Gold
10 Fresh Fruits heals 4 HP each when eaten bought for 15 Gold
3 Bottles of Drinking Water heals 3 HP each when drank bought for 5 Gold
Fishing Rod is used for fishing bought for 10 Gold
10 Fishing Baits bought for 10 Gold
Animal Traps can be used for catching animals bought for 5 Gold
Monster Taming Manual contains information on all monsters that can be tamed some monsters that are yet to be discovered are not in here bought for 20 Gold
10 Monster Feed bought for 5 Gold

[b]Real Estate
Rundown Shack holds 3 people bought for 20 Gold
Small Cabin holds 5 People bought for 50 Gold
Log Cabin holds 10 People bought for 100 Gold

Tips for Wary Adventurers

Note that when you die in this game i will take away some items from you and they can only be bought back from a secret shop you can store your items in your house for safe keeping unless you die!

Monster Pets are very useful they can watch over your house,help you fight against enemies,can be used for monster fights to earn extra money,and you can ride them and they can also be taught varying types of skills depending on their element

The Monster Arena is a secret place that will be open in the city later in the game where you can use your monsters to fight other people's monsters to earn money and even equipment items for them

Evolution of Monsters is very useful if you think their too weak! At Level 1 Monsters start out as their very cute tiny forms but once they reach Level 5 they will turn into blood-thirsty monsters of doom that will obey only you!

Many monsters are yet to be discovered and you can get very famous for taming them and you will also be rewarded!

Many new areas will be unlocked as the game progresses to keep you all entertained and well occupied areas like Cities,Forests,Caves,Mountains, and many more!

Monsters gets stronger with every passing day in the real world so you better keep on fighting against them so you won't die easily!

You can form a group called a "Party" with various people you will meet in the future that can help you in your journey

Registering for a job at "Stick City" can earn your stick extra money with every passing day in the real world you can get promoted,earn experience,heck even earn money and experience in your sleep! So look for a job that fits your stick's personality...

Your gonna need the Taming Manual if you wanna tame monsters for there are many races of monsters that need to be tamed differently in order to be captured...

Not feeding your monster daily will make it unhealthy it will first get sick so you need to buy medicine if you don't it will get angry at your and either die or leave you the next day

That's all! Only 5 people can join if your interested join up for this will be one of my most interesting RPGs.

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