it lookslike it could be possible, but the US is stretched to the limit. Obama says he will pull out of iraq, but not just so we can put them right back into battle
They've been in a state of war and anarchy for 17 years. Every time a new government comes to power, the US or Ethiopia immediately overthrow it, leading to more chaos, anarchy, and piracy. There is no government, no jobs, no money, so people rely on piracy and criminal activity. We need to get out of Somalia and stop bugging them.
Let me briefly sum up Somalia's history, as I think people need a little bit of perspective before they cast their votes to turn Somalia into a nuclear wasteland.
1969: Military dictator comes to power. He rules for 22 years, financed heavily by the USSR then the US. He rules with an iron fist. There are no elections.
1991: Mohammed Aidid and other militia leaders overthrow him. Aidid becomes a national hero to many.
Then the international community, in its infinite wisdom, sends in aid, believing this is the best time to do so, despite the fact most Somalians hate the West with a passion for propping up a ruthless dictator for 22 years. Unsurprisingly it doesn't go well. Food can't be distributed through territories with conflicted leadership.The US decides to try and capture head honchos in Aidid(the hero's) organisation.
It is a total nightmare.
Americans clueless about the history shrug and say ''screw it''.
Then over the next 15 years, Somalian waters are ransacked for all their fish by Spain, the US, China and Taiwan. Mafia-connected Italian companies on waste disposal contracts drop toxic waste into Somalian waters, washing up on shore and killing some and causing horrible health effects for many others.
Oh, and I almost forgot. In 2001 Black Hawk Down was made, a ridiculously over the top film that went on far too long, successfully indoctrinating a generation that the US and the West were only trying to help the wickid Africans from their own ways.
What's worse, not wanting to live a life of poverty, you turn to crime, kidnapping and stealing from those who are stealing from you and have turned your country into a craphole OR continuously illegally stealing a countries fish supply worth $300 million a year amd then selling it giving said country nothing in return?