ForumsForum GamesThe Noob to Pro RPG

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This is a game with lots of upgrades. You will start by being a noob, beginner, intermediate, good, expert, pro and then master. Noob starts like that. 2 beginner jobs. 8 intermediate jobs. 12 good jobs. 5 expert jobs. 3 pro jobs and 1 master job. Here are the jobs:

Noob: Level 1 to 2

Starter:A normal person that uses his fists and kicks to attack.

Beginner: Level 3 to 5

Swordsmen:Uses swords

Archer:Uses sling shots

Intermediate: Level 6 to 12

Warrior:A human that uses swords.
Spear Man:A strong human that uses spears.
Magician:A human smart that does magic.
Rogue:A quick human that fights with claws and daggers.
Fighter:A quick human that uses knuckles and there feet's to attack.
Spell Knight:A human that uses a magical sword.

Bowman:A human that uses bows.
Crossbow man:A human that uses cross bows.

Good: Level 13 to 20

Warrior=Knight=A stronger and armored warrior
Spear Man=Spear Man
Magician=Sorcerer:A person that uses dark magic
Rogue=Assassin=Faster and stronger. Also uses throwing stars.
Spell Knight=Spell Knight

Bowman=Elemental Bow Man=A bow man that could use elemental bows.
Crossbow man=Crossbow man

Expert: Level 21 to 30

Knight=Cavalier:A Knight that uses a horse to travel and fight.
Spear Man=Spear Thrower:This guy throws SPEARS!
Fighter=Night Lord:A fighter that fights with darkness.
Spell Knight=Aegis Knight:The ultimate Knight and sorcerer combined!

Elemental Bow Man
Crossbow man=Arch Ranger:A person that shoots from far.

Pro: Level 31 to 50

Cavalier |\\
Spear Thrower | >Dark Spear Thrower Dragon Boss
Sorcerer |/
Aegis Knight |\\
Night Lord | >Aegis Night Ninja
Assassin |/

Elemental Bow Man |\\Elemental Arch Ranger
Arch Ranger |/

MASTER: Level 51 +

Dark Spear Thrower Dragon Boss|\\
Aegis Night Ninja | >ElementalDarkAegisNinjaArchDragon
Elemental Arch Ranger |/

Info on the 4 last jobs:

Dark Spear Thrower Dragon Boss:The dark boss of a dragon that throws spear from the dragon.

Aegis Night Ninja:
A magic night ninja. Its dark and powerful. Also, it uses throwing stars, swords and magic all at once!

Elemental Arch Ranger:
A Elemental arch ranger is a crossbow man that could shoot fire, ice, or electric arrows far away. Even shoot 2 at once or 3 at once!

Elemental Dark Aegis Ninja Arch Dragon:This is the ultimate character to have. To make it simple you could be a Fire/Ice/Electric (All at once) Night Magic Ninja that is on top of a dark dragon. You could summon a meteor launch, a thunder storm or a blizzard to attack others with the help of your armored and dark dragon!

So you start at Garlok. With 10 Gold. You have leather armor every and pelt boots. Your attacks are : Punch, Kick, Trip and Head Butt. So who wants to join?

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