ForumsArt, Music, and WritingJezz's NES Story

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3,337 posts

I figured a lot of people know about the Neverending Story by now right?
Well its got along really well. We have so many different characters there now, its TOTALLY UNSANE!
I felt the need to write it as a story. This is my own feeble attempt at recording the goings on in the NES in a way that the few sane people here on AG can understand.
I hope this is at least a little accurate, I hope I portray each character as they wish to be seen and I hope both NESers and AGers alike will enjoy my writings.
Im fairly new to the creative writing business, so if you have problems with what ive written, say so. But nicely please

So without further ado...

"Our recent demeanours have caused much fuss in the NES."
Alt couldn't think of a way to decribe what has been happening recently. One massive ogre rampaging through the many rooms of the NES, declaring that hes &quotretty". One snake attempting to drag Mary back to the brink of sanity. One mysterious trio wishing to get their hands on Alt to put and end to him. This was all too much to explain rationally. The only explaination he could give was that it is all irrational. Totally unexplainable. Yet it was happening here and now and they had to deal with whatever was thrown at them as unsanely as possible.
Alt thought back to the early days of NES...


Just a little introduction.
I'll get to writing more later. Havent got time right now.
Hopefully this shall be good! If I get anything wrong, point it out. Also if you dont want to be included in this story, please say.

  • 113 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

And you missed Good ol' Thor and the octagonal room. =]

3,337 posts

Yeah I know. I'll get to that later
I did say recent demeanours...
I want to start from the beginning and get to where we are now. Which means this will be a neverending story too!

689 posts

I liked it, makes a lot more sense than the NES and since it's not all dialogue it gets a good story vibe to it. Keep it up, it sounds like it'll be a fun read.

9,821 posts

unexplainable things are easily unexplainable when u nsanity is in the mix! This could be like the normal person's interpretation of the Neverending Story! Because sane people don't seem to get it. . . .

3,337 posts

After heaving the statue up and resting it against the outside cave wall, Alt rubbed his hands in glee. "My statue looks beautiful!" He declared.
He opened the door and ran inside. Chill, his other self, was doodling on a bit of paper. Chill held up the paper as Alt rushed in. "Look what I made! It makes sense don't you think?"
The paper read "Not admitting single persons"
"Thats great Chill, we'll tack it to the door."
Alt rushed back out and stuck the sign to the door. He then entered again, however, he also locked the door. Its no good having intruders in the night. Especially if they're alone.
Alt sat at the computer and began to type. He clicked on "home" which so happened to be Armor Games. After checking and replying to his comments (he had 7), he began to trawl through the many threads cluttering the Forums. He spend most of his time on the Arts Forum, submitting his work, praising others and pointing out the many grammatical errors he finds. Alt gets furious over this lack of punctuation and poor sentence structures. Being a grammar nazi and all.
After an hour or so of AG surfing, Alt decided to go to bed. Just as his computer had stopped whirring and was still for the night there was a knock at the door. Chill rolled his eyes. "You can get it! I'm off to bed. Night!"
"Yeah, night Chill" Alt grunts. Sighing heavily, Alt shuffled over to the door. Listening intently he could hear muffled voices.
"I hate you. But put that razor down now!"
"No! I dont care..."
Quick as he could, Alt unlocked the bolts that had kept them safe for the past week. As the door swung open, standing before him is two people. One boy with his head down, holding a blade to his wrist and one girl staring at the boy with her eyebrows raised. She looked up at Alt and sighed. "He's always like this. Ignore him... I do."
The girl stepped in and looked around. Alt's eyes followed her wearily.
He took another look at the boy, plucked the razor from his hands and invited him inside.
The boy mumbled thanks. The girl spoke from her place on the sofa.
"So hi! Im Mary. And that" She gestured to the boy, "Is Pierce. He'll be alright soon enough."
Alt nodded and dropped the razor in the bin. Best not to leave it lying around, just incase.


Woop! My second installment. Hmm this could go rather well.
I am writing my own account by the way. This is how I imagine it.
I imagine the NES to be in a cave. A big cave. And inside the cave are many random things and many doors. For the different rooms? You know?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Ah, nice addition. P and M finally enter!

9,821 posts

Actually, it's in an asylum, not a cave. :P

3,337 posts

Same thing xD

Do you think the others in the NES will mind me writing about them? Or should I get permission first =S

9,821 posts

They aren't real people, so they won't care.

9,821 posts

Also, you do know that the name of this thread is 'Jezz's Neverending Story Story,' right? :P

3,337 posts

Ahh of course of course...
Yes. I was going to actually type "Jezz's Neverending Story Story" but I thought it would sound rediculous :P


2 weeks later...

Alt, Chill and Pierce were watching TV in the main cave. Some sport was on. Pierce wasn't really paying attention. He was too busy waiting for Mary to come down, he'd made breakfast for her. Meanwhile, she was wandering the corridors of the NES, checking out all the rooms. They'd already picked their seperate bedrooms, but she was hoping she'd find a glorious big room to move into. So far she'd checked out every room in the north, east and west corridors. Now to go south. She wandered back down the corridor and nipped past the guys watching TV. Pierce jumped up and held out a plate of bacon.. or something that faintly looked like bacon. He wasn't that great at cooking, bless him. She slid past the plate mumbling "No thanks, ive eaten" and hurried off to the unchecked rooms. Pierce's face fell. He slumped on the sofa and ate the food himself. Chill patted him on the back and rolled his eyes at Alt. Alt silently laughed and fixed his eyes on the game.

Mary was confused. She'd come to the end of the corridor after finding nothing interesting. However, here are two doors that are locked. She tried the handles a couple of times but they wouldn't budge. She walked back down the passageway and asked Alt if he'd noticed those locked doors.
"Sorry Mary, i've never bothered checking them before. Didn't think they were that important."
Oh Alt, where's your sense of adventure? she thought. She grabbed the master keys that were hanging by the door.
"Do you mind if I try these?" She asked Alt.
He didn't mind. She went back and tried the first door with the keys. This took her about 5 minutes, there are over 30 different keys on that chain! She gave up on that door. The second door opened on the 16th key. She pushed it open, with great effort, as it is a huge wooden door.
The room inside was totally dark until she'd let the light flood in. Sitting on the floor, covering his face and shying away from the light was a guy.
Mary stared. Then her mouth slowly opened into a wide "o"
She almost screamed, "Dragonball05?!"

189 posts

why doesn't the key chain have a skeleton key? you know the one that works on every door..every house has that kinda key..usually :P

9,821 posts

@JereN: A key the size of a skeleton would be useless. Also, without muscles to control the bones, it would be impossible for teh skeleton key to open teh lock. Duh.

3,337 posts

Having a skeleton key would ruin the story!!!

So its a bunch of keys like a janitor would have.

Infact.. we probably have a janitor buried deep in the NES somewhere...

189 posts

ok mr. S N...did you know that when you write the word skeletonkey without the firefox give a suggestion SeaMonkey....
so what do we learn about this? hmm?
and no posting before you figure it out :P

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